lib/tap/env.rb in tap-0.18.0 vs lib/tap/env.rb in tap-0.19.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,26 +1,245 @@
require 'tap/root'
+require 'tap/env/constant'
+require 'tap/env/context'
require 'tap/env/manifest'
require 'tap/templater'
autoload(:YAML, 'yaml')
module Tap
- # Env abstracts an execution environment that spans many directories.
+ # == Description
+ #
+ # Env provides access to an execution environment spanning many directories,
+ # such as the working directory plus a series of gem directories. Envs merge
+ # the files from each directory into an abstract directory that may be
+ # globbed and accessed as a single unit. For example:
+ #
+ # # /one
+ # # |-- a.rb
+ # # `-- b.rb
+ # #
+ # # /two
+ # # |-- b.rb
+ # # `-- c.rb
+ # env ='/one')
+ # env <<'/two')
+ #
+ # env.collect {|e| e.root.root}
+ # # => ["/one", "/two"]
+ #
+ # env.glob(:root, "*.rb")
+ # # => [
+ # # "/one/a.rb",
+ # # "/one/b.rb",
+ # # "/two/c.rb"
+ # # ]
+ #
+ # As illustrated, files in the nested environment are accessible within the
+ # nesting environment. Envs provide methods for finding files associated
+ # with a specific class, and allow the generation of manifests that provide
+ # succinct access to various environment resources.
+ #
+ # Usage of Envs is fairly straightforward, but the internals and default
+ # setup require some study as they have to span numerous functional domains.
+ # The most common features are detailed below.
+ #
+ # ==== Class Paths
+ #
+ # Class paths are a kind of inheritance for files associated with a class.
+ # Say we had the following classes:
+ #
+ # class A; end
+ # class B < A; end
+ #
+ # The naturally associated directories are 'a' and 'b'. To look these up:
+ #
+ # env.class_path(:root, A) # => "/one/a"
+ # env.class_path(:root, B) # => "/one/b"
+ #
+ # And to look up an associated file:
+ #
+ # env.class_path(:root, A, "index.html") # => "/one/a/index.html"
+ # env.class_path(:root, B, "index.html") # => "/one/b/index.html"
+ #
+ # A block may be given to filter paths, for instance to test if a given file
+ # exists. The class_path method will check each env then roll up the
+ # inheritance hierarchy until the block returns true.
+ #
+ # FileUtils.touch("/two/a/index.html")
+ #
+ # visited_paths = []
+ # env.class_path(:root, B, "index.html) do |path|
+ # visited_paths << path
+ # File.exists?(path)
+ # end # => "/two/a/index.html"
+ #
+ # visited_paths
+ # # => [
+ # # "/one/b/index.html",
+ # # "/two/b/index.html",
+ # # "/one/a/index.html",
+ # # "/two/a/index.html"
+ # # ]
+ #
+ # This behavior is very useful for associating views with a class.
+ #
+ # ==== Manifest
+ #
+ # Envs can generate manifests of various resources so they may be identified
+ # using minipaths (see Minimap for details regarding minipaths). Command
+ # files used by the tap executable are one example of a resource, and the
+ # constants used in building a workflow are another.
+ #
+ # Manifest are generated by defining a builder, typically a block, that
+ # receives an env and returns an array of the associated resources.
+ # Using the same env as above:
+ #
+ # manifest = env.manifest {|e| e.root.glob(:root, "*.rb") }
+ #
+ #"a") # => "/one/a.rb"
+ #"b") # => "/one/b.rb"
+ #"c") # => "/two/c.rb"
+ #
+ # As illustrated, seek finds the first entry across all envs that matches the
+ # input minipath. A minipath for the env may be prepended to only search
+ # within a specific env.
