manual/Installation in taskjuggler-0.0.3 vs manual/Installation in taskjuggler-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,68 +1,142 @@
== Installation ==
TaskJuggler III is written in [ Ruby]. It
should run on any platform that Ruby is available on. It uses the
-standard Ruby mechanism for distribution. The package format is called
-[ Ruby Gems]. Alternatively, you can install
-from a the source code using ''''setup.rb''''.
+standard Ruby mechanism for distribution, a package format called
+[ RubyGems].
-This is a prototype. Consider it being alpha quality at best!
+TaskJuggler III is still under development. There is no stable
+version yet. You are welcome to try it. Some users are already using
+it successfully for their purposes, but it might not yet be right for
=== Requirements ===
Ruby applications are platform independent. There is no need to
compile anything. But TaskJuggler has a very small set of
dependencies that you have to take care of first. Please make sure you
have the minimum required version installed.
-* ''Ruby'' TaskJuggler III is written in Ruby. You need a Ruby
+* '''Ruby:''' TaskJuggler III is written in Ruby. You need a Ruby
runtime environment to run it. This can be downloaded from
[ here]. Most Linux
distributions usually have Ruby already included. So does MacOS X
Leopard. For Windows, there is a one-click installer available.
-TaskJuggler currently needs at least Ruby version 1.8.5.
+TaskJuggler currently needs at least Ruby version 1.8.6.
-* ''RubyGems'' If it did not come with your OS or Ruby package, see
-[ here] how to get and install it.
+* '''RubyGems:''' If it did not come with your OS or the Ruby
+installation, see [ here] how to get and
+install it.
-* ''TaskJuggler'' Get TaskJuggler III from the
-[ Download Page].
+=== Installation Steps for Users ===
-=== Installation Process ===
+==== The easy way ====
-If you have downloaded the gem package, you can skip to the next
-paragraph. If you have checked-out the git repository, you need to
-build the Gem package first. Make sure, you have removed all other
-instances of TaskJuggler from you system before doing so. It is a
-common mistake to have an old version of the TaskJuggler installed and
-then use parts of the old and new version together.
+TaskJuggler is a commandline tool. It does not (yet) have a graphical
+user interface. To use it, you need to know how to open a command
+or terminal window. In this manual, we refer to it as your shell. The
+following paragraphs describe the commands you need to type into your
+[ shell].
-In addition to the above listed dependencies, you need to have the
-following packages installed:
+On systems that already have Ruby and the gem package manager
+installed you can simply type the following command into your shell
+or command window:
-* [ Rake] The Ruby build tool.
+ gem install taskjuggler
-* [ rcov] The rcov code
-coverage analysis tool.
+This will download and install the latest version from the
+[ Gemcutter] site.
-The following command will create an archive file called a gem
+==== The manual way ====
- cd taskjuggler3; rake gem
+If the easy way doesn't work for you, you need to download and install
+the packages manually. Get TaskJuggler III from the
+[ Download Page].
A gem package is an operating system and architecture independent
archive file for Ruby programs. You can install it on any system that
-has Ruby and ruby-gems installed. Normally, you should be logged-in
+has Ruby and RubyGems installed. Normally, you should be logged-in
as root or administrator to run the following installation command.
+Replace the X.X.X with the actual version that you have downloaded.
gem install pkg/taskjuggler-X.X.X.gem
It will install all components of the Gem in the appropriate place.
-=== Update from previous versions ===
+On user friendly Linux distributions, the start scripts will be
+installed in a standard directory like ''''/usr/bin''''. On Debian
+based distributions, the start scripts end up in a place like
+''''/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/'''' that is not listed in the ''''PATH''''
+variable. You either have to create a symbolic link for each start
+script or add the directory to your PATH variable. If you use the
+standard [ bash shell], put the
+following line in your ''''${HOME}/.profile'''' file.
+ PATH=${PATH}:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/
+Windows and MacOS platforms may require similar steps.
+=== Update from older TaskJuggler III versions ===
Updates work just like the installation.
+ gem update taskjuggler
+For downloaded or self-built packages use the following command:
gem update pkg/taskjuggler-X.X.X.gem
+=== Installation Steps for Developers ===
+The following description is for users that want to learn more about
+TaskJuggler or want to make improvements. TaskJuggler is
+[ Open Source] software and
+you are encouraged to read and modify the source code.
+To get the source code, the recommended way it to check out the
+latest code from the developer repository. To do this, you need to
+have [ git] installed.
+Then checkout the source code with the following command
+ git clone
+Make sure, you
+have removed all previously installed instances of TaskJuggler from
+your system before doing so. It is a common mistake to have an old
+version of the TaskJuggler installed and then use parts of the old and
+new version together.
+If your Ruby installation does not come with the
+[ Rake] build tool, you need to install it
+If you are interested in a code coverage analysis, you need to also
+install the [ rcov] code coverage
+analysis tool. This tool is not needed for most developers. You can
+safely ignore the warning during rake builds if you don't have it
+The following command will create a gem package from the source code.
+ cd taskjuggler3; rake gem
+If you plan to modify the TaskJuggler files, creating and installing
+the gem file for every test run is not very comfortable. To run tj3
+from source put the following code in ''''${HOME}/bin/tj3''''.
+ #! /usr/bin/ruby
+ # Set this to your source code directory
+ ENV['TASKJUGGLER_DATA_PATH'] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/src/taskjuggler3"
+ $:.unshift "#{ENV['TASKJUGGLER_DATA_PATH']}/lib/"
+ require "taskjuggler3"
+Don't forget to mark it as executable.
+ chmod 750 ${HOME}/bin/tj3