test/unit/layout/test_format.rb in thinreports-0.8.2 vs test/unit/layout/test_format.rb in thinreports-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,118 +3,98 @@
require 'test_helper'
class Thinreports::Layout::TestFormat < Minitest::Test
include Thinreports::TestHelper
- {
- "version":"%s",
- "finger-print":-860627816,
- "config":{
- "title":"Sample Layout",
- "page":{
- "paper-type":"A4",
- "width":null,
- "height":null,
- "orientation":"portrait",
- "margin-top":"20",
- "margin-bottom":"20",
- "margin-left":"20",
- "margin-right":"20"
- },
- "option":{}
+ 'version' => '0.9.0',
+ 'title' => 'Report Title',
+ 'report' => {
+ 'paper-type' => 'A4',
+ 'width' => 100.0,
+ 'height' => 200.0,
+ 'orientation' => 'landscape',
+ 'margin' => [100.0, 200.0, 300.0, 999.9]
- "svg":"<!--SHAPE{\"type\":\"s-rect\",\"id\":\"rect1\"}SHAPE-->
- <!--SHAPE{\"type\":\"s-image\",\"id\":\"image1\"}SHAPE-->
- <!--SHAPE{\"type\":\"s-tblock\",\"id\":\"tblock1\"}SHAPE-->
- <!--SHAPE{\"type\":\"s-tblock\",\"id\":\"tblock2\"}SHAPE-->",
- "state":{
- "layout-guides": [{"type":"x", "position":100}]
- }
+ 'state' => {
+ 'layout-guides' => [
+ { 'type' => 'x', 'position' => 0.1 }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'items' => [
+ { 'type'=> 'rect', 'id'=> '', 'x'=> 100.0, 'y'=> 100.0, 'width'=> 100.0, 'height'=> 100.0, 'style'=> {'stroke-width'=> 1}},
+ { 'type'=> 'text-block', 'id'=> 'text_block', 'x'=> 100.0, 'y'=> 100.0 },
+ { 'type'=> 'page-number', 'id'=> '', 'x'=> 100.0, 'y'=> 100.0 }
+ ]
- # Alias
Shape = Thinreports::Core::Shape
Layout = Thinreports::Layout
- def test_report_title_should_return_the_value_of_config_title_key
- format = Layout::Format.new('config' => {'title' => 'Title'})
- assert_equal format.report_title, 'Title'
- end
+ def test_attribute_readers
+ format = Layout::Format.new(layout_schema)
- def test_user_paper_type_asker_should_return_true_when_paper_type_is_user
- format = Layout::Format.new('config' => {'page' => {'paper-type' => 'user'}})
- assert_equal format.user_paper_type?, true
+ assert_equal 'Report Title', format.report_title
+ assert_equal Thinreports::VERSION, format.last_version
+ assert_equal 'A4', format.page_paper_type
+ assert_equal 100.0, format.page_width
+ assert_equal 200.0, format.page_height
+ assert_equal 'landscape', format.page_orientation
- def test_user_paper_type_asker_should_return_false_when_paper_type_is_not_user
- format = Layout::Format.new('config' => {'page' => {'paper-type' => 'A4'}})
- assert_equal format.user_paper_type?, false
- end
+ def test_user_paper_type?
+ format_paper_type_is_not_user = Layout::Format.new(layout_schema)
+ assert_equal false, format_paper_type_is_not_user.user_paper_type?
- def test_last_version_should_return_the_value_of_version_key
- format = Layout::Format.new('version' => '1.0')
- assert_equal format.last_version, '1.0'
+ format_paper_type_is_user = Layout::Format.new(layout_schema.merge(
+ {
+ 'report' => {
+ 'paper-type' => 'user'
+ }
+ }
+ ))
+ assert_equal true, format_paper_type_is_user.user_paper_type?
- def test_build_should_properly_build_layout_format
- build_format(force: true)
- rescue => e
- flunk exception_details(e, 'Faile to build.')
- end
+ def test_build
+ compatible_layout_file = layout_file
+ assert_instance_of Layout::Format, Layout::Format.build(compatible_layout_file.path)
- def test_build_should_properly_set_built_shapes_to_shapes_attributes_of_format
- assert_equal build_format.shapes.size, 4
+ incompatible_layout_file = layout_file(version: '0.0.1')
+ assert_raises Thinreports::Errors::IncompatibleLayoutFormat do
+ Layout::Format.build(incompatible_layout_file.path)
+ end
- def test_config_attributes_of_built_format_should_not_have_unnecessary_attributes
- format = build_format(force: true)
- config = format.instance_variable_get(:@config)
+ def test_build_legacy_layout
+ format = nil
- refute %w( version finger-print state).any? {|a| config.key?(a)},
- 'A config attributes of built format have unnecessary attributes.'
- end
+ assert_deprecated { format = Layout::Format.build(data_file('legacy_layout', 'all-items.tlf')) }
- def test_identifier_should_return_the_digest_value_of_the_raw_layout_using_sha1
- format = build_format
- expect = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(create_raw_format)
+ assert_equal 'Report Title', format.report_title
+ assert_equal '0.8.2', format.last_version
+ assert_equal 'A4', format.page_paper_type
+ assert_equal 'portrait', format.page_orientation
- assert_equal format.identifier, expect.to_sym
- ensure
- clear_cache_for_building
- end
+ item_types = format.attributes['items'].map { |items| items['type'] }
- def test_build_should_always_return_the_same_result_in_cache_mode
- result1 = build_format
- result2 = build_format
- assert_same result1, result2
- ensure
- clear_cache_for_building
+ assert_equal 9, item_types.count
+ assert_equal %w( rect ellipse line image image-block text-block list page-number text ).sort,
+ item_types.sort
- def test_build_should_raise_when_layout_file_is_incompatible
- original_rules = Layout::Version::REQUIRED_RULES.dup
- Layout::Version::REQUIRED_RULES.replace(['>= 0.6.0.pre3', '< 0.8.0'])
+ def test_initialize_items
+ format = Layout::Format.new(layout_schema)
- assert_raises Thinreports::Errors::IncompatibleLayoutFormat do
- build_format(version: '0.6.0.pre2')
- end
- ensure
- Layout::Version::REQUIRED_RULES.replace(original_rules)
- clear_cache_for_building
- end
+ assert_equal 2, format.shapes.count
- def create_raw_format(version = nil)
- clean_whitespaces(TEST_SIMPLE_FORMAT) % (version || Thinreports::VERSION)
+ shape_classes = format.shapes.values.map(&:class)
+ assert_includes shape_classes, Shape::TextBlock::Format
+ assert_includes shape_classes, Shape::PageNumber::Format
- def build_format(options = {})
- Layout::Format.stubs(read_format_file: create_raw_format(options[:version]))
- Layout::Format.build('dummy.tlf', force: options[:force])
- end
+ private
- def clear_cache_for_building
- Layout::Format.send(:built_format_registry).clear
+ def layout_schema(version = Thinreports::VERSION)
+ LAYOUT_SCHEMA.merge('version' => version)