test/helper.rb in tracksperanto-2.8.6 vs test/helper.rb in tracksperanto-2.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
require "rubygems"
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/tracksperanto' unless defined?(Tracksperanto)
require 'test/unit'
require 'flexmock'
require 'flexmock/test_unit'
@@ -28,80 +29,73 @@
# export_parabolics_with(my_exporter)
# The tracker residual will degrade linarly and wll be "good" at the first image, "medium" at the extreme
# and "bad" at end
module ParabolicTracks
- x_uv_chain = [
- -1.0, -0.9, -0.8, -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0,
- 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0
- ]
- def self.uv_to_abs(uv_x, uv_y, w, h)
- x_wt = w.to_f / 2.0
- y_wt = h.to_f / 2.0
- [(uv_x + 1) * x_wt, ((uv_y) * y_wt) * 2]
+ FIRST_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "Parabolic_1_from_top_left") do |t|
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 0, :abs_x => 0.00000, :abs_y => 1080.00000, :residual => 0.00000)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 1, :abs_x => 96.00000, :abs_y => 874.80000, :residual => 0.04762)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 2, :abs_x => 192.00000, :abs_y => 691.20000, :residual => 0.09524)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 3, :abs_x => 288.00000, :abs_y => 529.20000, :residual => 0.14286)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 4, :abs_x => 384.00000, :abs_y => 388.80000, :residual => 0.19048)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 5, :abs_x => 480.00000, :abs_y => 270.00000, :residual => 0.23810)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 6, :abs_x => 576.00000, :abs_y => 172.80000, :residual => 0.28571)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 7, :abs_x => 672.00000, :abs_y => 97.20000, :residual => 0.33333)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 8, :abs_x => 768.00000, :abs_y => 43.20000, :residual => 0.38095)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 9, :abs_x => 864.00000, :abs_y => 10.80000, :residual => 0.42857)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 12, :abs_x => 1152.00000, :abs_y => 43.20000, :residual => 0.57143)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 13, :abs_x => 1248.00000, :abs_y => 97.20000, :residual => 0.61905)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 14, :abs_x => 1344.00000, :abs_y => 172.80000, :residual => 0.66667)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 15, :abs_x => 1440.00000, :abs_y => 270.00000, :residual => 0.71429)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 16, :abs_x => 1536.00000, :abs_y => 388.80000, :residual => 0.76190)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 17, :abs_x => 1632.00000, :abs_y => 529.20000, :residual => 0.80952)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 18, :abs_x => 1728.00000, :abs_y => 691.20000, :residual => 0.85714)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 19, :abs_x => 1824.00000, :abs_y => 874.80000, :residual => 0.90476)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 20, :abs_x => 1920.00000, :abs_y => 1080.00000, :residual => 0.95238)
- from_uv = lambda do | coordinate, dimension |
- dimension_part = dimension / 2
- (coordinate + 1.0) * dimension_part
+ SECOND_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "Parabolic_2_from_bottom_right") do |t|
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 0, :abs_x => 1920.00000, :abs_y => 0.00000, :residual => 0.00000)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 1, :abs_x => 1824.00000, :abs_y => 205.20000, :residual => 0.04762)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 2, :abs_x => 1728.00000, :abs_y => 388.80000, :residual => 0.09524)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 3, :abs_x => 1632.00000, :abs_y => 550.80000, :residual => 0.14286)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 4, :abs_x => 1536.00000, :abs_y => 691.20000, :residual => 0.19048)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 5, :abs_x => 1440.00000, :abs_y => 810.00000, :residual => 0.23810)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 6, :abs_x => 1344.00000, :abs_y => 907.20000, :residual => 0.28571)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 7, :abs_x => 1248.00000, :abs_y => 982.80000, :residual => 0.33333)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 8, :abs_x => 1152.00000, :abs_y => 1036.80000, :residual => 0.38095)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 9, :abs_x => 1056.00000, :abs_y => 1069.20000, :residual => 0.42857)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 12, :abs_x => 768.00000, :abs_y => 1036.80000, :residual => 0.57143)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 13, :abs_x => 672.00000, :abs_y => 982.80000, :residual => 0.61905)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 14, :abs_x => 576.00000, :abs_y => 907.20000, :residual => 0.66667)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 15, :abs_x => 480.00000, :abs_y => 810.00000, :residual => 0.71429)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 16, :abs_x => 384.00000, :abs_y => 691.20000, :residual => 0.76190)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 17, :abs_x => 288.00000, :abs_y => 550.80000, :residual => 0.80952)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 18, :abs_x => 192.00000, :abs_y => 388.80000, :residual => 0.85714)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 19, :abs_x => 96.00000, :abs_y => 205.20000, :residual => 0.90476)
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 20, :abs_x => 0.00000, :abs_y => 0.00000, :residual => 0.95238)
- tuples_for_tracker_1 = x_uv_chain.inject([]) do | tuples_m, x_value |
- tuples_m << [tuples_m.length, x_value, x_value ** 2]
+ SINGLE_FRAME_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "SingleFrame") do |t|
+ t.keyframe!(:frame => 0, :abs_x => 970.00000, :abs_y => 550.00000, :residual => 0.00000)
- tuples_for_tracker_2 = tuples_for_tracker_1.map do | tuple |
- [tuple[0], tuple[1], (tuple[2] * -1) + 1]
- end
- tuples_for_tracker_2.reverse!
- tuples_for_tracker_2.each_with_index do | t, i |
- t[0] = i
- end
- residual_unit = 1.0 / x_uv_chain.length
- SKIPS = [10,11]
- FIRST_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "Parabolic_1_from_top_left") do | t |
- tuples_for_tracker_1.each do | (f, x, y )|
- ax, ay = uv_to_abs(x, y, 1920, 1080)
- unless SKIPS.include?(f)
- t.keyframe!(:frame => f, :abs_x => ax, :abs_y => ay, :residual => (f * residual_unit))
- end
- end
- end
- SECOND_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "Parabolic_2_from_bottom_right") do | t |
- tuples_for_tracker_2.each do | (f, x, y )|
- ax, ay = uv_to_abs(x, y, 1920, 1080)
- unless SKIPS.include?(f)
- t.keyframe!(:frame => f, :abs_x => ax, :abs_y => ay, :residual => (f * residual_unit))
- end
- end
- end
- SINGLE_FRAME_TRACK = Tracksperanto::Tracker.new(:name => "SingleFrame") do | t |
- t.keyframe! :frame => 0, :abs_x => (1920/2) + 10, :abs_y => (1080/2)+10, :residual => 0
- end
def create_reference_output(exporter_klass, ref_path)
File.open(ref_path, "w") do | io |
x = exporter_klass.new(io)
yield(x) if block_given?
def assert_same_buffer(ref_buffer, actual_buffer, message = "The line should be identical")
[ref_buffer, actual_buffer].each{|io| io.rewind }
- at_line = 0
- until ref_buffer.eof? && actual_buffer.eof?
- at_line += 1
- reference_line, output_line = ref_buffer.readline, actual_buffer.readline
- assert_equal reference_line, output_line, "Line #{at_line} - #{message}"
- end
+ # There are subtle differences in how IO is handled on dfferent platforms (Darwin)
+ ref_buffer, actual_buffer = ref_buffer.read, actual_buffer.read
+ assert_equal ref_buffer, actual_buffer
def ensure_same_output(exporter_klass, reference_path, message = "The line should be identical")
io = StringIO.new
x = exporter_klass.new(io)
@@ -120,6 +114,6 @@
-end unless defined?(ParabolicTracks)
\ No newline at end of file
+end unless defined?(ParabolicTracks)