tracks/ocaml/exercises/rectangles/ in trackler- vs tracks/ocaml/exercises/rectangles/ in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
type position = Start | UpperSide | RightSide | LowerSide | LeftSide
let count_rectangles pic =
let maxY = Array.length pic in
let maxX = if maxY > 0 then String.length pic.(0) else 0 in
- let rec go count x y xStart yStart pos =
+ let rec go x y xStart yStart pos =
let on_side_fn dx dy next_pos () =
- go count (x+dx) (y+dy) xStart yStart next_pos in
+ go (x+dx) (y+dy) xStart yStart next_pos in
let on_corner_fn dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 next_pos () =
- go count (x+dx1) (y+dy1) xStart yStart next_pos + go count (x+dx2) (y+dy2) xStart yStart pos in
+ go (x+dx1) (y+dy1) xStart yStart next_pos + go (x+dx2) (y+dy2) xStart yStart pos in
let progress side_ch on_side on_corner =
match pic.(y).[x] with
| c when c = side_ch -> on_side ()
| '+' -> on_corner ()
- | _ -> count
- with Invalid_argument _ -> count in
+ | _ -> 0
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> 0 in
match pos with
| Start ->
- if y = maxY then count
- else if x = maxX then go count 0 (y+1) 0 (y+1) Start
+ if y = maxY then 0
+ else if x = maxX then go 0 (y+1) 0 (y+1) Start
else (match pic.(y).[x] with
- | '+' -> go count (x+1) y x y UpperSide + go count (x+1) y x y Start
- | _ -> go count (x+1) y (x+1) y Start
+ | '+' -> go (x+1) y x y UpperSide + go (x+1) y x y Start
+ | _ -> go (x+1) y (x+1) y Start
| UpperSide -> progress '-' (on_side_fn 1 0 UpperSide) (on_corner_fn 0 1 1 0 RightSide)
| RightSide -> progress '|' (on_side_fn 0 1 RightSide) (on_corner_fn (-1) 0 0 1 LowerSide)
| LowerSide -> progress '-' (on_side_fn (-1) 0 LowerSide) (on_corner_fn 0 (-1) (-1) 0 LeftSide)
- | LeftSide -> progress '|' (on_side_fn 0 (-1) LeftSide) (fun () -> if x = xStart && y = yStart then count+1 else go count x (y-1) xStart yStart LeftSide)
- in go 0 0 0 0 0 Start
+ | LeftSide -> progress '|' (on_side_fn 0 (-1) LeftSide) (fun () -> if x = xStart && y = yStart then 1 else go x (y-1) xStart yStart LeftSide)
+ in go 0 0 0 0 Start
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