tracks/ecmascript/exercises/gigasecond/gulpfile.js in trackler- vs tracks/ecmascript/exercises/gigasecond/gulpfile.js in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -14,76 +14,79 @@
const gulp = require('gulp'),
eslint = require('gulp-eslint'),
jasmine = require('gulp-jasmine'),
babel = require('gulp-babel'),
- polyfill = require('babel/polyfill'),
+ polyfill = require('babel-polyfill'),
del = require('del'),
- argv = require('yargs').argv,
+ argv = require('yargs').argv,
inputDir = getInputDirectory(argv),
outputDir = getOutputDirectory(argv);
// Gulp tasks definition
-gulp.task('default', [ 'test' ]);
+gulp.task('default', ['test']);
-gulp.task('test', [ 'babel' ], function () {
- return gulp.src([ outputDir + '/*.spec.js' ])
+gulp.task('test', ['babel'], function () {
+ return gulp.src([outputDir + '/*.spec.js'])
gulp.task('babel', function () {
- return gulp.src([ inputDir + '/*.js', inputDir + '/lib/*.js' ])
- .pipe(babel())
+ return gulp.src([inputDir + '/*.js', inputDir + '/lib/*.js'])
+ .pipe(babel({
+ plugins: ["babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread"].map(require.resolve),
+ presets: ['babel-preset-env'].map(require.resolve)
+ }))
gulp.task('lint', function () {
- return gulp.src([ inputDir + '/*.js' ])
+ return gulp.src([inputDir + '/*.js'])
- envs: [
+ envs: [
'es6' //turns on all es6 features except modules
- rules: {
+ rules: {
// full documentation here :
// Possible errors
- 'comma-dangle': [2, 'never'], // don't let a comma at the end of object properties or array element
- 'no-cond-assign': [2, 'always'], // no assignments in conditional statements
- 'no-console': 2, // no console.log() statements in production code
- 'no-constant-condition': 2, // no constants in conditional statements
- 'no-control-regex': 2, // no control characters in regex's
- 'no-debugger': 2, // no debugger in productin code
- 'no-dupe-args': 2, // no duplicated arguments in functions
- 'no-dupe-keys': 2, // no duplicated keys when creating object literals
- 'no-duplicate-case': 2, // no duplicated `case` in `switch` statements
+ 'comma-dangle': [2, 'never'], // don't let a comma at the end of object properties or array element
+ 'no-cond-assign': [2, 'always'], // no assignments in conditional statements
+ 'no-console': 2, // no console.log() statements in production code
+ 'no-constant-condition': 2, // no constants in conditional statements
+ 'no-control-regex': 2, // no control characters in regex's
+ 'no-debugger': 2, // no debugger in productin code
+ 'no-dupe-args': 2, // no duplicated arguments in functions
+ 'no-dupe-keys': 2, // no duplicated keys when creating object literals
+ 'no-duplicate-case': 2, // no duplicated `case` in `switch` statements
'no-empty-character-class': 2, // disallow the use of empty character classes in regular expressions
- 'no-empty': 2, // no empty blocks
- 'no-ex-assign': 2, // do not assign any value to an Exception raised
- 'no-extra-boolean-cast': 2, // do not use !!falseExpression to cast to boolean
- 'no-extra-parens': 2, // do not use extra parenthesis
- 'no-extra-semi': 2, // do not use extra semicolons
- 'no-func-assign': 2, // do not overwrite variables declared as functions
- 'no-inner-declarations': [2, 'both'], // only declare var's and funct's on function scope
- 'no-invalid-regexp': 2, // validates string arguments passed to RegExp constructor
- 'no-irregular-whitespace': 2, // detects special characters used as spaces
- 'no-negated-in-lhs': 2, // do not use negation in the left operand in an `in` expression
- 'no-obj-calls': 2, // prevent calling global objects as if they were functions
- 'no-regex-spaces': 2, // do not use multiple spaces in regex's
- 'no-sparse-arrays': 2, // do not use sparse arrays (empty elements)
- 'no-unexpected-multiline': 2, // Avoid code that looks like two expressions but is actually one
- 'no-unreachable': 2, // detects unreachable statements (after return, throw,...)
- 'use-isnan': 2, // do not compare with `NaN` value, use isNan() instead
- 'valid-jsdoc': 2, // ensure JSDoc comments are valid
- 'valid-typeof': 2 // ensure that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string
+ 'no-empty': 2, // no empty blocks
+ 'no-ex-assign': 2, // do not assign any value to an Exception raised
+ 'no-extra-boolean-cast': 2, // do not use !!falseExpression to cast to boolean
+ 'no-extra-parens': 2, // do not use extra parenthesis
+ 'no-extra-semi': 2, // do not use extra semicolons
+ 'no-func-assign': 2, // do not overwrite variables declared as functions
+ 'no-inner-declarations': [2, 'both'], // only declare var's and funct's on function scope
+ 'no-invalid-regexp': 2, // validates string arguments passed to RegExp constructor
+ 'no-irregular-whitespace': 2, // detects special characters used as spaces
+ 'no-negated-in-lhs': 2, // do not use negation in the left operand in an `in` expression
+ 'no-obj-calls': 2, // prevent calling global objects as if they were functions
+ 'no-regex-spaces': 2, // do not use multiple spaces in regex's
+ 'no-sparse-arrays': 2, // do not use sparse arrays (empty elements)
+ 'no-unexpected-multiline': 2, // Avoid code that looks like two expressions but is actually one
+ 'no-unreachable': 2, // detects unreachable statements (after return, throw,...)
+ 'use-isnan': 2, // do not compare with `NaN` value, use isNan() instead
+ 'valid-jsdoc': 2, // ensure JSDoc comments are valid
+ 'valid-typeof': 2 // ensure that the results of typeof are compared against a valid string
ecmaFeatures: {
'modules': true //this gives us modules :)
gulp.task('clean', function (cb) {
- del([ outputDir ], cb);
+ del([outputDir], cb);