tracks/ocaml/exercises/connect/ in trackler- vs tracks/ocaml/exercises/connect/ in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,29 @@
-open Core
+open Base
type player = O | X
type cell = O | X | Empty
-module IntTuple = struct
- type t = int * int
+let eq_cell c1 c2 = match (c1, c2) with
+| (O, O) -> true
+| (X, X) -> true
+| _ -> false
- let compare (x0, y0) (x1, y1) =
- match x0 x1 with
- 0 -> y0 y1
- | c -> c
- let t_of_sexp tuple = Tuple2.t_of_sexp Int.t_of_sexp Int.t_of_sexp tuple
- let sexp_of_t tuple = Tuple2.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t Int.sexp_of_t tuple
+module IntTuple = struct
+ module T = struct
+ type t = int * int
+ let compare (x0, y0) (x1, y1) =
+ match x0 x1 with
+ 0 -> y0 y1
+ | c -> c
+ let sexp_of_t (x, y) = Sexp.List [Sexp.Atom (Int.to_string x); Sexp.Atom (Int.to_string y)]
+ end
+ include T
+ include Comparable.Make(T)
-module IntIntSet = Set.Make(IntTuple)
+let emptyIntIntSet = Set.empty (module IntTuple)
let (>|>) f g = Fn.compose g f
let to_matrix (b: string list): cell array array =
let to_cell = function
@@ -40,11 +46,11 @@
let neighbours board rows cols (r,c) =
let cell = board.(r).(c) in
let positions = neighbouring_positions rows cols (r,c) in
- List.filter positions ~f:(fun (r1,c1) -> cell = board.(r1).(c1))
+ List.filter positions ~f:(fun (r1,c1) -> eq_cell cell board.(r1).(c1))
let search successors initial ~matches =
let rec go visited node =
if matches node then (true, visited)
@@ -59,22 +65,22 @@
~f:(fun (fnd, v) n -> if fnd then (true, v) else go v n)
~init:(false, visited)
else (false, visited)
- Array.exists initial ~f:(go (IntIntSet.empty) >|> fst)
+ Array.exists initial ~f:(go emptyIntIntSet >|> fst)
let connect board: player option =
let board = to_matrix board in
let rows = Array.length board in
let cols = Array.length board.(0) in
let search = search (neighbours board rows cols) in
- let initials_x = Array.filter_mapi board ~f:(fun row cell -> if cell.(0) = X then Some (row, 0) else None) in
- if search initials_x ~matches:(fun (r,c) -> (c = cols - 1) && board.(r).(c) = X)
+ let initials_x = Array.filter_mapi board ~f:(fun row cell -> if eq_cell cell.(0) X then Some (row, 0) else None) in
+ if search initials_x ~matches:(fun (r,c) -> (c = cols - 1) && eq_cell board.(r).(c) X)
then Some X
- let initials_o = Array.filter_mapi board.(0) ~f:(fun col cell -> if cell = O then Some (0, col) else None) in
- if search initials_o ~matches:(fun (r,c) -> (r = rows - 1) && board.(r).(c) = O)
+ let initials_o = Array.filter_mapi board.(0) ~f:(fun col cell -> if eq_cell cell O then Some (0, col) else None) in
+ if search initials_o ~matches:(fun (r,c) -> (r = rows - 1) && eq_cell board.(r).(c) O)
then Some O
else None
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