bin/targit in targit-2.1.0 vs bin/targit in targit-2.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@ p.option :create, '-c', '--create', 'Create release if it does not exist' p.option :release_name, '-r NAME', '--release NAME', 'Set the release name' p.option :prerelease, '-p', '--prerelease', 'With -c, create as a dev release' p.option :authfile, '-a FILE', '--authfile FILE', 'Set the auth files for GitHub credentials (comma-delimited)' p.option :name, '-n NAME', '--name NAME', 'Set the name for the release asset' + p.option :api_endpoint, '--endpoint URL', 'Use a custom URL for the GitHub API' # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength p.action do |_, options| repo, tag = ARGV.shift 2 if !repo || !tag