test/docs/nested_test.rb in trailblazer-2.0.7 vs test/docs/nested_test.rb in trailblazer-2.1.0.beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
#- nested operations
class Edit < Trailblazer::Operation
+ extend ClassDependencies
extend Contract::DSL
contract do
property :title
@@ -24,101 +25,67 @@
# step Nested( Edit ) #, "policy.default" => self["policy.create"]
class Update < Trailblazer::Operation
step Nested( Edit )
+ # step ->(options, **) { puts options.keys.inspect }
step Contract::Validate()
step Contract::Persist( method: :sync )
#:update end
- puts Update["pipetree"].inspect(style: :rows)
+ # puts Update["pipetree"].inspect(style: :rows)
# Edit allows grabbing model and contract
it do
- result = Edit.(id: 1)
+ result = Edit.(params: {id: 1})
- result["model"] #=> #<Song id=1, title=\"Bristol\">
+ result[:model] #=> #<Song id=1, title=\"Bristol\">
result["contract.default"] #=> #<Reform::Form ..>
#:edit-call end
- result.inspect("model").must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Bristol\">] >}
- result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result["model"]
+ result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Bristol\">] >}
+ result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result[:model]
+ it "provides all steps for Introspect" do
+ Trailblazer::Activity::Trace.compute_debug( Edit ).values.must_equal [{:id=>"model.build"}, {:id=>"contract.build"}]
+ Trailblazer::Activity::Trace.compute_debug( Update ).values.must_equal [{:id=>"Nested(DocsNestedOperationTest::Edit)"}, {:id=>"contract.default.validate"}, {:id=>"persist.save"}, {:id=>"model.build"}, {:id=>"contract.build"}, {:id=>"contract.default.params_extract"}, {:id=>"contract.default.call"}]
+ end
+#- test Edit circuit-level.
+it do
+ signal, (result, _) = Edit.__call__( [Trailblazer::Context( params: {id: 1} ), {}] )
+ result[:model].inspect.must_equal %{#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Bristol\">}
- # Update also allows grabbing model and contract
+ # Update also allows grabbing Edit/model and Edit/contract
it do
- result = Update.(id: 1, title: "Call It A Night")
+ result = Update.(params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"})
- result["model"] #=> #<Song id=1 , title=\"Call It A Night\">
+ result[:model] #=> #<Song id=1 , title=\"Call It A Night\">
result["contract.default"] #=> #<Reform::Form ..>
#:update-call end
- result.inspect("model").must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Call It A Night\">] >}
- result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result["model"]
+ result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Call It A Night\">] >}
+ result["contract.default"].model.must_equal result[:model]
# Edit is successful.
it do
- result = Update.({ id: 1, title: "Miami" }, "current_user" => Module)
- result.inspect("model").must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title="Miami">] >}
+ result = Update.(params: { id: 1, title: "Miami" }, current_user: Module)
+ result.inspect(:model).must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title="Miami">] >}
# Edit fails
it do
- Update.(id: 2).inspect("model").must_equal %{<Result:false [nil] >}
+ Update.(params: {id: 2}).inspect(:model).must_equal %{<Result:false [nil] >}
- #---
- #- shared data
- class B < Trailblazer::Operation
- success ->(options) { options["can.B.see.it?"] = options["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"] }
- success ->(options) { options["can.B.see.current_user?"] = options["current_user"] }
- success ->(options) { options["can.B.see.params?"] = options["params"] }
- success ->(options) { options["can.B.see.A.class.data?"] = options["A.class.data"] }
- end
- class A < Trailblazer::Operation
- self["A.class.data"] = true
- success ->(options) { options["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"] = true }
- step Nested( B )
- end
- # mutual data from A doesn't bleed into B.
- it { A.()["can.B.see.it?"].must_equal nil }
- it { A.()["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"].must_equal true }
- # runtime dependencies are visible in B.
- it { A.({}, "current_user" => Module)["can.B.see.current_user?"].must_equal Module }
- it { A.({ a: 1 })["can.B.see.params?"].must_equal({ a: 1 }) }
- # class data from A doesn't bleed into B.
- it { A.()["can.B.see.A.class.data?"].must_equal nil }
- # cr_result = Create.({}, "result" => result)
- # puts cr_result["model"]
- # puts cr_result["contract.default"]
- #---
- #- Nested( .., input: )
- class C < Trailblazer::Operation
- self["C.class.data"] = true
- success ->(options) { options["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"] = true }
- step Nested( B, input: ->(options, runtime_data:, mutable_data:, **) {
- runtime_data.merge( "this.should.not.be.visible.in.B" => mutable_data["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"] )
- } )
- end
- it { C.()["can.B.see.it?"].must_equal true }
- it { C.()["this.should.not.be.visible.in.B"].must_equal true } # this IS visible since we use :input!
