lib/vendor/okjson.rb in taps2-0.5.5 vs lib/vendor/okjson.rb in taps2-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -39,152 +39,123 @@
# String values in the resulting structure
# will be UTF-8.
def decode(s)
ts = lex(s)
v, ts = textparse(ts)
- if ts.length > 0
- raise OkJson::ParserError, 'trailing garbage'
- end
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, 'trailing garbage' unless ts.empty?
# Parses a "json text" in the sense of RFC 4627.
# Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
# Note: this is almost the same as valparse,
# except that it does not accept atomic values.
def textparse(ts)
- if ts.length < 0
- raise OkJson::ParserError, 'empty'
- end
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, 'empty' if ts.length < 0
typ, _, val = ts[0]
case typ
when '{' then objparse(ts)
when '[' then arrparse(ts)
else valparse(ts)
# Parses a "value" in the sense of RFC 4627.
# Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
def valparse(ts)
- if ts.length < 0
- raise OkJson::ParserError, 'empty'
- end
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, 'empty' if ts.length < 0
typ, _, val = ts[0]
case typ
when '{' then objparse(ts)
when '[' then arrparse(ts)
- when :val,:str then [val, ts[1..-1]]
+ when :val, :str then [val, ts[1..-1]]
raise OkJson::ParserError, "unexpected #{val.inspect}"
# Parses an "object" in the sense of RFC 4627.
# Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
def objparse(ts)
ts = eat('{', ts)
obj = {}
- if ts[0][0] == '}'
- return obj, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return obj, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == '}'
k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
obj[k] = v
- if ts[0][0] == '}'
- return obj, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return obj, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == '}'
loop do
ts = eat(',', ts)
k, v, ts = pairparse(ts)
obj[k] = v
- if ts[0][0] == '}'
- return obj, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return obj, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == '}'
# Parses a "member" in the sense of RFC 4627.
# Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
def pairparse(ts)
- (typ, _, k), ts = ts[0], ts[1..-1]
- if typ != :str
- raise OkJson::ParserError, "unexpected #{k.inspect}"
- end
+ (typ, _, k) = ts[0]
+ ts = ts[1..-1]
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, "unexpected #{k.inspect}" if typ != :str
ts = eat(':', ts)
v, ts = valparse(ts)
[k, v, ts]
# Parses an "array" in the sense of RFC 4627.
# Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens.
def arrparse(ts)
ts = eat('[', ts)
arr = []
- if ts[0][0] == ']'
- return arr, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return arr, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == ']'
v, ts = valparse(ts)
arr << v
- if ts[0][0] == ']'
- return arr, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return arr, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == ']'
loop do
ts = eat(',', ts)
v, ts = valparse(ts)
arr << v
- if ts[0][0] == ']'
- return arr, ts[1..-1]
- end
+ return arr, ts[1..-1] if ts[0][0] == ']'
def eat(typ, ts)
if ts[0][0] != typ
raise OkJson::ParserError, "expected #{typ} (got #{ts[0].inspect})"
# Sans s and returns a list of json tokens,
# excluding white space (as defined in RFC 4627).
def lex(s)
ts = []
- while s.length > 0
+ until s.empty?
typ, lexeme, val = tok(s)
- if typ == nil
- raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid character at #{s[0,10].inspect}"
+ if typ.nil?
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid character at #{s[0, 10].inspect}"
- if typ != :space
- ts << [typ, lexeme, val]
- end
+ ts << [typ, lexeme, val] if typ != :space
s = s[lexeme.length..-1]
