tracks/haskell/exercises/luhn/test/Tests.hs in trackler- vs tracks/haskell/exercises/luhn/test/Tests.hs in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,79 +1,77 @@
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith)
-import Luhn (addends, checkDigit, checksum, create, isValid)
+import Luhn (isValid)
main :: IO ()
main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs
specs :: Spec
-specs = describe "luhn" $ do
- describe "standard tests" $ do
+specs = describe "valid" $ for_ cases test
+ where
+ test Case{..} = it description $ isValid input `shouldBe` expected
- it "check digit" $
- checkDigit 34567 `shouldBe` 7
+data Case = Case { description :: String
+ , input :: String
+ , expected :: Bool
+ }
- it "check digit with input ending in zero" $
- checkDigit 91370 `shouldBe` 0
- it "check addends" $
- addends 12121 `shouldBe` [1, 4, 1, 4, 1]
- it "check too large addends" $
- addends 8631 `shouldBe` [7, 6, 6, 1]
- -- The reference test cases expect the checksum function to return
- -- the simple sum of the transformed digits, not their `mod 10` sum.
- -- In this track, we insist on the `mod 10`. :)
- it "checksum" $
- checksum 4913 `shouldBe` 2 -- The reference test expects 22.
- it "checksum of larger number" $
- checksum 201773 `shouldBe` 1 -- The reference test expects 21.
- it "check invalid number" $
- isValid 738 `shouldBe` False
- it "check valid number" $
- isValid 8739567 `shouldBe` True
- it "create valid number" $
- create 123 `shouldBe` 1230
- it "create larger valid number" $
- create 873956 `shouldBe` 8739567
- it "create even larger valid number" $
- create 837263756 `shouldBe` 8372637564
- describe "track-specific tests" $ do
- -- This track has some tests that were not included in the
- -- reference test cases from `exercism/x-common/leap.json`.
- it "checksum 1111" $
- checksum 1111 `shouldBe` 6
- it "checksum 8763" $
- checksum 8763 `shouldBe` 0
- it "checksum 8739567" $
- checksum 8739567 `shouldBe` 0
- it "checksum 2323200577663554" $
- checksum 2323200577663554 `shouldBe` 0
- it "isValid 1111" $
- isValid 1111 `shouldBe` False
- it "isValid 8763" $
- isValid 8763 `shouldBe` True
- it "isValid 2323200577663554" $
- isValid 2323200577663554 `shouldBe` True
- it "create 232320057766355" $
- create 232320057766355 `shouldBe` 2323200577663554
+cases :: [Case]
+cases = [ Case { description = "single digit strings can not be valid"
+ , input = "1"
+ , expected = False
+ }
+ , Case { description = "A single zero is invalid"
+ , input = "0"
+ , expected = False
+ }
+ , Case { description = "a simple valid SIN that remains valid if reversed"
+ , input = "059"
+ , expected = True
+ }
+ , Case { description = "a simple valid SIN that becomes invalid if reversed"
+ , input = "59"
+ , expected = True
+ }
+ , Case { description = "a valid Canadian SIN"
+ , input = "055 444 285"
+ , expected = True
+ }
+ , Case { description = "invalid Canadian SIN"
+ , input = "055 444 286"
+ , expected = False
+ }
+ , Case { description = "invalid credit card"
+ , input = "8273 1232 7352 0569"
+ , expected = False
+ }
+-- This track is not testing these cases, since we would rather focus on the algorithm,
+-- and because it seems strange to be unable to distinguish between well-formed invalid input and malformed input.
+-- , Case { description = "valid strings with a non-digit included become invalid"
+-- , input = "055a 444 285"
+-- , expected = False
+-- }
+-- , Case { description = "valid strings with punctuation included become invalid"
+-- , input = "055-444-285"
+-- , expected = False
+-- }
+-- , Case { description = "valid strings with symbols included become invalid"
+-- , input = "055£ 444$ 285"
+-- , expected = False
+-- }
+ , Case { description = "single zero with space is invalid"
+ , input = " 0"
+ , expected = False
+ }
+ , Case { description = "more than a single zero is valid"
+ , input = "0000 0"
+ , expected = True
+ }
+ , Case { description = "input digit 9 is correctly converted to output digit 9"
+ , input = "091"
+ , expected = True
+ }
+ ]