+ #
+ #"one:b") # => "/one/b.rb"
+ #"two:b") # => "/two/b.rb"
+ #
+ # Env caches a manifest of constants identified by {constant attributes}[]
+ # in files specified by under the Env.const_paths. These constants are used
+ # when interpreting signals from the command line. Constants may be manually
+ # registered to the constants manifest and classified by type like this:
+ #
+ # class CustomTask
+ # def call; end
+ # end
+ # env.register(CustomTask).register_as(:task, "this is a custom task")
+ #
+ # const ='custom_task')
+ # const.const_name # => "CustomTask"
+ # const.types # => {:task => "this is a custom task"}
+ # const.constantize # => CustomTask
+ #
+ # == Setup
+ #
+ # Envs may be manually setup in code by individually generating instances
+ # and nesting them. More commonly envs are defined in configuration files
+ # and instantiated by specifying where the files are located. The default
+ # config basename is 'tap.yml'; any env_paths specified in the config file
+ # will be added.
+ #
+ # This type of instantiation is recursive:
+ #
+ # # [/one/tap.yml]
+ # # env_paths: [/two]
+ # #
+ # # [/two/tap.yml]
+ # # env_paths: [/three]
+ # #
+ #
+ # env ="/one", :basename => 'tap.yml')
+ # env.collect {|e| e.root.root}
+ # # => ["/one", "/two", "/three"]
+ #
+ # Gem directories are fair game. Env allows specific gems to be specified
+ # by name (via the 'gems' config), and if a gem has a tap.yml file then it
+ # will be used to configure the gem env. Alternatively, an env may be set
+ # to automatically discover and nest gem environments. In this case gems
+ # are discovered when they have a tap.yml file.
+ #
+ # ==== ENV configs
+ #
+ # Configurations may be also specified as an ENV variables. This type of
+ # configuration is very useful on the command line. Config variables
+ # should be prefixed by TAP_ and named like the capitalized config key
+ # (ex: TAP_GEMS or TAP_ENV_PATHS). See the
+ # {Command Line Examples}[link:files/doc/Examples/Command%20Line.html]
+ # to see ENV configs in action.
+ #
+ # These configurations may be accessed from Env#config, and are
+ # automatically incorporated by Env#setup.
+ #
class Env
autoload(:Gems, 'tap/env/gems')
class << self
- attr_writer :instance
- def instance(auto_initialize=true)
- @instance ||= (auto_initialize ? new : nil)
+ # Returns the Env configs specified in ENV. Config variables are
+ # prefixed by TAP_ and named like the capitalized config key
+ # (ex: TAP_GEMS or TAP_ENV_PATHS).
+ def config(env_vars=ENV)
+ config = {}
+ env_vars.each_pair do |key, value|
+ if key =~ /\ATAP_(.*)\z/
+ config[$1.downcase] = value
+ end
+ end
+ config
- def from_gemspec(spec, context={})
+ # Initializes and activates an env as described in the config file under
+ # dir. The config file should be a relative path and will be used for
+ # determining configuration files under each env_path.
+ #
+ # The env configuration is determined by merging the following in order:
+ # * defaults {root => dir, gems => all}
+ # * ENV configs
+ # * config_file configs
+ #
+ # The HOME directory for Tap will be added as an additonal environment
+ # if not already added somewhere in the env hierarchy. By default all
+ # gems will be included in the Env.
+ def setup(dir=Dir.pwd, config_file=CONFIG_FILE)
+ # setup configurations
+ config = {'root' => dir, 'gems' => :all}
+ user_config_file = config_file ? File.join(dir, config_file) : nil
+ user = load_config(user_config_file)
+ config.merge!(self.config)
+ config.merge!(user)
+ # keys must be symbolized as they are immediately
+ # used to initialize the Env configs
+ config = config.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)|
+ options[key.to_sym || key] = value
+ options
+ end
+ # instantiate
+ context = => config_file)
+ env = new(config, context)
+ # add the tap env if necessary
+ unless env.any? {|e| e.root.root == HOME }
+ env.push new(HOME, context)
+ end
+ env.activate
+ env
+ end
+ # Generates an Env for the specified gem or Gem::Specification. The
+ # gemspec for the gem is used to determine the env configuration in
+ # the following way:
+ #
+ # root: the gem path
+ # gems: all gem dependencies with a config_file
+ # const_paths: the gem require paths
+ # set_const_paths: false (because RubyGems sets them for you)
+ #
+ # Configurations specified in the gem config_file override these
+ # defaults.
