spec/main_spec.rb in teacup-0.3.12 vs spec/main_spec.rb in teacup-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,206 +1,154 @@
describe "Application 'Teacup'" do
+ tests FirstController
before do
- UIDevice.currentDevice.beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications
- @app = UIApplication.sharedApplication
- @view_ctrlr = @app.windows[0].rootViewController
+ @root_view = window.subviews[0]
+ @background = @root_view.subviews[0]
+ @welcome = @background.subviews[0]
+ @footer = @background.subviews[1]
+ @button = @background.subviews[2]
- after do
- UIDevice.currentDevice.endGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications
- end
- it "has one window" do
- @app.windows.size.should == 1
- end
it "should have a root view" do
- view_ctrlr_view = @view_ctrlr.view
+ view_ctrlr_view = controller.view
view_ctrlr_view.subviews.length.should == 1
view_ctrlr_view.subviews[0].class.should == CustomView
- describe "view controller" do
+ it "should be able to rotate" do
+ controller.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait).should == true
+ controller.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight).should == true
+ controller.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft).should == true
+ controller.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown).should == nil
+ end
- it "should be able to rotate" do
- @view_ctrlr.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait).should == true
- @view_ctrlr.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight).should == true
- @view_ctrlr.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft).should == true
- @view_ctrlr.shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown).should == nil
- end
+ it "root view should be styled as :root" do
+ @root_view.stylename.should == :root
+ @root_view.frame.origin.x.should == 0
+ @root_view.frame.origin.y.should == 0
+ @root_view.frame.size.width.should == 320
+ @root_view.frame.size.height.should == 480
+ @root_view.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.yellowColor
- describe "root view" do
+ it "should be styled as :background" do
+ @background.stylename.should == :background
+ @background.frame.origin.x.should == 10
+ @background.frame.origin.y.should == 30
+ @background.frame.size.width.should == 300
+ @background.frame.size.height.should == 440
+ @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.darkGrayColor
+ end
- before do
- @root_view = @app.windows[0].subviews[0]
- end
+ it "background view should have subviews" do
+ @background.subviews.length.should == 3
+ @background.subviews[0].class.should == UILabel
+ @background.subviews[1].class.should == UILabel
+ @background.subviews[2].class.ancestors.include?(UIButton).should == true
+ end
- it "root view should be styled as 'root'" do
- @root_view.stylename.should == :root
- @root_view.frame.origin.x.should == 0
- @root_view.frame.origin.y.should == 0
- @root_view.frame.size.width.should == 320
- @root_view.frame.size.height.should == 480
- @root_view.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.yellowColor
- end
+ it "should not have styles overridden by base classes" do
+ @background.alpha.should == 0.5
+ end
+ it "should have styles overridden orientation styles" do
+ @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.darkGrayColor
- describe "background view" do
+ it "should have all UILabels with color blue" do
+ @welcome.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor
+ @footer.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor
+ end
- before do
- @background = @app.windows[0].subviews[0].subviews[0]
- end
+ it "should be styled as :welcome" do
+ @welcome.stylename.should == :welcome
+ @welcome.frame.origin.x.should == 10
+ @welcome.frame.origin.y.should == 40
+ @welcome.frame.size.width.should == 280
+ @welcome.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @welcome.text.should == "Welcome to teacup"
+ end
- it "should be styled as :background" do
- @background.stylename.should == :background
- @background.frame.origin.x.should == 10
- @background.frame.origin.y.should == 30
- @background.frame.size.width.should == 300
- @background.frame.size.height.should == 440
- @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.darkGrayColor
- end
+ it "should be styled as :footer" do
+ @footer.stylename.should == :footer
+ @footer.frame.origin.x.should == 10
+ @footer.frame.origin.y.should == 410
+ @footer.frame.size.width.should == 280
+ @footer.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @footer.text.should == "This is a teacup example"
+ end
- it "background view should have subviews" do
- @background.subviews.length.should == 3
- @background.subviews[0].class.should == UILabel
- @background.subviews[1].class.should == UILabel
- @background.subviews[2].class.ancestors.include?(UIButton).should == true
- end
+ it "should be styled as :next_message" do
+ @button.stylename.should == :next_message
+ @button.frame.origin.x.should == 150
+ @button.frame.origin.y.should == 370
+ @button.frame.size.width.should == 130
+ @button.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @button.titleForState(UIControlStateNormal).should == "Next Message..."
