bin/tracksperanto in tracksperanto-1.5.2 vs bin/tracksperanto in tracksperanto-1.5.3
- old
+ new
@@ -28,11 +28,14 @@
readers = Tracksperanto.importer_names
parser = do | p |
p.banner = "Usage: tracksperanto -f ShakeScript -w 1920 -h 1080 /Films/Blockbuster/Shots/001/script.shk"
+ p.on("--code PATH_TO_SCRIPT", String, "Load custom Ruby code into tracksperanto") {|c|
+ require c
+ }
p.on(" -f", "--from TRANSLATOR", String,
- "Use the specific import translator (will try to autodetect, but can be #{readers.join(', ')})") do | f |
+ "Use the specific import translator (will try to autodetect, but can be #{Tracksperanto.importer_names.join(', ')})") do | f |
reader_klass = Tracksperanto::Import.const_get(f)
rescue NameError => e
reader_list = readers.join("\n\t")
STDERR.puts "Unknown reader #{f.inspect}, available readers:\n\t#{readers.join(', ')}"
\ No newline at end of file