lib/measures/tbd/resources/ua.rb in tbd-3.2.1 vs lib/measures/tbd/resources/ua.rb in tbd-3.2.2
- old
+ new
@@ -37,31 +37,32 @@
mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}"
res = { uo: nil, m: nil }
cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
cl2 = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
cl3 = Numeric
+ cl4 = String
- return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
- return mismatch("id", id, String, mth, DBG, res) unless id.is_a?(String)
- return mismatch("lc", lc, cl2, mth, DBG, res) unless lc.is_a?(cl2)
- return mismatch("hloss", hloss, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless hloss.is_a?(cl3)
- return mismatch("film", film, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless film.is_a?(cl3)
- return mismatch("Ut", ut, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless ut.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, res) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch("id" , id, cl4, mth, DBG, res) unless id.is_a?(cl4)
+ return mismatch("lc" , lc, cl2, mth, DBG, res) unless lc.is_a?(cl2)
+ return mismatch("hloss", hloss, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless hloss.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("film" , film, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless film.is_a?(cl3)
+ return mismatch("Ut" , ut, cl3, mth, DBG, res) unless ut.is_a?(cl3)
loss = 0.0 # residual heatloss (not assigned) [W/K]
area = lc.getNetArea
lyr = insulatingLayer(lc)
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index].is_a?(Numeric)
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] >= 0
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] < lc.layers.size
- return invalid("'#{id}' layer index", mth, 0, ERR, res) unless lyr[:index]
- return zero("'#{id}': heatloss", mth, WRN, res) unless hloss > TOL
- return zero("'#{id}': films", mth, WRN, res) unless film > TOL
- return zero("'#{id}': Ut", mth, WRN, res) unless ut > TOL
- return invalid("'#{id}': Ut", mth, 0, WRN, res) unless ut < 5.678
- return zero("'#{id}': net area (m2)", mth, ERR, res) unless area > TOL
+ return invalid("'#{id}' layer index", mth, 0, ERR, res) unless lyr[:index]
+ return zero("'#{id}': heatloss" , mth, WRN, res) unless hloss > TOL
+ return zero("'#{id}': films" , mth, WRN, res) unless film > TOL
+ return zero("'#{id}': Ut" , mth, WRN, res) unless ut > TOL
+ return invalid("'#{id}': Ut" , mth, 0, WRN, res) unless ut < 5.678
+ return zero("'#{id}': net area (m2)", mth, ERR, res) unless area > TOL
# First, calculate initial layer RSi to initially meet Ut target.
rt = 1 / ut # target construction Rt
ro = rsi(lc, film) # current construction Ro
new_r = lyr[:r] + (rt - ro) # new, un-derated layer RSi
@@ -74,20 +75,20 @@
return zero("'#{id}': new Rsi", mth, ERR, res) unless new_r > 0.001
if lyr[:type] == :massless
m = lc.getLayer(lyr[:index]).to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial
- return invalid("'#{id}' massless layer?", mth, 0) if m.empty?
+ return invalid("'#{id}' massless layer?", mth, 0, DBG, res) if m.empty?
m = m.get.clone(model).to_MasslessOpaqueMaterial.get
m.setName("#{id} uprated")
new_r = 0.001 unless new_r > 0.001
loss = (new_u - 1 / new_r) * area unless new_r > 0.001
else # type == :standard
m = lc.getLayer(lyr[:index]).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial
- return invalid("'#{id}' standard layer?", mth, 0) if m.empty?
+ return invalid("'#{id}' standard layer?", mth, 0, DBG, res) if m.empty?
