aux in tools-0.4.5 vs aux in tools-0.4.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# coding: utf-8
require 'rubygems'
require 'tools'
+puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text("xxxx")
+puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text([10,20,30])
+puts ToolsUtil.get_plain_text({:a => 1})
# class Filesize
# include Comparabletool
@@ -168,11 +169,10 @@
# end
# end
# end
# # The size of a floppy disk
# Floppy = Filesize.from("1474 KiB")
# # The size of a CD
# CD = Filesize.from("700 MB")
# # The size of a common DVD
@@ -188,50 +188,34 @@
# # The size of a double-sided dual-layer DVD
# DVD_18 = DVD_14 * 2
# # The size of a Zip disk
# ZIP = Filesize.from("100 MB")
# puts ZIP
# ap "timeo".similar "timeout"
# ap "notifica".similar "notifica_email"
# ap "notifica".similar "notifica_slack"
# ap "notifoca_".similar "notifica_email"
# ap "notifaca".similar "notifica_slack"
# args = ['cmdapi', 'gbix' ,'search' ,'host' , '--query', 'name=*cmdapi*', '--query' ,'host=*cmdapi*']
# status, query = args.extract_option_value '--query', true
# ap Hash[*query]
+# ToolsConfig.change_value_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", false ,'cmdapi','teste_insert_config','status'
- #ToolsConfig.change_value_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", false ,'cmdapi','teste_insert_config','status'
+# {'cmdapi' => {"teste_insert_config" => {"status" => false }}}
- #{'cmdapi' => {"teste_insert_config" => {"status" => false }}}
# specialname="Hello!#$@"
# cleanedname = specialname.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/,"")
# ap specialname
# ap cleanedname
# r = ToolsPrompt.yes? 'Do you like Ruby?'
# ap r
# r = ToolsPrompt.ask 'What is your name?', default: ENV['USER']
# ap r
# r = ToolsPrompt.mask("What is your secret?")
@@ -243,26 +227,23 @@
# ]
# r ="Choose your destiny?", aux)
# ap r
# choices = %w(vodka beer wine whisky bourbon)
# prompt.multi_select("Select drinks?", choices)
# choices = %w(emacs nano vim)
# ToolsPrompt.enum_select("Select an editor?", choices)
# name = prompt.ask("What is your name?") do |q|
# q.required true
# q.validate /\A\w+\Z/
# q.modify :capitalize
# end
# ap name
# ap prompt.keypress("Press any key to continue, resumes automatically in 3 seconds ...".yellow, timeout: 3)
# default_editor = '/home/francisco/sublime_text_3/sublime_text'
# result = ToolsFiles.open_file '/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/oldcmdapi.config'
@@ -299,15 +280,13 @@
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, 300
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, [300,500,'teste']
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, "teste2"
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :cloud, {:teste => 1}
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat"
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat_ depois da primeira"
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_setext :ldap, {:francisco => {:name => 'francisco'}}
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_setext :ldap, {:wagner => {:name => 'wagner'}, :leandro => {:name => 'leandro'}}
# ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list
# sleep 5
@@ -318,70 +297,50 @@
# ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list
# sleep 5
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_set :nat, "texto para nat_ depois da primeira"