+ def setup_gem(gem_name,
+ spec = Gems.gemspec(gem_name)
path = spec.full_gem_path
- basename = context[:basename]
+ # determine gem dependencies that have a config_file;
+ # these will be set as the gems for the new Env
dependencies = []
spec.dependencies.each do |dependency|
unless dependency.type == :runtime
@@ -30,137 +249,98 @@
# been uninstalled for a particular gem
warn "missing gem dependency: #{dependency.to_s} (#{spec.full_name})"
- if basename && !File.exists?(File.join(gemspec.full_gem_path, basename))
- next
+ if config_file = context.config_file(gemspec.full_gem_path)
+ next unless File.exists?(config_file)
dependencies << gemspec
config = {
'root' => path,
'gems' => dependencies,
- 'load_paths' => spec.require_paths,
- 'set_load_paths' => false
+ 'const_paths' => spec.require_paths,
+ 'set_const_paths' => false
- if context[:basename]
- config.merge!(Env.load_config(File.join(path, context[:basename])))
+ # override the default configs with whatever configs
+ # are specified in the gem config file
+ if config_file = context.config_file(path)
+ config.merge!(load_config(config_file))
new(config, context)
# Loads configurations from path as YAML. Returns an empty hash if the path
# loads to nil or false (as happens for empty files), or doesn't exist.
+ #
+ # Raises a ConfigError if the configurations do not load properly.
def load_config(path)
return {} unless path
Root::Utils.trivial?(path) ? {} : (YAML.load_file(path) || {})
raise$!, path)
- def scan_dir(load_path, pattern='**/*.rb')
- Dir.chdir(load_path) do
- Dir.glob(pattern).each do |require_path|
- next unless File.file?(require_path)
- default_const_name = require_path.chomp('.rb').camelize
- # note: the default const name has to be set here to allow for implicit
- # constant attributes. An error can arise if the same path is globed
- # from two different dirs... no surefire solution.
- Lazydoc[require_path].default_const_name = default_const_name
- # scan for constants
- Lazydoc::Document.scan( do |const_name, type, comment|
- const_name = default_const_name if const_name.empty?
- constant =, require_path, comment)
- yield(type, constant)
- ###############################################################
- # [depreciated] manifest as a task key will be removed at 1.0
- if type == 'manifest'
- warn "depreciation: ::task should be used instead of ::manifest as a resource key (#{require_path})"
- yield('task', constant)
- end
- ###############################################################
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def scan(path, key='[a-z_]+')
- Lazydoc::Document.scan(, key) do |const_name, type, comment|
- if const_name.empty?
- unless const_name = Lazydoc[path].default_const_name
- raise "could not determine a constant name for #{type} in: #{path.inspect}"
- end
- end
- constant =, path, comment)
- yield(type, constant)
- ###############################################################
- # [depreciated] manifest as a task key will be removed at 1.0
- if type == 'manifest'
- warn "depreciation: ::task should be used instead of ::manifest as a resource key (#{require_path})"
- yield('task', constant)
- end
- ###############################################################
- end
- end
- self.instance = nil
- include Enumerable
include Configurable
+ include Enumerable
include Minimap
- # Matches a compound registry search key. After the match, if the key is
- # compound then:
- #
- # $1:: env_key
- # $2:: key
- #
- # If the key is not compound, $2 is nil and $1 is the key.
- COMPOUND_KEY = /^((?:[A-z]:(?:\/|\\))?.*?)(?::(.*))?$/
+ # The config file path
+ CONFIG_FILE = "tap.yml"
+ # The home directory for Tap
+ HOME = File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../..")
# An array of nested Envs, by default comprised of the env_path
- # + gem environments (in that order).
+ # + gem environments (in that order). Envs can be manually set
+ # to override these defaults.
attr_reader :envs
+ # A Context tracking information shared among a set of envs.
attr_reader :context
- attr_reader :manifests
# The Root directory structure for self.
- nest(:root, Root, :set_default => false)
+ nest(:root, Root, :init => false)
- # Specify gems to add as nested Envs. Gems may be specified
- # by name and/or version, like 'gemname >= 1.2'; by default the
- # latest version of the gem is selected. Gems are not activated
- # by Env.
+ # Specify gems to add as nested Envs. Gems may be specified by name
+ # and/or version, like 'gemname >= 1.2'; by default the latest version
+ # of the gem is selected.