m = m.get.clone(model).to_StandardOpaqueMaterial.get
m.setName("#{id} uprated")
k = m.thermalConductivity
@@ -139,15 +140,16 @@
# @return [Bool] true if successfully uprated
def uprate(model = nil, s = {}, argh = {})
mth = "TBD::#{__callee__}"
cl1 = OpenStudio::Model::Model
cl2 = Hash
+ cl3 = OpenStudio::Model::LayeredConstruction
a = false
- return mismatch("model", model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
- return mismatch("surfaces", s, cl2, mth, DBG, a) unless s.is_a?(cl2)
- return mismatch("argh", model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless argh.is_a?(cl2)
+ return mismatch("model" , model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless model.is_a?(cl1)
+ return mismatch("surfaces", s, cl2, mth, DBG, a) unless s.is_a?(cl2)
+ return mismatch("argh" , model, cl1, mth, DBG, a) unless argh.is_a?(cl2)
argh[:uprate_walls ] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_walls )
argh[:uprate_roofs ] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_roofs )
argh[:uprate_floors] = false unless argh.key?(:uprate_floors)
argh[:wall_ut ] = 5.678 unless argh.key?(:wall_ut )
@@ -166,210 +168,217 @@
groups[:floor][:ut] = argh[:floor_ut ]
groups[:wall ][:op] = argh[:wall_option ]
groups[:roof ][:op] = argh[:roof_option ]
groups[:floor][:op] = argh[:floor_option ]
- groups.each do |label, g|
+ groups.each do |type, g|
next unless g[:up]
next unless g[:ut].is_a?(Numeric)
next unless g[:ut] < 5.678
+ typ = type
+ typ = :ceiling if typ == :roof # fix in future revision. TO-DO.
coll = {}
area = 0
film = 100000000000000
lc = nil
id = ""
all = g[:op].downcase == "all wall constructions" ||
g[:op].downcase == "all roof constructions" ||
g[:op].downcase == "all floor constructions"
if g[:op].empty?
- log(ERR, "Construction to uprate? (#{mth})")
+ log(ERR, "Construction (#{type}) to uprate? (#{mth})")
elsif all
- model.getSurfaces.each do |sss|
- next unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s)
- next unless sss.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"
- next if
- next if
+ s.each do |nom, surface|
+ next unless surface.key?(:deratable )
+ next unless surface.key?(:type )
+ next unless surface.key?(:construction)
+ next unless surface.key?(:filmRSI )
+ next unless surface.key?(:index )
+ next unless surface.key?(:ltype )
+ next unless surface.key?(:r )
+ next unless surface[:deratable ]
+ next unless surface[:type ] == typ
+ next unless surface[:construction].is_a?(cl3)
+ next if surface[:index ].nil?
- c =
- i = c.nameString
+ # Retain lowest surface film resistance (e.g. tilted surfaces).
+ c = surface[:construction]
+ i = c.nameString
+ aire = c.getNetArea
+ film = surface[:filmRSI] if surface[:filmRSI] < film
- # Reliable unless referenced by other surface types e.g. floor vs wall.
- if c.getNetArea > area
- area = c.getNetArea
+ # Retain construction covering largest area. The following conditional
+ # is reliable UNLESS linked to other deratable surface types e.g. both
+ # floors AND walls (see "elsif lc" corrections below).
+ if aire > area
lc = c
+ area = aire
id = i
- film = sss.filmResistance if sss.filmResistance < film
- nom = sss.nameString
- coll[i] = { area: c.getNetArea, lc: c, s: {} } unless coll.key?(i)
- coll[i][:s][nom] = { a: sss.netArea } unless coll[i][:s].key?(nom)
+ coll[i] = { area: aire, lc: c, s: {} } unless coll.key?(i)
+ coll[i][:s][nom] = { a: surface[:net] } unless coll[i][:s].key?(nom)
id = g[:op]
- c = model.getConstructionByName(id)
+ lc = model.getConstructionByName(id)
+ log(ERR, "Construction '#{id}'? (#{mth})") if lc.empty?
+ next if lc.empty?
- if c.empty?
- log(ERR, "Construction '#{id}'? (#{mth})")
- else
- c = c.get.to_LayeredConstruction
+ lc = lc.get.to_LayeredConstruction
+ log(ERR, "'#{id}' layered construction? (#{mth})") if lc.empty?
+ next if lc.empty?
- if c.empty?
- log(ERR, "'#{id}' layered construction? (#{mth})")
- else
- lc = c.get
- area = lc.getNetArea
- coll[id] = { area: area, lc: lc, s: {} }
+ lc = lc.get
+ area = lc.getNetArea
+ coll[id] = { area: area, lc: lc, s: {} }
- model.getSurfaces.each do |sss|
- next unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s)
- next unless sss.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors"
- next if
- next if
- lc =
- next unless id == lc.nameString
- nom = sss.nameString
- film = sss.filmResistance if sss.filmResistance < film
- ok = coll[id][:s].key?(nom)
- coll[id][:s][nom] = { a: sss.netArea } unless ok
- end
- end
+ s.each do |nom, surface|
+ next unless surface.key?(:deratable )
+ next unless surface.key?(:type )
+ next unless surface.key?(:construction)
+ next unless surface.key?(:filmRSI )
+ next unless surface.key?(:index )
+ next unless surface.key?(:ltype )
+ next unless surface.key?(:r )
+ next unless surface[:deratable ]
+ next unless surface[:type ] == typ
+ next unless surface[:construction].is_a?(cl3)
+ next if surface[:index ].nil?
