lib/trailblazer/operation/pipetree.rb in trailblazer-operation-0.0.4 vs lib/trailblazer/operation/pipetree.rb in trailblazer-operation-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -2,21 +2,22 @@
require "pipetree/flow"
require "trailblazer/operation/result"
require "uber/option"
class Trailblazer::Operation
- New = ->(klass, options) { } # returns operation instance.
- Process = ->(operation, options) { operation.process(options["params"]) }
+ New = ->(klass, options) { } # returns operation instance.
+ # Implements the API to populate the operation's pipetree and
+ # `Operation::call` to invoke the latter.
module Pipetree
def self.included(includer)
includer.extend ClassMethods # ::call, ::inititalize_pipetree!
includer.extend DSL # ::|, ::> and friends.
- includer.>> New, name: ""
+ includer.>> New, name: "", wrap: false
module ClassMethods
# Top-level, this method is called when you do Create.() and where
# all the fun starts, ends, and hopefully starts again.
@@ -45,13 +46,31 @@
def >(*args); _insert(:>, *args) end
def &(*args); _insert(:&, *args) end
def <(*args); _insert(:<, *args) end
# :private:
+ # High-level user step API that allows ->(options) procs.
def _insert(operator, proc, options={})
heritage.record(:_insert, operator, proc, options)
- self["pipetree"].send(operator, Uber::Option[proc], options) # ex: pipetree.> Validate, after: Model::Build
+ # proc = Uber::Option[proc]
+ _proc =
+ if options[:wrap] == false
+ proc
+ elsif proc.is_a? Symbol
+ options[:name] ||= proc
+ ->(input, _options) { input.send(proc, _options) }
+ elsif proc.is_a? Proc
+ options[:name] ||= "#{}:#{proc.source_location.last}" if proc.is_a? Proc
+ # ->(input, options) { proc.(**options) }
+ ->(input, _options) { proc.(_options) }
+ elsif proc.is_a? Uber::Callable
+ options[:name] ||= proc.class
+ ->(input, _options) { proc.(_options) }
+ end
+ self["pipetree"].send(operator, _proc, options) # ex: pipetree.> Validate, after: Model::Build
def ~(cfg)
heritage.record(:~, cfg)
@@ -69,9 +88,11 @@
self.> cfg, user_options # calls heritage.record
# Try to abstract as much as possible from the imported module. This is for
# forward-compatibility.
+ # Note that Import#call will push the step directly on the pipetree which gives it the
+ # low-level (input, options) interface.
Import =, :user_options) do
def call(operator, step, options)
operation["pipetree"].send operator, step, options.merge(user_options)