+ #
+ # Several special values also exist:
+ #
+ # :NONE, :none indicates no gems (same as nil, false)
+ # :LATEST the latest version of all gems
+ # :ALL all gems
+ # :latest the latest version of all gems with a config file
+ # :all all gems with a config file
+ #
+ # Gems are not activated by Env.
config_attr :gems, [] do |input|
input = yaml_load(input) if input.kind_of?(String)
@gems = case input
when false, nil, :NONE, :none
when :LATEST, :ALL
# latest and all, no filter
Gems.select_gems(input == :LATEST)
when :latest, :all
- # latest and all, filtering by basename
+ # latest and all, filtering by the existence of a
+ # config file; all gems are selected if no config
+ # file can be determined.
Gems.select_gems(input == :latest) do |spec|
- basename == nil || File.exists?(File.join(spec.full_gem_path, basename))
+ config_file = context.config_file(spec.full_gem_path)
+ config_file == nil || File.exists?(config_file)
# resolve gem names manually
[*input].collect do |name|
@@ -168,50 +348,49 @@
- # Specify directories to load as nested Envs.
+ # Specify directories to load as nested Envs. Configurations for the
+ # env are loaded from the config file under dir, if it exists.
config_attr :env_paths, [] do |input|
@env_paths = resolve_paths(input)
- # Designates paths added to $LOAD_PATH on activation (see set_load_paths).
- # These paths are also the default directories searched for resources.
- config_attr :load_paths, [:lib] do |input|
- raise "load_paths cannot be modified once active" if active?
- @load_paths = resolve_paths(input)
+ # Designates directories searched for constants. The const_paths are
+ # added to $LOAD_PATH on activation if set_const_paths is specified.
+ config_attr :const_paths, [:lib] do |input|
+ raise "const_paths cannot be modified once active" if active?
+ @const_paths = resolve_paths(input)
- # If set to true load_paths are added to $LOAD_PATH on activation.
- config_attr :set_load_paths, true do |input|
- raise "set_load_paths cannot be modified once active" if active?
- @set_load_paths = Configurable::Validation.boolean[input]
+ # If set to true const_paths are added to $LOAD_PATH on activation.
+ config_attr :set_const_paths, true do |input|
+ raise "set_const_paths cannot be modified once active" if active?
+ @set_const_paths = Configurable::Validation.boolean[input]
- # Initializes a new Env linked to the specified directory. A config file
- # basename may be specified to load configurations from 'dir/basename' as
- # YAML. If a basename is specified, the same basename will be used to
- # load configurations for nested envs.
+ # Initializes a new Env linked to the specified directory. Configurations
+ # for the env will be loaded from the config file (as determined by the
+ # context) if it exists.
- # Configurations may be manually provided in the place of dir. In that
- # case, the same rules apply for loading configurations for nested envs,
- # but no configurations will be loaded for the current instance.
+ # A configuration hash may be manually provided in the place of dir. In
+ # that case, no configurations will be loaded, even if the config file
+ # exists.
- # The cache is used internally to prevent infinite loops of nested envs,
- # and to optimize the generation of manifests.
+ # Context can be specified as a Context, or a Hash used to initialize a
+ # Context.
def initialize(config_or_dir=Dir.pwd, context={})
- @active = false
- @manifests = {}
- @context = context
# setup root
config = nil
@root = case config_or_dir
- when Root then config_or_dir
- when String then
+ when Root
+ config_or_dir
+ when String
config = config_or_dir
if config.has_key?(:root) && config.has_key?('root')
raise "multiple values mapped to :root"
@@ -219,30 +398,34 @@
root = config.delete(:root) || config.delete('root') || Dir.pwd
root.kind_of?(Root) ? root :
- if basename && !config
- config = Env.load_config(File.join(@root.root, basename))
+ # note registration requires root.root, and so the
+ # setup of context must follow the setup of root.
