lib/tap/test/file_test.rb in tap-test-0.4.0 vs lib/tap/test/file_test.rb in tap-test-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,112 +2,69 @@
require 'tap/test/utils'
module Tap
module Test
- # FileTest facilitates access and utilization of test-specific files and
- # directories. FileTest provides each test method with a Tap::Root
- # (method_root) specific for the method, and defines a new assertion
- # method (assert_files) to facilitate tests which involve the production
- # and/or modification of files.
+ # FileTest simplifies testing of code that works with files. FileTest
+ # provides a method-specific Tap::Root (method_root) that expedites the
+ # creation and access of files, as well as a couple standard cleanup
+ # methods.
- # [file_test_doc_test.rb]
- # class FileTestDocTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # acts_as_file_test
- #
- # def test_something
- # # each test class has a class test root (ctr)
- # # and each test method has a method-specific
- # # root (method_root)
- #
- # ctr.root # => File.expand_path(__FILE__.chomp('_test.rb'))
- # method_root.root # => File.join(ctr.root, "/test_something")
- # method_root[:input] # => File.join(ctr.root, "/test_something/input")
- #
- # # files in the :output and :tmp directories are cleared
- # # before and after each test; this passes each time the
- # # test is run with no additional cleanup:
- #
- # assert !File.exists?(method_root[:tmp])
- #
- # tmp_file = method_root.prepare(:tmp, 'sample.txt') {|file| file << "content" }
- # assert_equal "content",
- #
- # # the assert_files method compares files produced
- # # by the block the expected files, ensuring they
- # # are the same (see the documentation for the
- # # simplest use of assert_files)
- #
- # expected_file = method_root.prepare(:expected, 'output.txt') {|file| file << 'expected output' }
- #
- # # passes
- # assert_files do
- # method_root.prepare(:output, 'output.txt') {|file| file << 'expected output' }
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
# ==== Cleanup
- # By default the method_root directory is cleaned up at the end of the
- # test, making FileTest very conveient for creating temporary test files.
- # To prevent cleanup, either set the KEEP_OUTPUTS or KEEP_FAILURES ENV
- # variable to 'true'. The cleanup directories can be specified manually
- # using cleanup_dirs class variable:
+ # By default the entire method_root directory is cleaned up at the end of
+ # the test. To prevent cleanup, either set the KEEP_OUTPUTS or
+ # KEEP_FAILURES ENV variable to 'true'. The cleanup directories can be
+ # specified manually using cleanup_dirs class variable:
# class LimitedCleanupTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # # only cleanup the method_root[:output] directory
+ # # only cleanup the output directory under root
# acts_as_file_test :cleanup_dirs => [:output]
# end
# This technique is useful when you want to keep certain static files
# under version control, for instance.
# ==== Requirements
# FileTest requires that a method_name method is provided by the including
- # class, in order to properly set the directory for method_root.
+ # class, in order to properly set the directory for root.
# Test::Unit::TestCase satisfies this requirement already.
module FileTest
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.extend FileTest::ClassMethods
- base.cleanup_dirs = [:root]
- # The test-method-specific Tap::Root which may be used to access test
- # files. method_root is a duplicate of ctr reconfigured so that
- # method_root.root is ctr[method_name.to_sym]
+ # The method-specific Tap::Root
attr_reader :method_root
# Sets up method_root and calls cleanup. Be sure to call super when
# overriding this method.
def setup
- @method_root = ctr.dup.reconfigure(:root => ctr[method_name.to_sym])
+ @method_root = class_root.sub(method_name)
- # Cleans up the method_root.root directory by removing the class
- # cleanup_dirs (by default :root, ie the method_root directory itself).
- # The root directory will be removed if it is empty.
+ # Cleans up the method_root directory by removing the cleanup_dirs
+ # specified for the class. (by default the entire method_root directory
+ # is removed). The method_root directory will be removed if it is empty.