+ i = surface[:construction].nameString
+ next unless i == id
+ # Retain lowest surface film resistance (e.g. tilted surfaces).
+ film = surface[:filmRSI] if surface[:filmRSI] < film
+ coll[i][:s][nom] = { a: surface[:net] } unless coll[i][:s].key?(nom)
if coll.empty?
- log(ERR, "No #{label} construction to uprate - skipping (#{mth})")
+ log(ERR, "No #{type} construction to uprate - skipping (#{mth})")
- elsif lc # valid layered construction - good to uprate!
- # Ensure lc is referenced by surface types == label.
- model.getSurfaces.each do |sss|
- next if
- next if
- c =
- i = c.nameString
- next unless coll.key?(i)
- unless sss.surfaceType.downcase.include?(label.to_s)
- log(ERR, "Uprating #{label.to_s}, not '#{sss.nameString}' (#{mth})")
- cloned = c.clone(model).to_LayeredConstruction.get
- cloned.setName("'#{i}' cloned")
- sss.setConstruction(cloned)
- ok = s.key?(sss.nameString)
- s[sss.nameString][:construction] = cloned if ok
- coll[i][:s].delete(sss.nameString)
- coll[i][:area] = c.getNetArea
- next
- end
- end
+ elsif lc
+ # Valid layered construction - good to uprate!
lyr = insulatingLayer(lc)
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index].is_a?(Numeric)
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] >= 0
lyr[:index] = nil unless lyr[:index] < lc.layers.size
log(ERR, "Insulation index for '#{id}'? (#{mth})") unless lyr[:index]
next unless lyr[:index]
- hloss = 0 # sum of applicable psi & khi effects [W/K]
- coll.each do |i, col|
- next unless col.key?(:s)
- next unless col.is_a?(Hash)
+ # Ensure lc is exclusively linked to deratable surfaces of right type.
+ # If not, assign new lc clone to non-targeted surfaces.
+ s.each do |nom, surface|
+ next unless surface.key?(:type )
+ next unless surface.key?(:deratable )
+ next unless surface.key?(:construction)
+ next unless surface[:construction].is_a?(cl3)
+ next unless surface[:construction] == lc
+ ok = true
+ ok = false unless surface[:type ] == typ
+ ok = false unless surface[:deratable]
+ ok = false unless coll.key?(id)
+ ok = false unless coll[id][:s].key?(nom)
+ unless ok
+ log(WRN, "Cloning '#{nom}' construction - not '#{id}' (#{mth})")
+ sss = model.getSurfaceByName(nom)
+ next if sss.empty?
+ sss = sss.get
+ cloned = lc.clone(model).to_LayeredConstruction.get
+ cloned.setName("#{nom} - cloned")
+ sss.setConstruction(cloned)
+ surface[:construction] = cloned
+ coll[id][:s].delete(nom)
+ end
+ end
+ hloss = 0 # sum of applicable psi & khi effects [W/K]
+ # Tally applicable psi + khi losses. Possible construction reassignment.
+ coll.each do |i, col|
col[:s].keys.each do |nom|
next unless s.key?(nom)
- next unless s[nom].key?(:deratable )
next unless s[nom].key?(:construction)
next unless s[nom].key?(:index )
next unless s[nom].key?(:ltype )
next unless s[nom].key?(:r )
- next unless s[nom].key?(:type )
- next unless s[nom][:deratable]
- type = s[nom][:type].to_s.downcase
- type = "roof" if type == "ceiling"
- next unless type.include?(label.to_s)
# Tally applicable psi + khi.
- hloss += s[nom][:heatloss] if s[nom].key?(:heatloss)
+ hloss += s[nom][:heatloss ] if s[nom].key?(:heatloss)
+ next if s[nom][:construction] == lc
- # Skip construction reassignment if already referencing right one.
- unless s[nom][:construction] == lc
- sss = model.getSurfaceByName(nom)
- next if sss.empty?
