lib/trailblazer/macro/nested.rb in trailblazer-macro-2.1.11 vs lib/trailblazer/macro/nested.rb in trailblazer-macro-2.1.12
- old
+ new
@@ -1,111 +1,173 @@
-# per default, everything we pass into a circuit is immutable. it's the ops/act's job to allow writing (via a Context)
module Trailblazer
module Macro
# {Nested} macro.
- def self.Nested(callable, id: "Nested(#{callable})", auto_wire: [])
+ # DISCUSS: rename auto_wire => static
+ def self.Nested(callable, id: Macro.id_for(callable, macro: :Nested, hint: callable), auto_wire: [])
+ # Warn developers when they confuse Nested with Subprocess (for simple nesting, without a dynamic decider).
if callable.is_a?(Class) && callable < Nested.operation_class
- caller_location = caller_locations(2, 1)[0]
- warn "[Trailblazer]#{caller_location.absolute_path}: " \
- "Using the `Nested()` macro with operations and activities is deprecated. " \
- "Replace `Nested(#{callable})` with `Subprocess(#{callable})`."
+ caller_locations = caller_locations(1, 2)
+ caller_location = caller_locations[0].to_s =~ /forwardable/ ? caller_locations[1] : caller_locations[0]
+ Activity::Deprecate.warn caller_location,
+ "Using the `Nested()` macro without a dynamic decider is deprecated.\n" \
+ "To simply nest an activity or operation, replace `Nested(#{callable})` with `Subprocess(#{callable})`.\n" \
+ "Check the Subprocess API docs to learn more about nesting:"
return Activity::Railway.Subprocess(callable)
- task, outputs, compute_legacy_return_signal = Nested.Dynamic(callable, auto_wire: auto_wire)
+ task =
+ if auto_wire.any?
+ Nested.Static(callable, id: id, auto_wire: auto_wire)
+ else # no {auto_wire}
+ Nested.Dynamic(callable, id: id)
+ end
+ # |-- Nested.compute_nested_activity...Trailblazer::Macro::Nested::Decider
+ # `-- task_wrap.call_task..............Method
merge = [
- [task, id: "Nested.compute_nested_activity", prepend: "task_wrap.call_task"],
+ [, id: "Nested.compute_nested_activity", prepend: "task_wrap.call_task"],
- if compute_legacy_return_signal
- merge << [compute_legacy_return_signal, id: "Nested.compute_return_signal", append: "task_wrap.call_task"]
- end
task_wrap_extension = Activity::TaskWrap::Extension(*merge))
- {
- task: task,
+ Activity::Railway.Subprocess(task).merge( # FIXME: allow this directly in Subprocess
id: id,
extensions: [task_wrap_extension],
- outputs: outputs,
- }
+ )
# @private
- module Nested
- def self.operation_class
- Operation
+ # @api private The internals here are considered private and might change in the near future.
+ #
+ # We don't need to override {} here to prevent {:exec_context} from being changed.
+ # The decider is run in the taskWrap before the {Nested} subclass is actually called.
+ class Nested < Trailblazer::Activity::Railway
+ def self.operation_class # TODO: remove once we don't need the deprecation anymore.
+ Trailblazer::Activity::DSL::Linear::Strategy
- # For dynamic `Nested`s that do not expose an {Activity} interface.
- #
- # Dynamic doesn't automatically connect outputs of runtime {Activity}
- # at compile time (as we don't know which activity will be nested, obviously).
- # So by default, it only connects good old success/failure ends. But it is also
- # possible to connect all the ends of all possible dynamic activities
- # by passing their list to {:auto_wire} option.
- #
- # step Nested(:compute_nested, auto_wire: [Create, Update])
- def self.Dynamic(nested_activity_decider, auto_wire:)
- if auto_wire.empty?
- is_legacy = true # no auto_wire means we need to compute the legacy return signal.
- auto_wire = []
+ # TaskWrap step to run the decider.
+ # It's part of the API that the decider sees the original ctx.
+ # So this has to be placed in tW because we this step needs to be run *before* In() filters
+ # to resemble the behavior from pre 2.1.12.
+ class Decider
+ def initialize(nested_activity_decider)
+ @nested_activity_decider = Activity::Circuit.Step(nested_activity_decider, option: true)
- outputs = outputs_for(auto_wire)
- task =
- compute_legacy_return_signal = if is_legacy
+ # TaskWrap API.
+ def call(wrap_ctx, original_args)
+ (ctx, flow_options), original_circuit_options = original_args
- return task, outputs, compute_legacy_return_signal
+ # FIXME: allow calling a Step task without the Binary decision (in Activity::TaskAdapter).
+ nested_activity, _ = @nested_activity_decider.([ctx, flow_options], **original_circuit_options) # no TaskWrap::Runner because we shall not trace!
+ new_flow_options = flow_options.merge(
+ decision: nested_activity
+ )
+ return wrap_ctx, [[ctx, new_flow_options], original_circuit_options]
+ end
- # Go through the list of all possible nested activities and compile the total sum of possible outputs.
