in totoro-1.0.2 vs in totoro-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -29,10 +29,53 @@
3. `db/migrate/[tiemstamp]_create_totoro_failed_messages.rb` (DB migration to create messages caching table)
#### Run DB migraion
`rake db:migrate`
+## Sample configuration
+default: &default
+ default:
+ connect:
+ host: rabbitmq
+ port: 5672
+ user: app
+ pass: app
+ queue:
+ normal_queue_for_both_enqueue_and_subscribe:
+ name:
+ durable: true
+ exchange_queue_for_subscribe:
+ name:
+ durable: true
+ exchange:
+ exchange:
+ exchange_for_fanout_enqueue:
+ name:
+ custom:
+ connect:
+ host: rabbitmq
+ port: 5672
+ user: app
+ pass: app
+ queue:
+ custom_queue:
+ name:
+ durable: true
+ <<: *default
+ <<: *default
+ <<: *default
## Quick Start
### Resend Failed messages daemon
Please run `rake totoro:resend_msg` before you start your app.
@@ -40,13 +83,19 @@
### Default rabbitmq server
#### Enqueue
-Totoro::Queue.enqueue('queue', payload)
+Totoro::Queue.enqueue('queue_id', payload)
+#### BroadCast (Enqueue to fanout exchange)
+Totoro::Queue.broadcast('exchange_id', payload)
#### Dequeue
To create a dequeue daemon, first you need to create a worker
rails g totoro:worker <worker_name> <queue_name>
@@ -65,9 +114,15 @@
bundle exec totoro worker_class
### Custom rabbitmq server
+When you have more than one rabbitmq server to connect, you need to add custom configuration.
+To use the custom rabbitmq server you need to add `ServerName` between `Totoro` and `Queue`
+For example:
#### Enqueue
Totoro::<ServerName>::Queue.enqueue('queue', payload)