+ @context = case context
+ when Context
+ context
+ when Hash
+ else raise "cannot convert #{context.inspect} to Tap::Env::Context"
+ @context.register(self)
- if instance(@root.root)
- raise "context already has an env for: #{@root.root}"
- end
- instances << self
- # set these for reset_env
+ # these need to be set for reset_env
+ @active = false
@gems = nil
@env_paths = nil
- initialize_config(config || {})
+ # only load configurations if configs were not provided
+ config ||= Env.load_config(@context.config_file(@root.root))
+ initialize_config(config)
+ # set the invert flag
+ @invert = false
- # The minikey for self (root.root).
- def minikey
- root.root
- end
# Sets envs removing duplicates and instances of self. Setting envs
# overrides any environments specified by env_path and gem.
def envs=(envs)
raise "envs cannot be modified once active" if active?
@envs = envs.uniq.delete_if {|env| env == self }
@@ -263,10 +446,11 @@
envs = self.envs.reject {|e| e == env }
self.envs = envs.push(env)
+ alias_method :<<, :push
# Passes each nested env to the block in order, starting with self.
def each
visit_envs.each {|e| yield(e) }
@@ -304,37 +488,33 @@
inject_envs(memo, &block)
# Activates self by doing the following, in order:
- # * sets Env.instance to self (unless already set)
# * activate nested environments
- # * unshift load_paths to $LOAD_PATH (if set_load_paths is true)
+ # * unshift const_paths to $LOAD_PATH (if set_const_paths is true)
- # Once active, the current envs and load_paths are frozen and cannot be
+ # Once active, the current envs and const_paths are frozen and cannot be
# modified until deactivated. Returns true if activate succeeded, or
# false if self is already active.
def activate
return false if active?
@active = true
- unless self.class.instance(false)
- self.class.instance = self
- end
- # freeze envs and load paths
+ # freeze envs and const paths
- @load_paths.freeze
+ @const_paths.freeze
# activate nested envs
envs.reverse_each do |env|
- # add load paths
- if set_load_paths
- load_paths.reverse_each do |path|
+ # add const paths
+ if set_const_paths
+ const_paths.reverse_each do |path|
@@ -343,48 +523,59 @@
# Deactivates self by doing the following in order:
# * deactivates nested environments
- # * removes load_paths from $LOAD_PATH (if set_load_paths is true)
- # * sets Env.instance to nil (if set to self)
- # * clears cached manifest data
+ # * removes const_paths from $LOAD_PATH (if set_const_paths is true)
- # Once deactivated, envs and load_paths are unfrozen and may be modified.
+ # Once deactivated, envs and const_paths are unfrozen and may be modified.
# Returns true if deactivate succeeded, or false if self is not active.
+ #
+ # ==== Note
+ #
+ # Deactivation does not necessarily leave $LOAD_PATH in the same condition
+ # as before activation. A pre-existing $LOAD_PATH entry can go missing if
+ # it is also registered as an env load_path (deactivation doesn't know to
+ # leave such paths alone).
+ #
+ # Deactivation, like constant unloading should be done with caution.
def deactivate
return false unless active?
@active = false
# dectivate nested envs
envs.reverse_each do |env|
- # remove load paths
- load_paths.each do |path|
+ # remove const paths
+ const_paths.each do |path|
- end if set_load_paths
+ end if set_const_paths
- # unfreeze envs and load paths
+ # unfreeze envs and const paths
@envs = @envs.dup
- @load_paths = @load_paths.dup
+ @const_paths = @const_paths.dup
- # clear cached data
- klass = self.class
- if klass.instance(false) == self
- klass.instance = nil
- end
# Return true if self has been activated.
def active?
+ # Globs the abstract directory for files in the specified directory alias,
+ # matching the pattern. The expanded path of each matching file is
+ # returned.
+ def glob(dir, pattern="**/*")
+ hlob(dir, pattern).values.sort!
+ end
+ # Same as glob but returns results as a hash of (relative_path, path)
+ # pairs. In short the hash defines matching files in the abstract
+ # directory, linked to the actual path for these files.
def hlob(dir, pattern="**/*")
results = {}
each do |env|
root = env.root
root.glob(dir, pattern).each do |path|
@@ -393,15 +584,15 @@
- def glob(dir, pattern="**/*")
- hlob(dir, pattern).values.sort!
- end
- def path(dir, *paths)
+ # Returns the path to the specified file, as determined by root.