+ end
- it "should not have styles overridden by base classes" do
- @background.alpha.should == 0.5
- end
- it "should have styles overridden orientation styles" do
- @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.darkGrayColor
- end
- describe "background subviews" do
+describe "background view in landscape" do
+ tests FirstController
- before do
- @welcome = @background.subviews[0]
- @footer = @background.subviews[1]
- @button = @background.subviews[2]
- end
+ before do
+ @root_view = window.subviews[0]
+ @background = @root_view.subviews[0]
+ @welcome = @background.subviews[0]
+ @footer = @background.subviews[1]
+ @button = @background.subviews[2]
+ rotate_device :to => :landscape
+ end
- it "should have all UILabels with color blue" do
- @welcome.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor
- @footer.textColor.should == UIColor.blueColor
- end
+ it "should be in landscape" do
+ UIApplication.sharedApplication.statusBarOrientation.should == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ end
- describe "welcome" do
- it "should be styled as :welcome" do
- @welcome.stylename.should == :welcome
- @welcome.frame.origin.x.should == 10
- @welcome.frame.origin.y.should == 40
- @welcome.frame.size.width.should == 280
- @welcome.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @welcome.text.should == "Welcome to teacup"
- end
- end
+ it "should be styled as :background - landscape" do
+ @background.stylename.should == :background
+ @background.frame.origin.x.should == 10
+ @background.frame.origin.y.should == 30
+ @background.frame.size.width.should == 460
+ @background.frame.size.height.should == 280
+ @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.lightGrayColor
+ end
- describe "footer" do
- it "should be styled as :footer" do
- @footer.stylename.should == :footer
- @footer.frame.origin.x.should == 10
- @footer.frame.origin.y.should == 410
- @footer.frame.size.width.should == 280
- @footer.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @footer.text.should == "This is a teacup example"
- end
- end
+ it "should not have styles overridden by base classes" do
+ @background.alpha.should == 0.8
+ end
- describe "button" do
- it "should be styled as :next_message" do
- @button.stylename.should == :next_message
- @button.frame.origin.x.should == 150
- @button.frame.origin.y.should == 370
- @button.frame.size.width.should == 130
- @button.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @button.titleForState(UIControlStateNormal).should == "Next Message..."
- end
- end
+ it "should have styles overridden orientation styles" do
+ @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.lightGrayColor
+ end
- end
+ it "should be styled as :welcome - landscape" do
+ @welcome.stylename.should == :welcome
+ @welcome.frame.origin.x.should == 90
+ @welcome.frame.origin.y.should == 40
+ @welcome.frame.size.width.should == 280
+ @welcome.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @welcome.text.should == "Welcome to teacup"
+ end
+ it "should be styled as :footer - landscape" do
+ @footer.stylename.should == :footer
+ @footer.frame.origin.x.should == 90
+ @footer.frame.origin.y.should == 250
+ @footer.frame.size.width.should == 280
+ @footer.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @footer.text.should == "This is a teacup example"
- describe "background view in landscape" do
- before do
- @background = @app.windows[0].subviews[0].subviews[0]
- @view_ctrlr.landscape_only
- UIApplication.sharedApplication.setStatusBarOrientation(UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft, animated:false)
- end
- it "should be in landscape" do
- # the rest of these tests *pass*, but the device orientation isn't actually
- # updated to be landscape yet... :-/
- UIDevice.currentDevice.orientation.should > 0
- end
- it "should be styled as :background - landscape" do
- @background.stylename.should == :background
- @background.frame.origin.x.should == 10
- @background.frame.origin.y.should == 30
- @background.frame.size.width.should == 460
- @background.frame.size.height.should == 280
- @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.lightGrayColor
- end
- it "should not have styles overridden by base classes" do
- @background.alpha.should == 0.8
- end
- it "should have styles overridden orientation styles" do
- @background.backgroundColor.should == UIColor.lightGrayColor
- end
- describe "background subviews in landscape" do
- before do
- @welcome = @background.subviews[0]
- @footer = @background.subviews[1]
- @button = @background.subviews[2]
- end
- describe "welcome" do
- it "should be styled as :welcome - landscape" do
- @welcome.stylename.should == :welcome
- @welcome.frame.origin.x.should == 90
- @welcome.frame.origin.y.should == 40
- @welcome.frame.size.width.should == 280
- @welcome.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @welcome.text.should == "Welcome to teacup"
- end
- end
- describe "footer" do
- it "should be styled as :footer - landscape" do
- @footer.stylename.should == :footer
- @footer.frame.origin.x.should == 90
- @footer.frame.origin.y.should == 250
- @footer.frame.size.width.should == 280
- @footer.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @footer.text.should == "This is a teacup example"
- end
- end
- describe "button" do
- it "should be styled as :next_message - landscape" do
- @button.stylename.should == :next_message
- @button.frame.origin.x.should == 20
- @button.frame.origin.y.should == 200
- @button.frame.size.width.should == 130
- @button.frame.size.height.should == 20
- @button.titleForState(UIControlStateNormal).should == "Next Message..."
- end
- end
- end
+ it "should be styled as :next_message - landscape" do
+ @button.stylename.should == :next_message
+ @button.frame.origin.x.should == 20
+ @button.frame.origin.y.should == 200
+ @button.frame.size.width.should == 130
+ @button.frame.size.height.should == 20
+ @button.titleForState(UIControlStateNormal).should == "Next Message..."
describe "Stylesheet 'first'" do