Rakefile in textpow1x-1.2.0 vs Rakefile in textpow1x-1.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -4,15 +4,12 @@
task :default do
sh "rspec spec/"
desc "Convert a plist to a .syntax file"
-task :convert, :file do |t,args|
- require 'plist'
- require 'yaml'
- yaml = Plist.parse_xml(args[:file]).to_yaml
- File.open('out.syntax','w'){|f| f.write(yaml) }
+task :convert, :in, :out do |t,args|
+ convert(args[:in], args[:out] || 'out.syntax')
rule /^version:bump:.*/ do |t|
sh "git status | grep 'nothing to commit'" # ensure we are not dirty
index = ['major', 'minor','patch'].index(t.name.split(':').last)
@@ -23,6 +20,24 @@
version_parts[index] = version_parts[index].to_i + 1
new_version = version_parts * '.'
File.open(file,'w'){|f| f.write(version_file.sub(old_version, new_version)) }
sh "bundle && git add #{file} Gemfile.lock && git commit -m 'bump version to #{new_version}'"
+desc "update syntaxes from their original source"
+task :update_syntax do
+ {
+ 'source.scss' => 'https://raw.github.com/kuroir/SCSS.tmbundle/master/Syntaxes/SCSS.tmLanguage'
+ }.each do |scope_name, url|
+ `curl '#{url}' > temp.plist`
+ convert('temp.plist', "lib/textpow/syntax/#{scope_name}.syntax")
+ `rm temp.plist`
+ end
+def convert(from, to)
+ require 'plist'
+ require 'yaml'
+ yaml = Plist.parse_xml(from).to_yaml
+ File.open(to,'w'){|f| f.write(yaml) }