- sss = sss.get
+ # Reassign construction unless referencing lc.
+ sss = model.getSurfaceByName(nom)
+ next if sss.empty?
- if sss.isConstructionDefaulted
- set = defaultConstructionSet(model, sss)
- constructions = set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions.get
+ sss = sss.get
- case sss.surfaceType.downcase
- when "roofceiling"
- constructions.setRoofCeilingConstruction(lc)
- when "floor"
- constructions.setFloorConstruction(lc)
- else
- constructions.setWallConstruction(lc)
- end
- else
- sss.setConstruction(lc)
- end
+ if sss.isConstructionDefaulted
+ set = defaultConstructionSet(model, sss) # building? story?
+ constructions = set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions
- s[nom][:construction] = lc # reset TBD attributes
- s[nom][:index ] = lyr[:index]
- s[nom][:ltype ] = lyr[:type ]
- s[nom][:r ] = lyr[:r ] # temporary
+ unless constructions.empty?
+ constructions = constructions.get
+ constructions.setWallConstruction(lc) if typ == :wall
+ constructions.setFloorConstruction(lc) if typ == :floor
+ constructions.setRoofCeilingConstruction(lc) if typ == :ceiling
+ end
+ else
+ sss.setConstruction(lc)
+ s[nom][:construction] = lc # reset TBD attributes
+ s[nom][:index ] = lyr[:index]
+ s[nom][:ltype ] = lyr[:type ]
+ s[nom][:r ] = lyr[:r ] # temporary
# Merge to ensure a single entry for coll Hash.
coll.each do |i, col|
next if i == id
- next unless coll.key?(id)
- coll[id][:area] += col[:area]
col[:s].each do |nom, sss|
coll[id][:s][nom] = sss unless coll[id][:s].key?(nom)
coll.delete_if { |i, _| i != id }
log(DBG, "Collection == 1? for '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless coll.size == 1
next unless coll.size == 1
+ area = lc.getNetArea
+ coll[id][:area] = area
res = uo(model, lc, id, hloss, film, g[:ut])
log(ERR, "Unable to uprate '#{id}' (#{mth})") unless res[:uo] && res[:m]
next unless res[:uo] && res[:m]
lyr = insulatingLayer(lc)
# Loop through coll :s, and reset :r - likely modified by uo().
coll.values.first[:s].keys.each do |nom|
next unless s.key?(nom)
- next unless s[nom].key?(:deratable )
- next unless s[nom].key?(:construction)
- next unless s[nom].key?(:index )
- next unless s[nom].key?(:ltype )
- next unless s[nom].key?(:type )
+ next unless s[nom].key?(:index)
+ next unless s[nom].key?(:ltype)
+ next unless s[nom].key?(:r )
+ next unless s[nom][:index] == lyr[:index]
+ next unless s[nom][:ltype] == lyr[:type ]
- next unless s[nom][:deratable ]
- next unless s[nom][:construction] == lc
- next unless s[nom][:index ] == lyr[:index]
- next unless s[nom][:ltype ] == lyr[:type]
- type = s[nom][:type].to_s.downcase
- type = "roof" if type == "ceiling"
- next unless type.include?(label.to_s)
- next unless s[nom].key?(:r)
- s[nom][:r] = lyr[:r] # final
+ s[nom][:r] = lyr[:r] # uprated insulating RSi factor, before derating
- argh[:wall_uo ] = res[:uo] if label == :wall
- argh[:roof_uo ] = res[:uo] if label == :roof
- argh[:floor_uo] = res[:uo] if label == :floor
+ argh[:wall_uo ] = res[:uo] if typ == :wall
+ argh[:roof_uo ] = res[:uo] if typ == :ceiling
+ argh[:floor_uo] = res[:uo] if typ == :floor
log(ERR, "Nilled construction to uprate - (#{mth})")
return false
@@ -918,10 +927,10 @@
model = ""
model = "* model : #{ua[:file]}" if ua.key?(:file) && lang == :en
model = "* modèle : #{ua[:file]}" if ua.key?(:file) && lang == :fr
model += " (v#{ua[:version]})" if ua.key?(:version)
report << model unless model.empty?
- report << "* TBD : v3.2.1"
+ report << "* TBD : v3.2.2"
report << "* date : #{ua[:date]}"
if lang == :en
report << "* status : #{msg(status)}" unless
report << "* status : success !" if