tracks/perl6/exercises/all-your-base/example.yaml in trackler- vs tracks/perl6/exercises/all-your-base/example.yaml in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,73 +1,53 @@
exercise: AllYourBase
-version: 2
+version: 3
plan: 23
imports: '&convert-base'
tests: |-
+ for $c-data<cases>.values -> $case {
+ sub call-convert-base {
+ convert-base(
+ bases => %(<from to> Z=> .<input_base output_base>),
+ digits => .<input_digits>,
+ ) given $case;
+ }
- for @($c-data<cases>) -> $case {
- if $case<expected> ~~ Array:D { test }
- else {
- given $case<description> {
- when 'empty list' { test [] }
- when /base|digit/ { throws-like {call-convert-base}, Exception, $_ }
- when /zero/ {
- when 'leading zeros' { test [4,2] }
- default { test [0] }
- }
- flunk "$_; not tested" if %*ENV<EXERCISM>; # To ensure that no canonical-data cases are missed.
+ given $case {
+ if .<expected><error> {
+ throws-like {call-convert-base}, Exception, .<description>;
+ else {
+ cmp-ok call-convert-base, ‘~~’, |.<expected description>;
+ }
- sub test (Array:D $expected = $case<expected>) {
- is-deeply call-convert-base, $expected, $case<description>
- }
- sub call-convert-base { convert-base(|$case<input_base input_digits output_base>) }
unit: module
example: |-
- class X::AllYourBase::InvalidBase is Exception {
- has $.payload;
- method message {"$!payload is not a valid base."}
+ sub convert-base (
+ :%bases! where all(.keys ~~ <from to>.Set, .values.all > 1),
+ :@digits! where %bases<from> > .all ~~ UInt:D,
+ --> Array[UInt:D]
+ ) is export {
+ from-decimal %bases<to>, to-decimal(%bases<from>, @digits);
- class X::AllYourBase::InvalidDigit is Exception {
- has %.payload;
- method message {"%!payload<digit> is not a valid digit for base %!payload<base>."}
- }
- sub convert-base (Int:D $input-base, @input-digits, Int:D $output-base --> Array:D) is export {
- for $input-base, $output-base {
- => $_).throw if $_ < 2;
- }
- from-decimal($output-base, (to-decimal $input-base, @input-digits));
- }
sub to-decimal ($input-base, @input-digits) {
- return [].Slip if !@input-digits;
my $elems = @input-digits.elems;
- for @input-digits {
- if $_ == 0 { $elems-- }
- else { last }
- }
- my $dec = 0;
- loop (my $i = 0; $i < $elems; $i++) {
- if @input-digits.reverse[$i] < 0 || @input-digits.reverse[$i] >= $input-base {
- :payload(base => $input-base, digit => @input-digits.reverse[$i]) ).throw;
- }
- $dec += @input-digits.reverse[$i] * $input-base ** $i;
- }
- return $dec;
+ $_ == 0 ?? $elems-- !! last for @input-digits;
+ (loop (my $i = 0; $i < $elems; $i++) {
+ @input-digits.reverse[$i] * $input-base ** $i;
+ }).sum;
- sub from-decimal ($output-base, $dec) {
- my @output-digits;
- my $num = $dec;
+ sub from-decimal ($output-base, $num is copy) {
+ my UInt:D @output-digits;
while $num >= $output-base {
unshift @output-digits, $num % $output-base;
$num div= $output-base;
- unshift @output-digits, $num;
- return @output-digits;
+ @output-digits.unshift: $num;
+ }
+stub: |-
+ sub convert-base (:%bases!, :@digits!) is export {