split/Tioga/lib/TeX_Text.rb in tioga-1.6 vs split/Tioga/lib/TeX_Text.rb in tioga-1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -59,10 +59,14 @@
for the two special cases of \' and \\), so TeX commands using backslashes don't cause trouble.
With double quotes, Ruby uses backslash for a variety of escape characters such as newline (\n) and tab (\t),
so the backslashes for TeX need to be entered as \\ pairs to be safe.
Compare '$\nu\sim\tau$' to the equivalent form "$\\\\nu\\\\sim\\\\tau$" and the incorrect form "$\nu\sim\tau$".
+Starting from Tioga 1.7, Tioga can measure the TeX text it typesets. For
+that purpose, provide #show_text with a 'measure' dictionnary entry that
+serves as a key to retrieve the information using #get_text_size.
Dictionary Entries
'text' => a_string # to be processed by TeX
'side' => a_side # TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT
'loc' # alias for 'side'
'position' => a_float # fractional distance along side from bottom left
@@ -75,11 +79,12 @@
'color' => a_color # default is to omit color specification
'scale' => a_float # scale relative to default_text_scale. default 1
'angle' => a_float # degrees to rotate. default 0
'alignment' => an_alignment # see discussion of alignment
'justification' => a_justification # see discussion of justification
+ 'measure' => a_string # the name of the measure
def math_typesetting
centerx = t.bounds_xmin + 0.5 * t.bounds_width
equation =
@@ -200,9 +205,82 @@
def show_text(dict)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Returns information about the text measure named _name_. It returns a hash
+with the following information:
+ * _[xy][tb][lr]_ the X/Y coordinates of the Top/Bottom Left/Right point of the
+ box around the text (top, left, right and bottom are relative to the text
+ natural orientation)
+ * _just_ the text justification
+ * _angle_ the text's angle, in degrees
+ * _tex_measured_depth_, _tex_measured_height_, tex_measured_width_, the
+ text's depth, width and height as measured by TeX,
+ (does not take scaling into accound)
+ * _xanchor_, _yanchor_: the page coordinates of the position of the text
+ (the ones that were given to #show_text)
+ * _points_ an array of (x,y) coordinates of the points that make the box,
+ in the order bottom left, bottom right, top right, top left.
+ * _depth_, _width_, _height_ : the size of the text.
+ * _align_ the alignment of the text
+All the measures are given in postscript points, which means you need
+to multiply by 10 before using the with
+Page_Frame_Bounds#convert_output_to_figure_y. See the example
+Please make sure you test the presence of one key before using it, as
+any code using measures has to run *twice*: one first time to typeset the
+text and ask LaTeX for information about its size, and the second time to
+actually use the information. You don't need to call the code twice as it
+is done automatically, but keep in mind that in the first run, the returned
+hash will be empty.
+ def text_size_with_rotation
+ t.stroke_rect(0,0,1,1)
+ t.rescale(0.5)
+ equation = '\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \! e^{-x^{2}}\, \! dx = \sqrt{\pi}'
+ text = "\\fbox{$\\displaystyle #{equation}$}"
+ nb = 5
+ nb.times do |i|
+ scale = 0.5 + i * 0.2
+ angle = i * 37
+ x = (i+1)/(nb+1.0)
+ y = x
+ color = [1.0 - i * 0.2, i*0.2, 0]
+ t.show_text('text' => text, 'color' => color, 'x' => x,
+ 'y' => x,
+ 'alignment' => ALIGNED_AT_MIDHEIGHT,
+ 'scale' => scale , 'measure' => "box#{i}",
+ 'angle' => angle )
+ size = t.get_text_size("box#{i}")
+ if size.key? 'points'
+ xs = Dvector.new
+ ys = Dvector.new
+ for x,y in size['points']
+ xs << t.convert_output_to_figure_x(x)
+ ys << t.convert_output_to_figure_y(y)
+ end
+ t.stroke_color = color
+ t.line_type = Line_Type_Dashes
+ t.stroke_rect(xs.min, ys.min,
+ (xs.max - xs.min),(ys.max - ys.min))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def get_text_size(name)
# Changes the default_text_scale attribute by multiplying it times _scale_.
# This also updates the default_text_height_dx and default_text_height_dy
# attributes to match the new setting for default_text_scale.