# Scans the first token in s and
# returns a 3-element list, or nil
# if no such token exists.
# The first list element is one of
@@ -196,102 +167,104 @@
# The third element is the value of the
# token for :val and :str, otherwise
# it is the lexeme.
def tok(s)
case s[0]
- when ?{ then ['{', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?} then ['}', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?: then [':', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?, then [',', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?[ then ['[', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?] then [']', s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?n then nulltok(s)
- when ?t then truetok(s)
- when ?f then falsetok(s)
- when ?" then strtok(s)
- when Spc then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?\t then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?\n then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- when ?\r then [:space, s[0,1], s[0,1]]
- else numtok(s)
+ when '{' then ['{', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when '}' then ['}', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when ':' then [':', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when ',' then [',', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when '[' then ['[', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when ']' then [']', s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when 'n' then nulltok(s)
+ when 't' then truetok(s)
+ when 'f' then falsetok(s)
+ when '"' then strtok(s)
+ when Spc then [:space, s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when "\t" then [:space, s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when "\n" then [:space, s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ when "\r" then [:space, s[0, 1], s[0, 1]]
+ else numtok(s)
+ def nulltok(s)
+ s[0, 4] == 'null' && [:val, 'null', nil]
+ end
- def nulltok(s); s[0,4] == 'null' && [:val, 'null', nil] end
- def truetok(s); s[0,4] == 'true' && [:val, 'true', true] end
- def falsetok(s); s[0,5] == 'false' && [:val, 'false', false] end
+ def truetok(s)
+ s[0, 4] == 'true' && [:val, 'true', true]
+ end
+ def falsetok(s)
+ s[0, 5] == 'false' && [:val, 'false', false]
+ end
def numtok(s)
m = /-?([1-9][0-9]+|[0-9])([.][0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?/.match(s)
if m && m.begin(0) == 0
if m[3] && !m[2]
- [:val, m[0], Integer(m[1])*(10**Integer(m[3][1..-1]))]
+ [:val, m[0], Integer(m[1]) * (10**Integer(m[3][1..-1]))]
elsif m[2]
[:val, m[0], Float(m[0])]
[:val, m[0], Integer(m[0])]
def strtok(s)
m = /"([^"\\]|\\["\/\\bfnrt]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*"/.match(s)
- if ! m
- raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid string literal at #{abbrev(s)}"
- end
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid string literal at #{abbrev(s)}" unless m
[:str, m[0], unquote(m[0])]
def abbrev(s)
- t = s[0,10]
+ t = s[0, 10]
p = t['`']
- t = t[0,p] if p
- t = t + '...' if t.length < s.length
+ t = t[0, p] if p
+ t += '...' if t.length < s.length
'`' + t + '`'
# Converts a quoted json string literal q into a UTF-8-encoded string.
# The rules are different than for Ruby, so we cannot use eval.
# Unquote will raise OkJson::ParserError, an error if q contains control characters.
def unquote(q)
q = q[1...-1]
a = q.dup # allocate a big enough string
- r, w = 0, 0
+ r = 0
+ w = 0
while r < q.length
c = q[r]
case true
- when c == ?\\
+ when c == '\\'
r += 1
if r >= q.length
raise OkJson::ParserError, "string literal ends with a \"\\\": \"#{q}\""
case q[r]
- when ?",?\\,?/,?'
+ when '"', '\\', '/', "'"
a[w] = q[r]
r += 1
w += 1
- when ?b,?f,?n,?r,?t
+ when 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't'
a[w] = Unesc[q[r]]
r += 1
w += 1
- when ?u
+ when 'u'
r += 1
uchar = begin
- hexdec4(q[r,4])
+ hexdec4(q[r, 4])
rescue RuntimeError => e
- raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid escape sequence \\u#{q[r,4]}: #{e}"
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid escape sequence \\u#{q[r, 4]}: #{e}"
r += 4
if surrogate? uchar
- if q.length >= r+6
- uchar1 = hexdec4(q[r+2,4])
+ if q.length >= r + 6
+ uchar1 = hexdec4(q[r + 2, 4])
uchar = subst(uchar, uchar1)
if uchar != Ucharerr
# A valid pair; consume.
r += 6
@@ -299,66 +272,56 @@
w += ucharenc(a, w, uchar)
raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid escape char #{q[r]} in \"#{q}\""
- when c == ?", c < Spc
+ when c == '"', c < Spc
raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid character in string literal \"#{q}\""
