tracks/csharp/exercises/pig-latin/PigLatinTest.cs in trackler- vs tracks/csharp/exercises/pig-latin/PigLatinTest.cs in trackler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,88 +1,79 @@
-using NUnit.Framework;
+using Xunit;
public class PigLatinTest
- [TestCase("apple", ExpectedResult = "appleay")]
- [TestCase("ear", ExpectedResult = "earay")]
- [TestCase("igloo", ExpectedResult = "iglooay")]
- [TestCase("object", ExpectedResult = "objectay")]
- [TestCase("under", ExpectedResult = "underay")]
- public string Ay_is_added_to_words_that_start_with_vowels(string word)
+ [Theory]
+ [InlineData("apple", "appleay")]
+ [InlineData("ear", "earay")]
+ [InlineData("igloo", "iglooay")]
+ [InlineData("object", "objectay")]
+ [InlineData("under", "underay")]
+ public void Ay_is_added_to_words_that_start_with_vowels(string word, string expected)
- return PigLatin.Translate(word);
+ Assert.Equal(expected, PigLatin.Translate(word));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [TestCase("pig", ExpectedResult = "igpay")]
- [TestCase("koala", ExpectedResult = "oalakay")]
- [TestCase("yellow", ExpectedResult = "ellowyay")]
- [TestCase("xenon", ExpectedResult = "enonxay")]
- public string First_letter_and_ay_are_moved_to_the_end_of_words_that_start_with_consonants(string word)
+ [Theory(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
+ [InlineData("pig", "igpay")]
+ [InlineData("koala", "oalakay")]
+ [InlineData("yellow", "ellowyay")]
+ [InlineData("xenon", "enonxay")]
+ public void First_letter_and_ay_are_moved_to_the_end_of_words_that_start_with_consonants(string word, string expected)
- return PigLatin.Translate(word);
+ Assert.Equal(expected, PigLatin.Translate(word));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Ch_is_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("chair"), Is.EqualTo("airchay"));
+ Assert.Equal("airchay", PigLatin.Translate("chair"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Qu_is_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("queen"), Is.EqualTo("eenquay"));
+ Assert.Equal("eenquay", PigLatin.Translate("queen"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Qu_and_a_single_preceding_consonant_are_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("square"), Is.EqualTo("aresquay"));
+ Assert.Equal("aresquay", PigLatin.Translate("square"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Th_is_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("therapy"), Is.EqualTo("erapythay"));
+ Assert.Equal("erapythay", PigLatin.Translate("therapy"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Thr_is_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("thrush"), Is.EqualTo("ushthray"));
+ Assert.Equal("ushthray", PigLatin.Translate("thrush"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Sch_is_treated_like_a_single_consonant()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("school"), Is.EqualTo("oolschay"));
+ Assert.Equal("oolschay", PigLatin.Translate("school"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Yt_is_treated_like_a_single_vowel()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("yttria"), Is.EqualTo("yttriaay"));
+ Assert.Equal("yttriaay", PigLatin.Translate("yttria"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Xr_is_treated_like_a_single_vowel()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("xray"), Is.EqualTo("xrayay"));
+ Assert.Equal("xrayay", PigLatin.Translate("xray"));
- [Ignore("Remove to run test")]
- [Test]
+ [Fact(Skip = "Remove to run test")]
public void Phrases_are_translated()
- Assert.That(PigLatin.Translate("quick fast run"), Is.EqualTo("ickquay astfay unray"));
+ Assert.Equal("ickquay astfay unray", PigLatin.Translate("quick fast run"));
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