- # @private
- def self.outputs_for(activities)
- do |activity|
- Activity::Railway.Subprocess(activity)[:outputs]
- end.inject(:merge)
+ # Dynamic is without auto_wire where we don't even know what *could* be the actual
+ # nested activity until it's runtime.
+ def self.Dynamic(decider, id:)
+ _task = do
+ step task: Dynamic.method(:call_dynamic_nested_activity),
+ id: :call_dynamic_nested_activity
+ end
class Dynamic
- def initialize(nested_activity_decider)
- @nested_activity_decider = Trailblazer::Option(nested_activity_decider)
- end
+ SUCCESS_SEMANTICS = [:success, :pass_fast] # TODO: make this injectable/or get it from operation.
- # TaskWrap step.
- def call(wrap_ctx, original_args)
- (ctx, _), original_circuit_options = original_args
+ def self.call_dynamic_nested_activity((ctx, flow_options), runner:, **circuit_options)
+ nested_activity = flow_options[:decision]
+ original_flow_options = flow_options.slice(*(flow_options.keys - [:decision]))
- # TODO: evaluate the option to get the actual "object" to call.
- activity = @nested_activity_decider.(ctx, keyword_arguments: ctx.to_hash, **original_circuit_options)
+ host_activity = Dynamic.host_activity_for(activity: nested_activity)
- # Overwrite :task so task_wrap.call_task will call this activity.
- # This is a taskWrap trick so we don't have to repeat logic from #call_task here.
- wrap_ctx[:task] = activity
+ # TODO: make activity here that has only one step (plus In and Out config) which is {nested_activity}
- return wrap_ctx, original_args
+ return_signal, (ctx, flow_options) = runner.(
+ nested_activity,
+ [ctx, original_flow_options], # pass {flow_options} without a {:decision}.
+ runner: runner,
+ **circuit_options,
+ activity: host_activity
+ )
+ return compute_legacy_return_signal(return_signal), [ctx, flow_options]
- # TODO: remove me when we make {:auto_wire} mandatory.
- class ComputeLegacyReturnSignal
- SUCCESS_SEMANTICS = [:success, :pass_fast] # TODO: make this injectable/or get it from operation.
+ def self.compute_legacy_return_signal(return_signal)
+ actual_semantic = return_signal.to_h[:semantic]
+ applied_signal = SUCCESS_SEMANTICS.include?(actual_semantic) ? Activity::Right : Activity::Left # TODO: we could also provide PassFast/FailFast.
+ end
- def initialize(outputs)
- @outputs = outputs # not needed for auto_wire!
- end
+ # This is used in Nested and Each where some tasks don't have a corresponding, hard-wired
+ # activity. This is needed for {TaskWrap.invoke} and the Debugging API in tracing.
+ # @private
+ def self.host_activity_for(activity:)
+ Activity::TaskWrap.container_activity_for(
+ activity,
+ nodes: [, nil, activity)],
+ )
+ end
- def call(wrap_ctx, original_args)
- actual_semantic = wrap_ctx[:return_signal].to_h[:semantic]
- applied_semantic = SUCCESS_SEMANTICS.include?(actual_semantic) ? :success : :failure
+ end
- wrap_ctx[:return_signal] = @outputs.fetch(applied_semantic).signal
+ # Code to handle [:auto_wire]. This is called "static" as you configure the possible activities at
+ # compile-time. This is the recommended way.
+ #
+ # TODO: allow configuring Output of Nested per internal nested activity, e.g.
+ # step Nested(.., Id3Tag => {Output(:invalid_metadata) => ...}
+ # this will help when semantics overlap.
+ #
+ def self.Static(decider, id:, auto_wire:)
+ decider_outputs = auto_wire.collect do |activity|
+ [Activity::Railway.Output(activity, "decision:#{activity}"), Activity::Railway.Track(activity)]
+ end.to_h
- return wrap_ctx, original_args
+ _task = do
+ step(
+ {
+ task: Static.method(:return_route_signal),
+ id: :route_to_nested_activity, # returns the {nested_activity} signal
+ }.merge(decider_outputs)
+ )
+ auto_wire.each do |activity|
+ activity_step = Subprocess(activity)
+ outputs = activity_step[:outputs]
+ # TODO: detect if we have two identical "special" termini.
+ output_wirings = outputs.collect do |semantic, output|
+ [Output(semantic), End(semantic)] # this will add a new termins to this activity.
+ end.to_h
+ # Each nested activity is a Subprocess.
+ # They have Output(semantic) => End(semantic) for each of their termini.
+ step activity_step,
+ {magnetic_to: activity}.merge(output_wirings)
+ # failure and success are wired to respective termini of {nesting_activity}.
- end # ComputeLegacyReturnSignal
+ end
- end
+ module Static
+ def self.return_route_signal((ctx, flow_options), **circuit_options)
+ nested_activity = flow_options[:decision] # we use the decision class as a signal.
+ original_flow_options = flow_options.slice(*(flow_options.keys - [:decision]))
+ return nested_activity, [ctx, original_flow_options]
+ end
+ end
+ end # Nested