tracks/perl6/exercises/bob/example.yaml in trackler- vs tracks/perl6/exercises/bob/example.yaml in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -16,5 +16,29 @@
version_test_comment: "If the exercise is updated, we want to make sure other people testing\nyour code don't think you've made a mistake if things have changed!"
methods_comment: "Check that the class 'Bob' can use all of the methods\nneeded in the tests (only 'hey' for this one)."
cdata_test_comment: Ignore this for your exercise! Tells Exercism folks when exercise cases become out of date.
done_testing_comment: There are no more tests after this :)
INIT_comment: "'INIT' is a phaser, it makes sure that the test data is available before everything else\nstarts running (otherwise we'd have to shove the test data into the middle of the file!)"
+unit: class
+unit_comment: |
+ #`[
+ Declare class 'Bob' with version and unit-scope the class
+ i.e. everything in this file is part of 'Bob'.
+ ]
+example: |
+ method hey ($msg) {
+ given $msg.trim {
+ when !* { 'Fine. Be that way!' }
+ when /<:Upper>/ and $_.uc eq * { 'Whoa, chill out!' }
+ when /'?'$/ { 'Sure.' }
+ default { 'Whatever.' }
+ }
+ }
+stub: |
+ method hey ($msg) {
+ #`[
+ Remove the comments and write some code here to pass the test suite.
+ You can experiment with the code outside of this block,
+ but no changes are needed for the test suite to pass.
+ ]
+ }