in tensor_stream-0.4.1 vs in tensor_stream-0.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -125,18 +125,18 @@
Note the difference in named and optional parameters
-w = tf.Variable(0, name='weights')
-w = tf.Variable(0, 'weights')
+w = ts.Variable(0, name='weights')
+w = ts.Variable(0, 'weights')
-w = tf.variable(0, name: 'weights')
+w = ts.variable(0, name: 'weights')
# Shapes
@@ -147,35 +147,35 @@
ruby supports symbols for specifying data types, nil can be used for None
-x = tf.placeholder(:float32, shape: [1024, 1024])
-x = tf.placeholder(:float32, shape: [nil, 1024])
+x = ts.placeholder(:float32, shape: [1024, 1024])
+x = ts.placeholder(:float32, shape: [nil, 1024])
For debugging, each operation or tensor supports the to_math method
-X = tf.placeholder("float")
-Y = tf.placeholder("float")
-W = tf.variable(rand, name: "weight")
-b = tf.variable(rand, name: "bias")
+X = ts.placeholder("float")
+Y = ts.placeholder("float")
+W = ts.variable(rand, name: "weight")
+b = ts.variable(rand, name: "bias")
pred = X * W + b
-cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(pred - Y, 2)) / ( 2 * 10)
+cost = ts.reduce_sum(ts.pow(pred - Y, 2)) / ( 2 * 10)
cost.to_math # "(reduce_sum(|((((Placeholder: * weight) + bias) - Placeholder_2:)^2)|) / 20.0)"
breakpoints can also be set, block will be evaluated during computation
-a = tf.constant([2,2])
-b = tf.constant([3,3])
+a = ts.constant([2,2])
+b = ts.constant([3,3])
-f = tf.matmul(a, b).breakpoint! { |tensor, a, b, result_value| binding.pry }
+f = ts.matmul(a, b).breakpoint! { |tensor, a, b, result_value| binding.pry }
### OpenCL
For OpenCL support, make sure that the required OpenCL drivers for your hardware are correctly installed on your system.
@@ -185,18 +185,39 @@
gem 'opencl_ruby_ffi'
-To use the opencl evaluator instead of the ruby evaluator:
+To use the opencl evaluator instead of the ruby evaluator simply add require it.
-require 'tensor_stream/evaluator/opencl_evaluator'
+require 'tensor_stream/evaluator/opencl/opencl_evaluator'
+Adding the OpenCL evaluator should expose additional devices available to tensor_stream
+# ["job:localhost/ts:ruby:cpu", "job:localhost/ts:opencl:apple:0", "job:localhost/ts:opencl:apple:1"]
+Here we see 1 "ruby" cpu device and 2 opencl "apple" devices (Intel CPU, Intel Iris GPU)
+By default TensorStream will determine using the given evaluators the best possible
+placement for each tensor operation
+require 'tensor_stream/evaluator/opencl/opencl_evaluator'
# set session to use the opencl evaluator
-sess = tf.session(:opencl_evaluator)
+sess = ts.session # do stuff
+You can manually place operations using ts.device
Note that the OpenCL evaluator provides speedup if you are using large tensors, tensors that are only using scalars like the linear regression sample will actually be slower.