in trafficlogger-1.1.0 vs in trafficlogger-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -51,12 +51,10 @@
- You are all set!
## Dependencies
- - Ruby 1.9.3+
- - Rails 3.2.13
- - will_paginate
-### ToDo
- Porting this for Rails 2.x is not difficult as only few scope conditions at model level needs to changed ; which are for Rails 3 but does not work for Rails 2, feel free to fork it and contribute for Rails 2.x platforms, also it should work on Ruby 1.8.7+
+ - Ruby 1.9.2+ possibly 1.8.7(you will need to fork it and modiy to test on 1.8.7)
+ - Rails 3.2.x
+ - will_paginate 3.0.x
+ - jquery-ui-rails 4.0.x
+ - jQuery 1.10 is included as part of assets in Trafficlogger, so if your app uses .live function anywhere kindly replace .live function which has been deprecated since jQuery 1.7+
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