lib/tdiff.rb in tdiff-0.1.0 vs lib/tdiff.rb in tdiff-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,133 +1,2 @@
-# {TDiff} adds the ability to calculate the differences between two tree-like
-# objects. Simply include {TDiff} into the class which represents the tree
-# nodes and define the {#tdiff_each_child} and {#tdiff_equal} methods.
-module TDiff
- #
- # Default method which will enumerate over every child of a parent node.
- #
- # @param [Object] node
- # The parent node.
- #
- # @yield [child]
- # The given block will be passed each child of the parent node.
- #
- def tdiff_each_child(node,&block)
- node.each(&block) if node.kind_of?(Enumerable)
- end
- #
- # Default method which compares two nodes.
- #
- # @param [Object] original_node
- # A node from the original tree.
- #
- # @param [Object] new_node
- # A node from the new tree.
- #
- # @return [Boolean]
- # Specifies whether the two nodes are equal.
- #
- def tdiff_equal(original_node,new_node)
- original_node == new_node
- end
- #
- # Finds the differences between `self` and another tree.
- #
- # @param [#tdiff_each_child] tree
- # The other tree.
- #
- # @yield [change, node]
- # The given block will be passed the added or removed nodes.
- #
- # @yieldparam [' ', '+', '-'] change
- # The state-change of the node.
- #
- # @yieldparam [Object] node
- # A node from one of the two trees.
- #
- # @return [Enumerator]
- # If no block is given, an Enumerator object will be returned.
- #
- def tdiff(tree,&block)
- return enum_for(:tdiff,tree) unless block
- # check if the nodes differ
- unless tdiff_equal(self,tree)
- yield '-', self
- yield '+', tree
- return self
- end
- c = { |hash,key| hash[key] = }
- x = enum_for(:tdiff_each_child,self)
- y = enum_for(:tdiff_each_child,tree)
- x.each_with_index do |xi,i|
- y.each_with_index do |yi,j|
- c[i][j] = if tdiff_equal(xi,yi)
- c[i-1][j-1] + 1
- else
- if c[i][j-1] > c[i-1][j]
- c[i][j-1]
- else
- c[i-1][j]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- unchanged = []
- changes = []
- x_backtrack = x.each_with_index.reverse_each
- y_backtrack = y.each_with_index.reverse_each
- next_child = lambda { |children|
- begin
- rescue StopIteration
- # end of iteration, return a -1 index
- [nil, -1]
- end
- }
- xi, i = next_child[x_backtrack]
- yi, j = next_child[y_backtrack]
- until (i == -1 && j == -1)
- if (i != -1 && j != -1 && tdiff_equal(xi,yi))
- changes.unshift [' ', xi]
- unchanged.unshift [xi, yi]
- xi, i = next_child[x_backtrack]
- yi, j = next_child[y_backtrack]
- else
- if (j >= 0 && (i == -1 || c[i][j-1] >= c[i-1][j]))
- changes.unshift ['+', yi]
- yi, j = next_child[y_backtrack]
- elsif (i >= 0 && (j == -1 || c[i][j-1] < c[i-1][j]))
- changes.unshift ['-', xi]
- xi, i = next_child[x_backtrack]
- end
- end
- end
- # explicitly discard the c matrix
- c = nil
- # sequentially iterate over the changed nodes
- changes.each(&block)
- changes = nil
- # recurse down through unchanged nodes
- unchanged.each { |x,y| x.tdiff(y,&block) }
- unchanged = nil
- return self
- end
+require 'tdiff/tdiff'
+require 'tdiff/unordered'