lib/testingbot.rb in testingbot-0.0.9 vs lib/testingbot.rb in testingbot-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,224 +1,5 @@
require "testingbot/version"
require "testingbot/config"
-# if selenium RC, add testingbot credentials to request
-if defined?(Selenium) && defined?(Selenium::Client) && defined?(Selenium::Client::Protocol)
- module Selenium
- module Client
- module Protocol
- # add custom parameters for
- def http_request_for_testingbot(verb, args)
- data = http_request_for_original(verb, args)
- data << "&client_key=#{TestingBot.get_config[:client_key]}&client_secret=#{TestingBot.get_config[:client_secret]}"
- end
- begin
- alias http_request_for_original http_request_for
- alias http_request_for http_request_for_testingbot
- rescue
- end
- end
- end
- end
-if defined?(Selenium) && defined?(Selenium::Client) && defined?(Selenium::Client::Base)
- module Selenium
- module Client
- module Base
- :screenshot => true
- }
- alias :close_current_browser_session_old :close_current_browser_session
- alias :start_new_browser_session_old :start_new_browser_session
- alias :initialize_old :initialize
- attr_accessor :options
- attr_accessor :session_id_backup
- attr_accessor :extra
- attr_accessor :platform
- attr_accessor :version
- def initialize(*args)
- if args[0].kind_of?(Hash)
- options = args[0]
- @platform = options[:platform] || "WINDOWS"
- @version = options[:version] if options[:version]
- end
- @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS
- initialize_old(*args)
- @host = "" if @host.nil?
- @port = 4444 if @port.nil?
- end
- def close_current_browser_session
- @session_id_backup = @session_id
- close_current_browser_session_old
- end
- def start_new_browser_session(options={})
- options = @options.merge options
- options[:platform] = @platform
- options[:version] = @version unless @version.nil?
- start_new_browser_session_old(options)
- end
- def extra=(str)
- @extra = str
- end
- def options=(opts = {})
- @options = @options.merge opts
- end
- end
- end
- end
-# rspec 1
- require 'spec'
- require "selenium/rspec/spec_helper"
- Spec::Runner.configure do |config|
- config.prepend_after(:each) do
- client_key = TestingBot.get_config[:client_key]
- client_secret = TestingBot.get_config[:client_secret]
- if !client_key.nil?
- session_id = nil
- if !@selenium_driver.nil?
- session_id = @selenium_driver.session_id_backup
- elsif defined?(Capybara)
- begin
- session_id = page.driver.browser.instance_variable_get("@bridge").instance_variable_get("@session_id")
- rescue Exception => e
- p "Could not determine sessionID, can not send results to #{e.message}"
- end
- end
- if !session_id.nil?
- params = {
- "session_id" => session_id,
- "client_key" => client_key,
- "client_secret" => client_secret,
- "status_message" => @execution_error,
- "success" => !actual_failure?,
- "name" => description.to_s,
- "kind" => 2,
- "extra" => @selenium_driver.extra
- }
- url = URI.parse('')
- http =, url.port)
- response =, { |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" }.join("&"))
- end
- else
- puts "Can't post test results to TestingBot since I could not a .testingbot file in your home-directory."
- end
- end
- end
-rescue LoadError
-# rspec 2
- require 'rspec'
- ::RSpec.configuration.after :each do
- client_key = TestingBot.get_config[:client_key]
- client_secret = TestingBot.get_config[:client_secret]
- if !client_key.nil?
- test_name = ""
- if example.metadata && example.metadata[:example_group]
- if example.metadata[:example_group][:description_args]
- test_name = example.metadata[:example_group][:description_args].join(" ")
- end
- if example.metadata[:description_args]
- test_name = test_name + " it " + example.metadata[:description_args].join(" ")
- end
- end
- status_message = ""
- status_message = example.exception.to_s if !example.exception.nil?
- session_id = nil
- if !@selenium_driver.nil?
- session_id = @selenium_driver.session_id_backup
- elsif defined?(Capybara)
- begin
- session_id = page.driver.browser.instance_variable_get("@bridge").instance_variable_get("@session_id")
- rescue Exception => e
- p "Could not determine sessionID, can not send results to #{e.message}"
- end
- end
- if !session_id.nil?
- params = {
- "session_id" => session_id,
- "client_key" => client_key,
- "client_secret" => client_secret,
- "status_message" => status_message,
- "success" => example.exception.nil?,
- "name" => test_name,
- "kind" => 2
- }
- if @selenium_driver && @selenium_driver.extra
- params["extra"] = @selenium_driver.extra
- end
- url = URI.parse('')
- http =, url.port)
- response =, { |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" }.join("&"))
- end
- else
- puts "Can't post test results to TestingBot since I could not a .testingbot file in your home-directory."
- end
- end
-rescue LoadError
-if defined?(Test::Unit::TestCase) && (Test::Unit::TestCase.respond_to?('run_teardown'))
- module TestingBot
- class TestingBot::TestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase
- alias :run_teardown_old :run_teardown
- alias :handle_exception_old :handle_exception
- attr_accessor :exception
- def run_teardown
- client_key = TestingBot.get_config[:client_key]
- client_secret = TestingBot.get_config[:client_secret]
- params = {
- "session_id" => browser.session_id,
- "client_key" => client_key,
- "client_secret" => client_secret,
- "status_message" => @exception,
- "success" => passed?,
- "name" => self.to_s,
- "kind" => 2,
- "extra" => browser.extra
- }
- url = URI.parse('')
- http =, url.port)
- response =, { |k, v| "#{k.to_s}=#{v}" }.join("&"))
- run_teardown_old
- end
- def handle_exception(e)
- @exception = e.to_s
- handle_exception_old(e)
- end
- end
- end
+require "testingbot/selenium"
+require "testingbot/api"
+require "testingbot/hooks"
\ No newline at end of file