vendor/ANXS.postgresql/tasks/databases.yml in taperole-1.2.8 vs vendor/ANXS.postgresql/tasks/databases.yml in taperole-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@
- name: PostgreSQL | Add hstore to the databases with the requirement
sudo: yes
sudo_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
shell: "psql {{}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS hstore;'"
with_items: postgresql_databases
+ register: hstore_ext_result
+ failed_when: hstore_ext_result.rc != 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in hstore_ext_result.stderr)
+ changed_when: hstore_ext_result.rc == 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in hstore_ext_result.stderr)
when: item.hstore is defined and item.hstore
- name: PostgreSQL | Add uuid-ossp to the database with the requirement
sudo: yes
sudo_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
@@ -63,5 +66,15 @@
sudo: yes
sudo_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
shell: "psql {{}} --username {{ postgresql_admin_user }} -c 'create extension if not exists earthdistance;'"
with_items: postgresql_databases
when: item.earthdistance is defined and item.earthdistance
+- name: PostgreSQL | Add citext to the database with the requirement
+ sudo: yes
+ sudo_user: "{{ postgresql_service_user }}"
+ shell: "psql {{}} --username {{postgresql_admin_user}} -c 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext;'"
+ with_items: postgresql_databases
+ register: citext_ext_result
+ failed_when: citext_ext_result.rc != 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in citext_ext_result.stderr)
+ changed_when: citext_ext_result.rc == 0 and ("already exists, skipping" not in citext_ext_result.stderr)
+ when: item.citext is defined and item.citext