+ #
+ # If a block is given, a path for each env will be yielded until the block
+ # returns a true value. Returns nil if the block never returns true.
+ def path(dir = :root, *paths)
each do |env|
path = env.root.path(dir, *paths)
return path if !block_given? || yield(path)
@@ -411,17 +602,16 @@
# An array of modules (which naturally can include classes) are provided
# and module_path traverses each, forming paths like:
# path(dir, module_path, *paths)
- # By default, 'module_path' is 'module.to_s.underscore', but modules can
+ # By default 'module_path' is 'module.to_s.underscore' but modules can
# specify an alternative by providing a module_path method.
- # The paths are yielded to the block and when the block returns true,
- # the path will be returned. If no block is given, the first module path
- # is returned. Returns nil if the block never returns true.
- #
+ # Paths are yielded to the block until the block returns true, at which
+ # point the current the path is returned. If no block is given, the
+ # first path is returned. Returns nil if the block never returns true.
def module_path(dir, modules, *paths, &block)
while current = modules.shift
module_path = if current.respond_to?(:module_path)
@@ -444,115 +634,123 @@
klass = obj.kind_of?(Class) ? obj : obj.class
superclasses = klass.ancestors - klass.included_modules
module_path(dir, superclasses, *paths, &block)
- def registry(build=false)
- builders.each_pair do |type, builder|
- registry[type] ||=
- end if build
- registries[minikey] ||= begin
- registry = {}
- load_paths.each do |load_path|
+ # Generates a Manifest for self using the block as a builder. The builder
+ # receives an env and should return an array of resources, each of which
+ # can be minimappped. Minimapping requires that the resource is either
+ # a path string, or provides a 'path' method that returns a path string.
+ # Alternatively, a Minimap may be returned.
+ #
+ # If a type is specified, then the manifest cache will be linked to the
+ # context cache.
+ def manifest(type=nil, &block) # :yields: env
+ cache = type ? (context.cache[type] ||= {}) : {}
+, block, cache)
+ end
+ # Returns a manifest of Constants located in .rb files under each of the
+ # const_paths. Constants are identified using Lazydoc constant attributes;
+ # all attributes are registered to the constants for classification
+ # (for example as a task, join, etc).
+ def constants
+ @constants ||= manifest(:constants) do |env|
+ constants = {}
+ env.const_paths.each do |load_path|
next unless
- Env.scan_dir(load_path) do |type, constant|
- (registry[type.to_sym] ||= []) << constant
- end
+ Constant.scan(load_path, "**/*.rb", constants)
- registry
+ constants.keys.sort!.collect! do |key|
+ constants[key]
+ end
- def register(type, override=false, &block)
- type = type.to_sym
- # error for existing, or overwrite
- case
- when override
- builders.delete(type)
- registries.each {|root, registry| registry.delete(type) }
- when builders.has_key?(type)
- raise "a builder is already registered for: #{type.inspect}"
- when registries.any? {|root, registry| registry.has_key?(type) }
- raise "entries are already registered for: #{type.inspect}"
+ # Seeks a constant for the key, constantizing if necessary. If invert is
+ # true, this method seeks and returns a key for the input constant. In
+ # both cases AGET returns nil if no key-constant pair can be found.
+ def [](key, invert=invert?)
+ if invert
+ const_name = key.to_s
+ constants.unseek(true) do |const|
+ const_name == const.const_name
+ end
+ else
+ if constant =
+ constant.constantize
+ else
+ nil
+ end
- builders[type] = block
- #--
- # Potential bug, constants can be added twice.
- def scan(path, key='[a-z_]+')
- registry = self.registry
- Env.scan(path, key) do |type, constant|
- (registry[type.to_sym] ||= []) << constant
- end
+ # Indicates AGET looks up constants from keys (false), or keys from
+ # constants (true).
+ def invert?
+ @invert
- def manifest(type) # :yields: env
- type = type.to_sym
- registry[type] ||= begin
- builder = builders[type]
- builder ? : []
- end
- manifests[type] ||=, type)
+ # Inverts the AGET lookup for self.
+ def invert!
+ @invert = !@invert
+ self
- def [](type)
- manifest(type)
+ # Returns a duplicate of self with inverted AGET lookup.
