lib/bin/toadstool in toadstool- vs lib/bin/toadstool in toadstool-
- old
+ new
@@ -4,65 +4,109 @@
require "rubygems"
require "thor"
require "thor/group"
require 'pathname'
-APP_PATH = File.expand_path('../../..', __FILE__)
+APP_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '../../templates'))
module Toadstool
class Install < Thor::Group
include Thor::Actions
# Define arguments and options
- argument :name
+ argument :name, {:default => './'}
def self.source_root
def install_app
- directory "doc-src", "#{name}/doc-src"
- directory "public", "#{name}/public"
- directory "sass", "#{name}/sass"
- directory "views", "#{name}/views"
- copy_file "config.rb", "#{name}/config.rb"
- copy_file "", "#{name}/"
- copy_file "Gemfile", "#{name}/Gemfile"
- copy_file "Rakefile", "#{name}/Rakefile"
- copy_file "", "#{name}/"
- copy_file "toadstool.rb", "#{name}/toadstool.rb"
+ # Per
+ # If any empty directory is found, it's copied and all .empty_directory files are ignored.
+ # If any file name is wrapped within % signs, the text within the % signs will be executed
+ # as a method and replaced with the returned value.
+ directory "project/doc-src", "#{name}/doc-src"
+ directory "project/public", "#{name}/public"
+ directory "project/sass", "#{name}/sass"
+ directory "project/views", "#{name}/views"
+ copy_file "project/config.rb", "#{name}/config.rb"
+ copy_file "project/", "#{name}/"
+ copy_file "project/Gemfile", "#{name}/Gemfile"
+ copy_file "project/Rakefile", "#{name}/Rakefile"
+ copy_file "project/", "#{name}/"
+ copy_file "project/toadstool.rb", "#{name}/toadstool.rb"
+ class Server < Thor::Group
+ def exec_script_rails!
+ cwd = Dir.pwd
+ return unless in_rails_application? || in_rails_application_subdirectory?
+ exec 'rackup', *ARGV if in_rails_application?
+ Dir.chdir("..") do
+ # Recurse in a chdir block: if the search fails we want to be sure
+ # the application is generated in the original working directory.
+ exec_script_rails! unless cwd == Dir.pwd
+ end
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ # could not chdir, no problem just return
+ end
+ end
- class Server < Thor::Group
- def exec_script_rails!
- cwd = Dir.pwd
- return unless in_rails_application? || in_rails_application_subdirectory?
- exec 'rackup', *ARGV if in_rails_application?
- Dir.chdir("..") do
- # Recurse in a chdir block: if the search fails we want to be sure
- # the application is generated in the original working directory.
- exec_script_rails! unless cwd == Dir.pwd
- end
- rescue SystemCallError
- # could not chdir, no problem just return
- end
- no_tasks do
+ # no_tasks do
def in_rails_application?
def in_rails_application_subdirectory?(path =
File.exists?(File.join(path, '')) || !path.root? && in_rails_application_subdirectory?(path.parent)
- end
- end
+ # end
+# end
+# module Toadstool
+ class Generator < Thor
+ include Thor::Actions
+ argument :name
+ argument :state
+ desc 'ts_module', "Generate a module"
+ def ts_module
+ create_file "views/modules/#{name}/_#{state}.erb"
+ create_file "views/modules/#{name}/"
+ create_file "sass/modules/#{name}/#{state}/_#{state}.sass", "@import 'mixins'\n@import 'extends'"
+ create_file "sass/modules/#{name}/#{state}/_extends.sass"
+ create_file "sass/modules/#{name}/#{state}/_mixins.scss"
+ create_file 'sass/_modules.sass' if !File.exist?('sass/_modules.sass')
+ append_file 'sass/_modules.sass', "@import 'modules/#{name}/#{state}/#{state}'"
+ end
+ desc 'ts_pattern', "Generate a module"
+ def ts_pattern
+ create_file "views/ui_patterns/#{name}/_#{state}.erb"
+ create_file "views/ui_patterns/#{name}/"
+ create_file "sass/ui_patterns/#{name}/#{state}/_#{state}.sass", "@import 'mixins'\n@import 'extends'"
+ create_file "sass/ui_patterns/#{name}/#{state}/_extends.sass"
+ create_file "sass/ui_patterns/#{name}/#{state}/_mixins.scss"
+ create_file 'sass/_ui_patterns.sass' if !File.exist?('sass/_ui_patterns.sass')
+ append_file 'sass/_ui_patterns.sass', "@import 'ui_patterns/#{name}/#{state}/#{state}'"
+ end
+ end
ARGV << '--help' if ARGV.empty?
aliases = {
"i" => "install",
"new" => "install",
@@ -87,9 +131,12 @@
case command
when 'install'
when 'server'
+when 'generate'
+ Toadstool::Generator.start
puts "Error: Command '#{command}' not recognized"
if %x{rake #{command} --dry-run 2>&1 } && $?.success?
puts "Did you mean: `$ rake #{command}` ?\n\n"
\ No newline at end of file