tracks/perl6/exercises/clock/.meta/exercise-data.yaml in trackler- vs tracks/perl6/exercises/clock/.meta/exercise-data.yaml in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
exercise: Clock
-version: 2
-methods: time add-minutes
-plan: 52
+version: 3
+methods: time add-minutes subtract-minutes
+plan: 53
tests: |-
- for $c-data<cases>»<cases>».Array.flat -> %case {
+ for $c-data<cases>»<cases>»<>.flat -> %case {
given %case<property> {
when 'create' {
- is Clock.?new( |%(.<hour minute>:p) ).?time, |.<expected description> given %case;
+ is Clock.?new( |%(.<input><hour minute>:p) ).?time, |.<expected description> given %case;
- when 'add' {
+ when 'add'|'subtract' {
given %case {
- my $clock = Clock.?new: |%(.<hour minute>:p);
- $clock.?add-minutes: .<add>;
+ my $clock = Clock.?new: |%(.<input><hour minute>:p);
+ $clock.?add-minutes: .<input><value> if .<property> eq 'add';
+ $clock.?subtract-minutes: .<input><value> if .<property> eq 'subtract';
is $clock.?time, |.<expected description>;
when 'equal' {
is-deeply ([eq] gather {
- take Clock.?new( |%(.<hour minute>:p) ).?time for %case<clock1 clock2>;
+ take Clock.?new( |%(.<hour minute>:p) ).?time for %case<input><clock1 clock2>;
}), |%case<expected description>;
- when %*ENV<EXERCISM>.so { bail-out "no case for property '%case<property>'" }
- todo 'optional test' unless %*ENV<EXERCISM>;
is Clock.?new(:0hour,:0minute).?add-minutes(65).?time, '01:05', 'add-minutes method can be chained';
+ is Clock.?new(:0hour,:0minute).?subtract-minutes(65).?time, '22:55', 'subtract-minutes method can be chained';
unit: class
example: |-
has Int:D $.hour = 0;
has Int:D $.minute = 0;
@@ -36,9 +36,13 @@
sprintf '%02d:%02d', ($!hour + $!minute div 60) % 24, $!minute % 60;
method add-minutes (Int:D $min) {
$!minute += $min and return self;
+ }
+ method subtract-minutes (Int:D $min) {
+ self.add-minutes(-$min);
stub: |-
has $.hour;
has $.minute;