README.rdoc in transitions-0.0.12 vs README.rdoc in transitions-0.0.13
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,31 @@
-== Travis Build Status {<img src=""/>}[]
+= Travis Build Status
-= What is transitions?
+{<img src=""/>}[]
-transitions is a ruby state machine implementation based on Rick Olson’s
-ActiveModel::StateMachine. It was extracted from ActiveModel and turned
-into a gem when it got the axe in commit {db49c706b}[].
+= Synopsis
-== Quick Example
+`transitions` is a ruby state machine implementation.
+= Installation
+== Rails
+This goes into your Gemfile:
+ gem "transitions", :require => ["transitions", "active_record/transitions"]
+… and this into your AR model:
+ include ActiveRecord::Transitions
+== Standalone
+ gem install transitions
+= Using transitions
require 'transitions'
class Product
include Transitions
@@ -28,10 +44,19 @@
transitions :to => :available, :from => [:out_of_stock], :guard => lambda { |product| product.in_stock > 0 }
+= Features
+== Events
+When you declare an event, say <tt>discontinue</tt>, two methods are declared for
+you: <tt>discontinue</tt> and <tt>discontinue!</tt>. Both events will call
+<tt>write_state_without_persistence</tt> on successful transition, but only the
+bang(!)-version will call <tt>write_state</tt>.
== Automatic scope generation
`transitions` will automatically generate scopes for you if you are using ActiveRecord and tell it to do so via the `auto_scopes` option:
Given a model like this:
@@ -68,11 +93,17 @@
event :discontinue, :success => :notfiy_admin do
transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock]
+In addition to just specify the method name on the record as a symbol you can pass a lambda to
+perfom some more complex success callbacks:
+ event :discontinue, :success => lambda { |order) AdminNotifier.notify_about_discontinued_order(order) } do
+ transitions :to => :discontinued, :from => [:available, :out_of_stock]
+ end
== Timestamps
If you'd like to note the time of a state change, Transitions comes with timestamps free!
To activate them, simply pass the :timestamp option to the event definition with a value of either true or
the name of the timestamp column.
@@ -87,54 +118,26 @@
# This will look for an attribute named repaired_on to update upon save
event :rebuild, :timestamp => :repaired_on do
transiions :from => :exploded, :to => :rebuilt
+== Listing all the available states
-== Using with Rails
+You can easily get a listing of all available states:
-This goes into your Gemfile:
+ Order.available_states # Uses the `default` state machine
+ # => [:pick_line_items, :picking_line_items]
- gem "transitions", :require => ["transitions", "active_record/transitions"]
+In case you have multiple state machines you can also pass the state machine name:
-… and this into your AR model:
+ Order.available_states(:your_machine)
- include ActiveRecord::Transitions
+= Documentation, Guides & Examples
-=== A note about persistence
-The property used to persist the models’ state is named <tt>state</tt> (really!),
-which should be a string column wide enough to fit your longest state name.
-It should also be mentioned that <tt>#save!</tt> is called after every successful event.
-== Event execution flow
-On an event, with our quick example product going from <tt>:available</tt> to
-<tt>:discontinued</tt> it looks like this:
-1. <tt>baby_ninja.discontinue!(:reason => :pirates)</tt>
-2. call <tt>:exit</tt> handler of <tt>:available</tt> state
-3. call <tt>:guard</tt> of <tt>:available to :discontinue</tt> transition within <tt>#discontinue</tt> event
-4. call <tt>#event_failed(:event)</tt> and abort unless <tt>3.</tt> returned <tt>true</tt>
-5. call <tt>:on_transition(:reason => :pirates)</tt> of <tt>:available to :discontinue</tt> transition within <tt>#discontinue</tt> event
-6. call <tt>:enter</tt> handler of <tt>:discontinue</tt>
-7. call <tt>#event_fired(:available, :discontinue)</tt>
-8. call <tt>#write_state(machine, :discontinue)</tt>
-9. call <tt>#write_state_without_persistence(machine, :discontinue)</tt>
-10. call <tt>baby_ninja#:success</tt> handler method of <tt>#discontinue</tt> event
-=== A note about events
-When you declare an event <tt>discontinue</tt>, two methods are declared for
-you: <tt>discontinue</tt> and <tt>discontinue!</tt>. Both events will call
-<tt>write_state_without_persistence</tt> on successful transition, but only the
-bang(!)-version will call <tt>write_state</tt>.
-== Documentation, Guides & Examples
- {Online API Documentation}[]
- Krzysiek Heród (aka {Netizer}[]) wrote a nice
{blog post}[]
about using Transitions in ActiveRecord.
-== Copyright
+= Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Jakub Kuźma, Timo Rößner. See LICENSE for details.