# cache = ToolsCache.cmdapi_list
# ap cache
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_unsetext :ldap, :francisco
# cache = ToolsCache.cmdapi_list
# ap cache
# cache.each do |key|
# puts "#{key} - #{cache[key]}"
# end
# ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_get 'ldap'
# ap ToolsCache.cmdapi_list
# valor = '100'
# ToolsCache.cmdapi_add "variável", valor
# file_to_load = "/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/cmdapi/lib/files/proxy_sample.txt"
# file = ToolsFiles.load_file file_to_load
# ap file
# ToolsLog.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log'
# ToolsLog.xyko_info 'Minitest.: test_cmdapi_ldap_validate'
# ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :yellow
# ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :light_green
+# oolsDisplay.show_colorize "red".red+ " " + "white".white
-#oolsDisplay.show_colorize "red".red+ " " + "white".white
# teste = '123'
# ap teste.num?
# ap teste
# ap NetAddr::CIDR.methods.sort
# net = NetAddr::CIDR.create ip
# ap net
# teste = false
# if teste.boolean?
# if teste
# puts "true"
# else
@@ -395,41 +354,36 @@
# "TEXT SAMELINE com cor ", :sameline, :red
# "TEXT GREEN", :green
# "TEXT YELLOW", :yellow
# msg = "teste do encrypt".light_blue
# passwd = 'tools999'
# encrypted = msg.encrypt passwd
# puts (encrypted.decrypt passwd)
# ip = `ifconfig | grep -F 10. | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d: -f2`
# ip = ip.split("\n").first if ip.include? "\n"
# (IPAddress.valid?(ip)).to_s, :yellow
# ap ip
# ret = ToolsNet.resolv_ip_name ''
# ap ret
# dns = ToolsNet.resolv_dns '' dns
+# dns
-ap ( - 86400)
+ap ( - 86_400)
+# ToolsLog.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log'
+# ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :light_yellow
+# ToolsLog.xyko_warn 'teste do methodo2'
+# ToolsLog.xyko_error 'teste do methodo3'
+# ToolsLog.xyko_debug 'teste do methodo4'
- # ToolsLog.create_log_file 'xyko', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log'
- # ToolsLog.xyko_info 'teste do methodo1', :light_yellow
- # ToolsLog.xyko_warn 'teste do methodo2'
- # ToolsLog.xyko_error 'teste do methodo3'
- # ToolsLog.xyko_debug 'teste do methodo4'
# ToolsFiles.create_dir Tools.home + '/2018/xykotools/tools/home', 'tools_home'
# home = (ToolsUtil.get_variable 'tools_home')
# ToolstoolConfig.load_config config_file
# config = ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_data'
@@ -440,42 +394,32 @@
# ToolsConfig.insert_in_config config_file, {:info3 => "teste1"}
# ToolsConfig.load_config config_file
# config = ToolsUtil.get_variable 'config_data'
# ap config
# ToolsConfig.load_config home, 'config'
# ToolsConfig.write_config home, 'config'
- #ToolsLog.create_log_file 'tools', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log'
+# ToolsLog.create_log_file 'tools', '/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools/xyko.log'
# class Hash
# def has_shape?(shape)
# all? do |k, v|
# Hash === v ? v.has_shape?(shape[k]) : shape[k] === v
# end
# end
# end
# cmdapi_home = "/home/francisco/2018/xykotools/tools"
# cmdapi_configfile = cmdapi_home + '/cmdapi.config'
# ToolsConfig.create_config_file 'cmdapi', cmdapi_configfile, :yaml, # {:first_time => true}
# config_file_path = ToolsUtil.get_variable "cmdapi_config_file"
# config_file_type = ToolsUtil.get_variable "cmdapi_config_type"
# config_file = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file_path
# data = {
# :cloud => {
# :region_default => "devh",
# :use_ssl => true,
# :time_out => 120,
@@ -558,28 +502,20 @@
# :renew => 'integer',
# :update => 'boolean',
# }
# }
# exit
# config = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file
# ap config
+# realize Supso::Filer::Mount["/mnt/projetos/apikeys/globosdn_controller"]
- #realize Supso::Filer::Mount["/mnt/projetos/apikeys/globosdn_controller"]
+# globointerno.cmfdnc01:/dev/portal/
# config = ToolsConfig.load_config config_file
# ap config
# ap ToolsConfig.test_config config_file
@@ -589,11 +525,10 @@
# data = {:key => '100', }
# ToolsCache.xyko_set data
# ToolsCache.xyko_unset data
# ToolsConfig.create_config_file 'glbapi', '/home/francisco/.glbapi/glbapi.config'
# k = 'teste_xxx'
# pattern = { "status": Integer}
-# ToolsConfig.insert_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", {'cmdapi' => {"#{k}" => pattern}}
\ No newline at end of file
+# ToolsConfig.insert_in_config "/home/francisco/.newcmdapi/cmdapi.config", {'cmdapi' => {"#{k}" => pattern}}