# Override as necessary in subclasses.
def cleanup
- self.class.cleanup_dirs.each do |dir|
- clear_dir(method_root[dir])
- end
- try_remove_dir(method_root.root)
+ cleanup_dirs = self.class.cleanup_dirs
+ cleanup_dirs.each {|dir| clear_dir(method_root.path(dir)) }
+ try_remove_dir(method_root.path)
# Calls cleanup unless flagged otherwise by an ENV variable (see above).
# Be sure to call super when overriding this method.
def teardown
- # check that method_root still exists (nil may
- # indicate setup was overridden without super)
unless method_root
raise "teardown failure: method_root is nil (does setup call super?)"
# clear out the output folder if it exists, unless flagged otherwise
@@ -117,273 +74,32 @@
raise("cleanup failure: #{$!.message}")
- try_remove_dir(ctr.root)
+ try_remove_dir(class_root.path)
- # Convenience method to access the class_test_root.
- def ctr
- self.class.class_test_root or raise "setup failure: no class_test_root has been set for #{self.class}"
+ # Convenience method to access the class_root.
+ def class_root
+ self.class.class_root or raise "setup failure: no class_root has been set for #{self.class}"
- # Runs a file-based test that compares files created by the block with
- # files in an expected directory. The block receives files from the
- # input directory, and should return a list of files relative to the
- # output directory. Only the files returned by the block are compared;
- # additional files in the output directory are effectively ignored.
- #
- # === Example
- # Lets define a test that transforms input files into output files in a
- # trivial way, simply by replacing 'input' with 'output' in the file.
- #
- # class FileTestDocTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- # acts_as_file_test
- #
- # def test_assert_files
- # assert_files do |input_files|
- # input_files.collect do |path|
- # input =
- # output_file = method_root.path(:output, File.basename(path))
- #
- #, "w") do |f|
- # f << input.gsub(/input/, "output")
- # end
- #
- # output_file
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Now say you had some input and expected files for test_assert_files:
- #
- # file_test_doc/test_assert_files
- # |- expected
- # | |- one.txt
- # | `- two.txt
- # `- input
- # |- one.txt
- # `- two.txt
- #
- # [input/one.txt]
- # test input 1
- #
- # [input/two.txt]
- # test input 2
- #
- # [expected/one.txt]
- # test output 1
- #
- # [expected/two.txt]
- # test output 2
- #
- # When you run the test, the assert_files passes the input files to the
- # block. When the block completes, assert_files compares the output
- # files returned by the block with the files in the expected directory.
- # In this case, the files are equal and the test passes.
- #
- # Say you changed the content of one of the expected files:
- #
- # [expected/one.txt]
- # test flunk 1
- #
- # Now the test fails because the output files aren't equal to the
- # expected files. The test also fails if there are missing or extra
- # files.
- #
- # === Options
- # A variety of options adjust the behavior of assert_files:
- #
- # :input_dir specify the directory to glob for input files
- # (default method_root[:input])
- # :output_dir specify the output directory
- # (default method_root[:output])
- # :expected_dir specify the directory to glob for expected files
- # (default method_root[:expected])
- # :input_files directly specify the input files for the block
- # :expected_files directly specify the expected files for comparison
- # :include_input_directories specifies directories to be included in the
- # input_files array (by default dirs are excluded)
- # :include_expected_directories specifies directories to be included in the
- # expected-output file list comparison
- # (by default dirs are excluded)
- #
- # assert_files will fail if <tt>:expected_files</tt> was not specified
- # in the options and no files were found in <tt>:expected_dir</tt>. This
- # check tries to prevent silent false-positive results when you forget
- # to put expected files in their place.
- #
- # === File References
- #
- # Sometimes the same files will get used across multiple tests. To
- # allow separate management of test files and prevent duplication, file
- # references can be provided in place of test files. For instance, with
- # a test directory like:
- #
- # method_root
- # |- expected
- # | |- one.txt.ref
- # | `- two.txt.ref
- # |- input
- # | |- one.txt.ref
- # | `- two.txt.ref
- # `- ref
- # |- one.txt
- # `- two.txt
- #
- # The input and expected files (all references in this case) can be
- # dereferenced to the 'ref' paths like so:
- #
- # assert_files :reference_dir => method_root[:ref] do |input_files|
- # input_files # => ['method_root/ref/one.txt', 'method_root/ref/two.txt']
- #
- # input_files.collect do |input_file|
- # output_file = method_root.path(:output, File.basename(input_file)
- # FileUtils.cp(input_file, output_file)
- # output_file
- # end
- # end
- #
- # Dereferencing occurs relative to the input_dir/expected_dir
- # configurations; a reference_dir must be specified for dereferencing to
- # occur (see Utils.dereference for more details).