- it { C.({}, "current_user" => Module)["can.B.see.current_user?"].must_equal Module }
- it { C.()["can.B.see.A.class.data?"].must_equal nil }
class NestedInput < Minitest::Spec
class Multiplier < Trailblazer::Operation
@@ -126,121 +93,86 @@
#:input-multiply end
class MultiplyByPi < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 }
- step Nested( Multiplier, input: ->(options, mutable_data:, runtime_data:, **) do
- { "y" => mutable_data["pi_constant"],
- "x" => runtime_data["x"] }
+ step ->(options, **) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 }
+ step Nested( Multiplier, input: ->(options, **) do
+ { "y" => options["pi_constant"],
+ "x" => options["x"]
+ }
end )
#:input-pi end
- it { MultiplyByPi.({}, "x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{<Result:true [28.27431] >} }
+ it { MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{<Result:true [28.27431] >} }
it do
- result = MultiplyByPi.({}, "x" => 9)
+ result = MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9)
result["product"] #=> [28.27431]
#:input-result end
class NestedInputCallable < Minitest::Spec
Multiplier = NestedInput::Multiplier
class MyInput
- extend Uber::Callable
- def self.call(options, mutable_data:, runtime_data:, **)
+ def self.call(options, **)
- "y" => mutable_data["pi_constant"],
- "x" => runtime_data["x"]
+ "y" => options["pi_constant"],
+ "x" => options["x"]
#:input-callable end
class MultiplyByPi < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 }
+ step ->(options, **) { options["pi_constant"] = 3.14159 }
step Nested( Multiplier, input: MyInput )
#:input-callable-op end
- it { MultiplyByPi.({}, "x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{<Result:true [28.27431] >} }
+ it { MultiplyByPi.("x" => 9).inspect("product").must_equal %{<Result:true [28.27431] >} }
#- Nested( .., output: )
class NestedOutput < Minitest::Spec
Edit = DocsNestedOperationTest::Edit
class Update < Trailblazer::Operation
- step Nested( Edit, output: ->(options, mutable_data:, **) do
+ step Nested( Edit, output: ->(options, **) do
- "contract.my" => mutable_data["contract.default"],
- "model" => mutable_data["model"]
+ "contract.my" => options["contract.default"],
+ model: options[:model]
end )
step Contract::Validate( name: "my" )
step Contract::Persist( method: :sync, name: "my" )
#:output end
- it { Update.( id: 1, title: "Call It A Night" ).inspect("model", "contract.default").must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Call It A Night\">, nil] >} }
+ it { Update.( params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"} ).inspect(:model, "contract.default").
+ must_equal %{<Result:true [#<struct DocsNestedOperationTest::Song id=1, title=\"Call It A Night\">, nil] >} }
it do
- result = Update.( id: 1, title: "Call It A Night" )
+ result = Update.( params: {id: 1, title: "Call It A Night"} )
- result["model"] #=> #<Song id=1 , title=\"Call It A Night\">
+ result[:model] #=> #<Song id=1 , title=\"Call It A Night\">
-class NestedClassLevelTest < Minitest::Spec
- #:class-level
- class New < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options) { options["class"] = true }, before: "operation.new"
- step ->(options) { options["x"] = true }
- end
- class Create < Trailblazer::Operation
- step Nested( New )
- step ->(options) { options["y"] = true }
- end
- #:class-level end
- it { Create.().inspect("x", "y").must_equal %{<Result:true [true, true] >} }
- it { Create.(); Create["class"].must_equal nil }
# Nested( ->{} )
class NestedWithCallableTest < Minitest::Spec
Song = Struct.new(:id, :title)
- class X < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options, params:, **) { options["params.original"] = params }
- step ->(options) { options["x"] = true }
- end
- class Y < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options) { options["y"] = true }
- end
- class A < Trailblazer::Operation
- step ->(options) { options["z"] = true }
- step Nested( ->(options, *) { options["class"] } )
- end
- it { A.({ a: 1 }, "class" => X).inspect("x", "y", "z", "params.original").must_equal "<Result:true [true, nil, true, {:a=>1}] >" }
- it { A.({}, "class" => Y).inspect("x", "y", "z").must_equal "<Result:true [nil, true, true] >" }
- # it { Create.({}).inspect("x", "y", "z").must_equal "<Result:true [nil, true, true] >" }
class Song
module Contract
class Create < Reform::Form
property :title
@@ -275,26 +207,26 @@
let (:admin) { User.new(true) }
let (:anonymous) { User.new(false) }
- it { Create.({}, "current_user" => anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
- it { Create.({}, "current_user" => admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
+ it { Create.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
+ it { Create.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
class Update < Trailblazer::Operation
step Nested( :build! )
def build!(options, current_user:nil, **)
- current_user.admin? ? Create::Admin : Create::NeedsModeration
+ current_user.admin? ? Create::Admin : Create::NeedsModeration
#:method end
- it { Update.({}, "current_user" => anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
- it { Update.({}, "current_user" => admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
+ it { Update.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
+ it { Update.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
class MyBuilder
extend Uber::Callable
@@ -310,12 +242,12 @@
step Nested( MyBuilder )
# ..
#:callable end
- it { Delete.({}, "current_user" => anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
- it { Delete.({}, "current_user" => admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
+ it { Delete.(params: {}, current_user: anonymous).inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [true] >} }
+ it { Delete.(params: {}, current_user: admin) .inspect("x").must_equal %{<Result:true [nil] >} }
# builder: Nested + deviate to left if nil / skip_track if true
@@ -328,7 +260,7 @@
step Nested( Present )
# ...
- it { Create["pipetree"].inspect.must_equal %{[>operation.new,>Nested(NestedNameTest::Create::Present)]} }
+ it { Operation::Inspect.(Create).must_equal %{[>>Nested(NestedNameTest::Create::Present)]} }