# Copy anything else byte-for-byte.
# Valid UTF-8 will remain valid UTF-8.
# Invalid UTF-8 will remain invalid UTF-8.
a[w] = c
r += 1
w += 1
- a[0,w]
+ a[0, w]
def hexdec4(s)
- if s.length != 4
- raise OkJson::ParserError, 'short'
- end
- (nibble(s[0])<<12) | (nibble(s[1])<<8) | (nibble(s[2])<<4) | nibble(s[3])
+ raise OkJson::ParserError, 'short' if s.length != 4
+ (nibble(s[0]) << 12) | (nibble(s[1]) << 8) | (nibble(s[2]) << 4) | nibble(s[3])
def subst(u1, u2)
if Usurr1 <= u1 && u1 < Usurr2 && Usurr2 <= u2 && u2 < Usurr3
- return ((u1-Usurr1)<<10) | (u2-Usurr2) + Usurrself
+ return ((u1 - Usurr1) << 10) | (u2 - Usurr2) + Usurrself
- return Ucharerr
+ Ucharerr
def unsubst(u)
- if u < Usurrself || u > Umax || surrogate?(u)
- return Ucharerr, Ucharerr
- end
+ return Ucharerr, Ucharerr if u < Usurrself || u > Umax || surrogate?(u)
u -= Usurrself
- [Usurr1 + ((u>>10)&0x3ff), Usurr2 + (u&0x3ff)]
+ [Usurr1 + ((u >> 10) & 0x3ff), Usurr2 + (u & 0x3ff)]
def surrogate?(u)
Usurr1 <= u && u < Usurr3
def nibble(c)
case true
- when ?0 <= c && c <= ?9 then c.ord - ?0.ord
- when ?a <= c && c <= ?z then c.ord - ?a.ord + 10
- when ?A <= c && c <= ?Z then c.ord - ?A.ord + 10
+ when c >= '0' && c <= '9' then c.ord - '0'.ord
+ when c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' then c.ord - 'a'.ord + 10
+ when c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' then c.ord - 'A'.ord + 10
raise OkJson::ParserError, "invalid hex code #{c}"
# Encodes x into a json text. It may contain only
# Array, Hash, String, Numeric, true, false, nil.
# (Note, this list excludes Symbol.)
# Strings contained in x must be valid UTF-8.
# Values that cannot be represented, such as
@@ -369,45 +332,42 @@
when Hash then objenc(x)
when Array then arrenc(x)
when String then strenc(x)
when Numeric then numenc(x)
when Symbol then strenc(x.to_s)
- when true then "true"
- when false then "false"
- when nil then "null"
- else "null"
+ when true then 'true'
+ when false then 'false'
+ when nil then 'null'
+ else 'null'
def objenc(x)
- '{' +{|k,v| encode(k) + ':' + encode(v)}.join(',') + '}'
+ '{' + { |k, v| encode(k) + ':' + encode(v) }.join(',') + '}'
def arrenc(a)
- '[' +{|x| encode(x)}.join(',') + ']'
+ '[' + { |x| encode(x) }.join(',') + ']'
def strenc(s)
t =
- t.putc(?")
+ t.putc('"')
r = 0
while r < s.length
case s[r]
- when ?" then t.print('\\"')
- when ?\\ then t.print('\\\\')
- when ?\b then t.print('\\b')
- when ?\f then t.print('\\f')
- when ?\n then t.print('\\n')
- when ?\r then t.print('\\r')
- when ?\t then t.print('\\t')
+ when '"' then t.print('\\"')
+ when '\\' then t.print('\\\\')
+ when "\b" then t.print('\\b')
+ when "\f" then t.print('\\f')
+ when "\n" then t.print('\\n')
+ when "\r" then t.print('\\r')
+ when "\t" then t.print('\\t')
c = s[r]
case true
- when Spc <= c && c <= ?~
+ when Spc <= c && c <= '~'
when true
u, size = uchardec(s, r)
r += size - 1 # we add one more at the bottom of the loop
if u < 0x10000
@@ -418,116 +378,110 @@
hexenc4(t, u1)
hexenc4(t, u2)
- else
- # invalid byte; skip it
r += 1
- t.putc(?")
+ t.putc('"')
def hexenc4(t, u)
- t.putc(Hex[(u>>12)&0xf])
- t.putc(Hex[(u>>8)&0xf])
- t.putc(Hex[(u>>4)&0xf])
- t.putc(Hex[u&0xf])
+ t.putc(Hex[(u >> 12) & 0xf])
+ t.putc(Hex[(u >> 8) & 0xf])
+ t.putc(Hex[(u >> 4) & 0xf])
+ t.putc(Hex[u & 0xf])
def numenc(x)
- if x.nan? || x.infinite?
- return 'null'
- end rescue nil
- "#{x}"
+ begin
+ return 'null' if x.nan? || x.infinite?
