in torm-0.1.0 vs in torm-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -27,15 +27,28 @@
Torm.default_rules_file = Rails.root.join('tmp/my_rules.json').to_s
# Torm.set_defaults will load an engine if a rules file exists, otherwise you get an empty engine.
# Add rules, then after the block it will automatically save the rules file when new rules were changed.
Torm.set_defaults do |engine|
- # Add a new rule named 'Happy', with a 'default' policy value of true
+ # Setup custom priorities. Higher priority rules take precedence over lower ones.
+ engine.priorities = [:high, :medium, :low, :default]
+ # Add a new rule named 'Happy', with a value of true as 'default' policy
engine.add_rules 'Happy', true, :default do |rule|
- # Add a variant on the 'Happy' rule: we're not happy when it rains
- rule.variant false, :default, rain: true
- # Another variant. Due to the abundance of rain, in Great Britain the law dictates you're still happy when it rains.
- rule.variant true, :law, rain: true, country: 'GB'
+ # Setup general conditions for the rest of the block
+ rule.conditions rain: true do |rule|
+ # By default, nobody likes rain...
+ rule.variation false, :default
+ # ...except for the Brits. They love rain :-)
+ rule.variation true, :high, country: 'GB'
+ rule.conditions umbrella: true do |rule|
+ # People with an umbrella don't mind rain.
+ rule.variation true, :high
+ # Red umbrellas still make people grumpy, though.
+ rule.variation false, :medium, umbrella_color: :red
+ end
+ end
# Torm.instance holds the default engine used by Torm.set_defaults, so we can use it for making decisions.
Torm.instance.decide('Happy', country: 'NL') # => true