spec/test_data.csv in timeline_setter-0.3.0 vs spec/test_data.csv in timeline_setter-0.3.1
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+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-"Feb. 18, 2003",,"Brock Savelkoul joins the Army and is stationed at Fort Riley, Kan., in the artillery division. His assigned position is artillery survey, meaning he prepares terrain for mounting artillery canon.",,,Brock Savelkoul,"<h2 class=""timeline-img-hed"">Savelkoul Joins the Army</h2><img src=""http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=300x200&markers=color:blue|Fort%20Riley,KS&sensor=false&zoom=6"" width=""300"" height=""200"">"
+"Feb. 18, 2003",,"Brock Savelkoul joins the Army and is stationed at Fort Riley, Kan., in the artillery division. His assigned position is artillery survey, meaning he prepares terrain for mounting artillery canon.",,,Brock Savelkoul,"<h2 class=""timeline-img-hed"">Savelkoul Joins the Army</h2><img src=""http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?size=300x200&markers=color:blue|Fort%20Riley,KS&sensor=false&zoom=6"" width=""300"" height=""200""><iframe width=""560"" height=""315"" src=""http://www.youtube.com/embed/bh4qAJDUOcc"" frameborder=""0"" allowfullscreen></iframe>"
"Aug. 10, 2003",,"Savelkoul deploys to Iraq, where he is based at Camp Forehead, near the Mansour District of Baghdad. ",,,Brock Savelkoul,
"Dec. 1, 2003",December 2003,Savelkoul and his unit are ambushed in the Mansour district. Many of them are shaken by the experience.,,,Brock Savelkoul,
"Oct. 9, 2005",,"Savelkoul, who learned how to operate Ravens, or small surveillance drones used to fly above roads to make sure they're clear of bombs, is quoted in an article for a base newsletter: ""We're protecting them from the sky.""",http://www.dvidshub.net/publication/issues/0388,,Brock Savelkoul,
"Oct. 1, 2006",Oct-06,Junge leaves the Air Force.,,,Derrick Junge,
-"Nov. 1, 2006 ",Nov-06,Junge enlists in the Army.,,,Derrick Junge,
+"Nov. 1, 2006",Nov-06,Junge enlists in the Army.,,,Derrick Junge,