CHANGES in tidy-1.1.0 vs CHANGES in tidy-1.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
+V 1.1.1 2005/03/07
+- Bugfix
+ Tidybuf.to_s assumes that TidyBuffer.bp is null-terminated. This is
+ only true if the length of the data is evenly divisable by 256, but
+ if Tidy output is e.g. 512 bytes long the buffer is not null-terminated
+ and the code reads out of bounds. Result: garbage chars in output.
+ Fix: Code changed to read only TidyBuffer.size bytes from the buffer.
+ In TidyBuffer#to_s: @struct.bp.to_s => @struct.bp.to_s(@struct.size)
+ '.'*345 = 512 char output (for testing)
V 1.1.0 2005/02/21
- $TIDYLIB global eliminated
Path to the library is now specified as follows:
Tidy.path = '/path/to/'