app/views/tenon/pages/_form.html.haml in tenon-1.1.4 vs app/views/tenon/pages/_form.html.haml in tenon-1.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
- content_for :sidebar do
- %h2 Pages
+ %h2= t('tenon.pages.pages')
- %h4 Edit Options
+ %h4= t('tenon.common.edit_options')
- link_to 'Page Content', '#details', data: {toggle: 'tab'}
- %li= link_to 'Search Optimization', '#seo', data: {toggle: 'tab'}
+ link_to t('tenon.pages.page_content'), '#details', data: {toggle: 'tab'}
+ %li= link_to t('tenon.common.search_optimization'), '#seo', data: {toggle: 'tab'}
= i18n_language_nav(:'tenon/pages')
= autosaving_form_for @page do |f|
= error_messages_for :page
- = f.text_field :title, explanation: 'This is the title that shows up at the top of your page.'
+ = f.text_field :title, explanation: t('tenon.pages.this_is_the_title')
.form-group= f.tenon_content :content
.tab-pane#seo= render 'tenon/shared/seo_fields', f: f
- Details
+ t('tenon.common.details')
- = f.super_label :parent_id, 'Parent Page'
- = f.collection_select :parent_id, @potential_parents, :id, :option_title, {:include_blank => "(No Parent)"}
+ = f.super_label :parent_id, t('tenon.pages.parent_page')
+ = f.collection_select :parent_id, @potential_parents, :id, :option_title, { :include_blank => t('tenon.pages.no_parent') }
= f.check_box :show_in_menu, class: 'tn-checkbox-right'
- = f.super_label :show_in_menu, "Show in Menu?"
+ = f.super_label :show_in_menu, t('tenon.pages.show_in_menu')
= f.check_box :show_contact_form, class: 'tn-checkbox-right'
- = f.super_label :show_contact_form, "Show Contact Form?"
+ = f.super_label :show_contact_form, t('tenon.pages.show_contact_form')
- Publish Your Page
+ t('tenon.pages.publish_your_page')
- = f.text_field :publish_at, label: "Publish Date", data: {behaviour: 'datetime-picker'}, placeholder: '--'
+ = f.text_field :publish_at, label: t('tenon.common.publish_date'), data: { behaviour: 'datetime-picker' }, placeholder: '--'
- if can?(:publish, @page)
- %button.btn.btn-comp.btn-block.submit{ data: { disable_with: "Please wait..." } } Save
+ %button.btn.btn-comp.btn-block.submit{ data: { disable_with: t('tenon.common.please_wait') } }= t('')
- if can?(:create, Tenon::ItemVersion)
= save_draft_button(@page)
= clear_draft_link if params[:version]
= load_draft_link(@page)
- if @page.persisted?
- = link_to "Delete", @page, data: {method: :delete, confirm: 'Are you sure you want to delete this?'}, class: 'delete-link'
+ = link_to t('tenon.common.delete'), @page, data: { method: :delete, confirm: t('tenon.common.are_you_sure') }, class: 'delete-link'