Rakefile in tarantula-0.3.3 vs Rakefile in tarantula-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,72 +1,40 @@
require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'
-require 'micronaut'
-require 'micronaut/rake_task'
- require 'jeweler'
- files = ["CHANGELOG", "MIT-LICENSE", "Rakefile", "README.rdoc", "VERSION.yml"]
- files << Dir["examples/**/*", "laf/**/*", "lib/**/*", "tasks/**/*", "template/**/*"]
- Jeweler::Tasks.new do |s|
- s.name = "tarantula"
- s.summary = "A big hairy fuzzy spider that crawls your site, wreaking havoc"
- s.description = "A big hairy fuzzy spider that crawls your site, wreaking havoc"
- s.homepage = "http://github.com/relevance/tarantula"
- s.email = "opensource@thinkrelevance.com"
- s.authors = ["Relevance, Inc."]
- s.require_paths = ["lib"]
- s.files = files.flatten
- s.add_dependency 'htmlentities'
- s.add_dependency 'hpricot'
- s.rubyforge_project = 'thinkrelevance'
+ require 'rspec'
+ require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
+ RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec') do |t|
+ t.verbose = true
-rescue LoadError
- puts "Jeweler not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com"
-desc 'Generate documentation for the tarantula plugin.'
-Rake::RDocTask.new(:rdoc) do |rdoc|
- rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
- rdoc.title = 'Tarantula'
- rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source'
- rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README.rdoc')
- rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
-desc "Run all micronaut examples"
-Micronaut::RakeTask.new :examples do |t|
- t.pattern = "examples/**/*_example.rb"
-namespace :examples do
- desc "Run all micronaut examples using rcov"
- Micronaut::RakeTask.new :coverage do |t|
- t.pattern = "examples/**/*_example.rb"
+ desc "Run all RSpec specs using rcov"
+ RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new :rcov do |t|
+ t.pattern = File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/spec/**/*_spec.rb"
t.rcov = true
t.rcov_opts = %[--exclude "gems/*,/Library/Ruby/*,config/*" --text-summary --sort coverage]
- RAILS_VERSIONS = %w[2.3.2 2.3.4]
- unless RUBY_VERSION =~ /^1\.9\./
- RAILS_VERSIONS.unshift(*%w[2.0.2 2.1.0 2.1.1 2.2.2 2.3.3])
- end
- desc "Run examples with multiple versions of rails"
- task :multi_rails do
- RAILS_VERSIONS.each do |rails_version|
- puts
- sh "RAILS_VERSION='#{rails_version}' rake examples"
- end
- end
+ task :default => :spec
+rescue LoadError
+ puts "rspec, or one of its dependencies, is not available. Install it with: sudo gem install rspec"
- task :default => "examples:multi_rails"
- task :default => "examples"
+ %w{sdoc sdoc-helpers rdiscount}.each { |name| gem name }
+ require 'sdoc_helpers'
+rescue LoadError => ex
+ puts "sdoc support not enabled:"
+ puts ex.inspect
+require 'rake/rdoctask'
+Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
+ version = File.exist?('VERSION') ? File.read('VERSION') : ''
+ rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+ rdoc.title = "tarantula #{version}"
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*')
+ rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')