in tg-bot-0.0.3 vs in tg-bot-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
telegram_bot_token: Your bot token
2. Add this gem to your `Gemfile`
- gem 'tg-bot', '~> 0.0.2'
+ gem 'tg-bot'
3. Setup your Controller
> e.g. my webhook is https://xxxxx/telegram
def telegram
@@ -40,11 +40,82 @@
telegram.send_photo(photo: "{Random.new_seed}")
# Methods
-## setWebhook
+## [SetWebhook](
def xxx
- Telegram::Bot.SetWebhook(url)
+ Telegram::Bot::SetWebhook(url)
+## [Send Message](
+def telegram
+ telegram =
+ telegram.send_message(
+ chat_id: 'chat_id',
+ text: 'Enter you want to reply message text',
+ parse_mode: 'HTML / Markdown ( Default Setting: HTML )',
+ disable_web_page_preview: 'true / false',
+ disable_notification: 'true / false',
+ reply_to_message_id: 'message_id',
+ reply_markup: 'inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard'
+ )
+|chat_id|Integer / String|**Required**<br>Default: chat_id from params|
+|text|String|**Required**<br>Enter reply Message|
+|parse_mode|String|**Optional**<br>Default: `HTML`<br>[HTML]( / [Markdown](|
+|disable_web_page_preview|Boolean|**Optional**<br>true / false|
+|disable_notification|Boolean|**Optional**<br>true / false|
+|reply_to_message_id|Integer|**Optional**<br>Reply sb's message by message_id|
+## [Forward Message](
+def telegram
+ telegram =
+ telegram.forward_message(
+ chat_id: 'chat_id',
+ from_chat_id: 'chat_id from forward message',
+ message_id: 'message_id forward message',
+ disable_notification: 'true / false'
+ )
+|chat_id|Integer / String|**Required**<br>Default: chat_id from params|
+|from_chat_id|Integer|**Required**<br>Chat Id from forward message|
+|message_id|String|**Required**<br>Message Id from forward message|
+|disable_notification|Boolean|**Optional**<br>true / false|
+## [Send Photo](
+def telegram
+ telegram =
+ telegram.send_photo(
+ chat_id: 'chat_id',
+ photo: 'InputFile / File Id(String) / HTTP URL(String)',
+ caption: 'Photo caption',
+ parse_mode: 'HTML / Markdown ( Default Setting: HTML )',
+ disable_notification: 'true / false',
+ reply_to_message_id: 'message_id',
+ reply_markup: 'inline keyboard, custom reply keyboard'
+ )
+|chat_id|Integer / String|**Required**<br>Default: chat_id from params|
+|photo|InputFile / String|**Required**<br>There's 3 ways to send photo:<br>1. Use `multipart/form-data` to upload new photo.<br>2. If the photo exist on Telegram servers, then pass `file_id` as String to send a photo.<br>3. Pass an HTTP URL as a String for Telegram to get a photo from the Internet.<br>[more](|
+|caption|String|**Optional**<br>Photo caption (may also be used when resending photos by file_id)<br>***maximun characters : 1024***|
+|parse_mode|String|**Optional**<br>Default: `HTML`<br>[HTML]( / [Markdown](|
+|disable_notification|Boolean|**Optional**<br>true / false|
+|reply_to_message_id|Integer|**Optional**<br>Reply sb's message by message_id|
+# Other
+If you have any questions or better advice for this gem, please use [Issue]( to tell me.
+Thanks for using this gem.
\ No newline at end of file