+ rescue
+ nil
+ end
+ x.to_s
# Decodes unicode character u from UTF-8
# bytes in string s at position i.
# Returns u and the number of bytes read.
def uchardec(s, i)
n = s.length - i
return [Ucharerr, 1] if n < 1
c0 = s[i].ord
# 1-byte, 7-bit sequence?
- if c0 < Utagx
- return [c0, 1]
- end
+ return [c0, 1] if c0 < Utagx
# unexpected continuation byte?
return [Ucharerr, 1] if c0 < Utag2
# need continuation byte
return [Ucharerr, 1] if n < 2
- c1 = s[i+1].ord
+ c1 = s[i + 1].ord
return [Ucharerr, 1] if c1 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c1
# 2-byte, 11-bit sequence?
if c0 < Utag3
- u = (c0&Umask2)<<6 | (c1&Umaskx)
+ u = (c0 & Umask2) << 6 | (c1 & Umaskx)
return [Ucharerr, 1] if u <= Uchar1max
return [u, 2]
# need second continuation byte
return [Ucharerr, 1] if n < 3
- c2 = s[i+2].ord
+ c2 = s[i + 2].ord
return [Ucharerr, 1] if c2 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c2
# 3-byte, 16-bit sequence?
if c0 < Utag4
- u = (c0&Umask3)<<12 | (c1&Umaskx)<<6 | (c2&Umaskx)
+ u = (c0 & Umask3) << 12 | (c1 & Umaskx) << 6 | (c2 & Umaskx)
return [Ucharerr, 1] if u <= Uchar2max
return [u, 3]
# need third continuation byte
return [Ucharerr, 1] if n < 4
- c3 = s[i+3].ord
+ c3 = s[i + 3].ord
return [Ucharerr, 1] if c3 < Utagx || Utag2 <= c3
# 4-byte, 21-bit sequence?
if c0 < Utag5
- u = (c0&Umask4)<<18 | (c1&Umaskx)<<12 | (c2&Umaskx)<<6 | (c3&Umaskx)
+ u = (c0 & Umask4) << 18 | (c1 & Umaskx) << 12 | (c2 & Umaskx) << 6 | (c3 & Umaskx)
return [Ucharerr, 1] if u <= Uchar3max
return [u, 4]
- return [Ucharerr, 1]
+ [Ucharerr, 1]
# Encodes unicode character u as UTF-8
# bytes in string a at position i.
# Returns the number of bytes written.
def ucharenc(a, i, u)
case true
when u <= Uchar1max
a[i] = (u & 0xff).chr
when u <= Uchar2max
- a[i+0] = (Utag2 | ((u>>6)&0xff)).chr
- a[i+1] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 0] = (Utag2 | ((u >> 6) & 0xff)).chr
+ a[i + 1] = (Utagx | (u & Umaskx)).chr
when u <= Uchar3max
- a[i+0] = (Utag3 | ((u>>12)&0xff)).chr
- a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
- a[i+2] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 0] = (Utag3 | ((u >> 12) & 0xff)).chr
+ a[i + 1] = (Utagx | ((u >> 6) & Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 2] = (Utagx | (u & Umaskx)).chr
- a[i+0] = (Utag4 | ((u>>18)&0xff)).chr
- a[i+1] = (Utagx | ((u>>12)&Umaskx)).chr
- a[i+2] = (Utagx | ((u>>6)&Umaskx)).chr
- a[i+3] = (Utagx | (u&Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 0] = (Utag4 | ((u >> 18) & 0xff)).chr
+ a[i + 1] = (Utagx | ((u >> 12) & Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 2] = (Utagx | ((u >> 6) & Umaskx)).chr
+ a[i + 3] = (Utagx | (u & Umaskx)).chr
Utagx = 0x80 # 1000 0000
@@ -537,19 +491,19 @@
Utag5 = 0xF8 # 1111 1000
Umaskx = 0x3f # 0011 1111
Umask2 = 0x1f # 0001 1111
Umask3 = 0x0f # 0000 1111
Umask4 = 0x07 # 0000 0111
- Uchar1max = (1<<7) - 1
- Uchar2max = (1<<11) - 1
- Uchar3max = (1<<16) - 1
+ Uchar1max = (1 << 7) - 1
+ Uchar2max = (1 << 11) - 1
+ Uchar3max = (1 << 16) - 1
Ucharerr = 0xFFFD # unicode "replacement char"
Usurrself = 0x10000
Usurr1 = 0xd800
Usurr2 = 0xdc00
Usurr3 = 0xe000
Umax = 0x10ffff
Spc = ' '[0]
- Unesc = {?b=>?\b, ?f=>?\f, ?n=>?\n, ?r=>?\r, ?t=>?\t}
- Hex = '0123456789abcdef'
+ Unesc = { 'b' => "\b", 'f' => "\f", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 't' => "\t" }.freeze
+ Hex = '0123456789abcdef'.freeze