+ def invert
+ dup.invert!
- def reset
- manifests.clear
- registries.clear
+ # Scans the files matched under the directory and pattern for constants
+ # and adds them to the existing constants for self.
+ def scan(dir, pattern="**/*.rb")
+ new_entries = {}
+ entries = constants.entries(self)
+ entries.each {|const| new_entries[const.const_name] = const }
+ Constant.scan(root[dir], pattern, new_entries)
+ entries.replace(new_entries.keys)
+ entries.sort!.collect! {|key| new_entries[key] }
+ entries
- # Searches across each for the first registered object minimatching key. A
- # single env can be specified by using a compound key like 'env_key:key'.
- #
- # Returns nil if no matching object is found.
- def seek(type, key, value_only=true)
- envs = if $2
- # compound key, match for env
- key = $2
- [minimatch($1)].compact
- else
- # not a compound key, search all envs by iterating self
- self
+ # Registers a constant with self. The constant is stored as a new
+ # Constant in the constants manifest. Returns the new Constant.
+ # If the constant is already registered, the existing Constant is
+ # returned.
+ def register(constant)
+ const_name = constant.to_s
+ entries = constants.entries(self)
+ # try to find the existing Constant before making a new constant
+ unless constant = entries.find {|const| const.const_name == const_name}
+ constant =
+ entries << constant
+ entries.replace entries.sort_by {|const| const.const_name }
- # traverse envs looking for the first
- # manifest entry matching key
- envs.each do |env|
- if value = env.manifest(type).minimatch(key)
- return value_only ? value : [env, value]
- end
- end
- nil
+ constant
- def reverse_seek(type, key_only=true, &block)
- each do |env|
- manifest = env.manifest(type)
- if value = manifest.find(&block)
- key = manifest.minihash(true)[value]
- return key_only ? key : "#{minihash(true)[env]}:#{key}"
- end
- end
- nil
- end
- # All templaters are yielded to the block before any are built. This
- # allows globals to be determined for all environments.
+ # When no template is specified, inspect generates a fairly standard
+ # inspection string. When a template is provided, inspect builds a
+ # Templater for each env with the following local variables:
+ #
+ # variable value
+ # env the current env
+ # env_keys a minihash for all envs
+ #
+ # If a block is given, the globals and templater are yielded before
+ # any templater is built; this allows each env to add env-specific
+ # variables. After this preparation, each templater is built with
+ # the globals and the results concatenated.
+ #
+ # The template is built with filename, if specified (for debugging).
def inspect(template=nil, globals={}, filename=nil) # :yields: templater, globals
if template == nil
return "#<#{self.class}:#{object_id} root='#{root.root}'>"
@@ -563,46 +761,32 @@
end.collect! do |templater|, filename)
- def registries # :nodoc:
- context[:registries] ||= {}
+ # helper for Minimap; note that specifying env.root.root via path
+ # is not possible because path is required for other purposes.
+ def entry_to_path(env) # :nodoc:
+ env.root.root
- def basename # :nodoc:
- context[:basename]
- end
- def builders # :nodoc:
- context[:builders] ||= {}
- end
- def instances # :nodoc:
- context[:instances] ||= []
- end
- def instance(path) # :nodoc:
- instances.find {|env| env.root.root == path }
- end
# resets envs using the current env_paths and gems. does nothing
# until both env_paths and gems are set.
def reset_envs # :nodoc:
if env_paths && gems
self.envs = env_paths.collect do |path|
- instance(path) ||, context)
+ context.instance(path) ||, context)
end + gems.collect do |spec|
- instance(spec.full_gem_path) || Env.from_gemspec(spec, context)
+ context.instance(spec.full_gem_path) || Env.setup_gem(spec, context)
- # arrayifies, compacts, and resolves input paths using root, and
- # removes duplicates. in short:
+ # arrayifies, compacts, and resolves input paths using root.
+ # also removes duplicates. in short:
# resolve_paths ['lib', nil, 'lib', 'alt] # => [root['lib'], root['alt']]
def resolve_paths(paths) # :nodoc:
paths = yaml_load(paths) if paths.kind_of?(String)
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