lib/trac-wiki/parser.rb in trac-wiki-0.1.1 vs lib/trac-wiki/parser.rb in trac-wiki-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -207,32 +207,32 @@
# Create image markup. This
# method can be overridden to generate custom
# markup, for example to add html additional attributes or
# to put divs around the imgs.
def make_image(uri, attrs='')
- "<img src=\"#{escape_html(uri)}\"#{make_image_attrs(attrs)}/>"
+ "<img src=\"#{make_explicit_link(uri)}\"#{make_image_attrs(attrs)}/>"
def make_image_attrs(attrs)
return '' if ! attrs
a = {}
style = []
attrs.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/).each do |opt|
case opt
when /^\d+[^\d]*$/
- a['width'] = opt
+ a['width'] = escape_url(opt)
when /^(right|left|center)/i
- a['align'] = opt
+ a['align'] = escape_url(opt)
when /^(top|bottom|middle)$/i
- a['valign'] = opt
+ a['valign'] = escape_url(opt)
when /^link=(.*)$/i
# pass
when /^nolink$/i
# pass
when /^(align|valign|border|width|height|alt|title|longdesc|class|id|usemap)=(.*)$/i
- a[$1]= escape_html($2)
+ a[$1]= escape_url($2)
when /^(margin|margin-(left|right|top|bottom))=(\d+)$/
- style.push($1 + ":" + escape_html($3))
+ style.push($1 + ':' + escape_url($3))
a['style'] = style.join(';') if ! style.empty?
return '' if a.empty?
return ' ' +{|k,v| "#{k}=\"#{v}\"" }.sort.join(' ')