lib/tracksperanto/zip_tuples.rb in tracksperanto-1.6.4 vs lib/tracksperanto/zip_tuples.rb in tracksperanto-1.6.5
- old
+ new
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@
# The first value of each tuple will be the frame number
# and keyframes which are not present in all arrays will be discarded. For example:
# zip_curve_tuples( [[0, 12], [1, 23]], [[1, 12]]) #=> [[1, 23, 12]]
+ # We make use of the fact that setting an offset index in an array fills it with nils up to
+ # the index inserted
def zip_curve_tuples(*curves)
- tuples = []
- curves.each do | curve |
- curve.each do | keyframe |
- frame, value = keyframe
- tuples[frame] ? tuples[frame].push(value) : (tuples[frame] = [frame, value])
+ tuples = curves.inject([]) do | tuples, curve_of_at_and_value |
+ curve_of_at_and_value.each do | frame, value |
+ tuples[frame] = tuples[frame] ? (tuples[frame] << value) : [frame, value]
+ tuples
- tuples.compact.reject{|e| e.length < (curves.length + 1) }
+ tuples.reject{|e| e.nil? || (e.length < (curves.length + 1)) }
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