- #
- #--
- # TODO:
- # * add debugging information to indicate, for instance, when
- # dereferencing is going on.
- def assert_files(options={}, &block) # :yields: input_files
- transform_test(block, options) do |expected_file, output_file|
- unless FileUtils.cmp(expected_file, output_file)
- flunk "<#{expected_file}> not equal to\n<#{output_file}>"
- end
- end
- end
- # The default assert_files options
- def assert_files_options
- {
- :input_dir => method_root[:input],
- :output_dir => method_root[:output],
- :expected_dir => method_root[:expected],
- :input_files => nil,
- :expected_files => nil,
- :include_input_directories => false,
- :include_expected_directories => false,
- :reference_dir => nil,
- :reference_extname => '.ref'
- }
- end
- private
- # Yields to the input block for each pair of entries in the input
- # arrays. An error is raised if the input arrays do not have equal
- # numbers of entries.
- def each_pair(a, b, &block) # :yields: entry_a, entry_b,
- each_pair_with_index(a,b) do |entry_a, entry_b, index|
- yield(entry_a, entry_b)
- end
- end
- # Same as each_pair but yields the index of the entries as well.
- def each_pair_with_index(a, b, error_msg=nil, &block) # :yields: entry_a, entry_b, index
- a = [a] unless a.kind_of?(Array)
- b = [b] unless b.kind_of?(Array)
- unless a.length == b.length
- raise ArgumentError, (error_msg || "The input arrays must have an equal number of entries.")
- end
- 0.upto(a.length-1) do |index|
- yield(a[index], b[index], index)
- end
- end
# Attempts to recursively remove the specified method directory and all
# files within it. Raises an error if the removal does not succeed.
def clear_dir(dir)
# clear out the folder if it exists
FileUtils.rm_r(dir) if File.exists?(dir)
- # Attempts to remove the specified directory. The root
- # will not be removed if the directory does not exist, or
- # is not empty.
+ # Attempts to remove the specified directory. The directory will not be
+ # removed unless fully empty (including hidden files).
def try_remove_dir(dir)
- # Remove the directory if possible
- FileUtils.rmdir(dir) if File.exists?(dir) && Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "*")).empty?
+ FileUtils.rmdir(dir) if && Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "*")).empty?
# rescue cases where there is a hidden file, for example .svn
- def transform_test(block, options={}) # :yields: expected_files, output_files
- options = assert_files_options.merge(options)
- input_dir = options[:input_dir]
- output_dir = options[:output_dir]
- expected_dir = options[:expected_dir]
- reference_dir = options[:reference_dir]
- reference_pattern = options[:reference_pattern]
- Utils.dereference([input_dir, expected_dir], reference_dir, reference_pattern || '**/*.ref') do
- # Get the input and expected files in this manner:
- # - look for manually specified files
- # - glob for files if none were specified
- # - expand paths and sort
- # - remove directories unless specified not to do so
- input_files, expected_files = [:input, :expected].collect do |key|
- files = options["#{key}_files".to_sym]
- if files.nil?
- pattern = File.join(options["#{key}_dir".to_sym], "**/*")
- files = Dir.glob(pattern)
- end
- files = [files].flatten.collect {|file| File.expand_path(file) }.sort
- unless options["include_#{key}_directories".to_sym]
- files.delete_if {|file|}
- end
- files
- end
- # check at least one expected file was found
- if expected_files.empty? && options[:expected_files] == nil
- flunk "No expected files specified."
- end
- # get output files from the block, expand and sort
- output_files = [*].collect do |output_file|
- File.expand_path(output_file)
- end.sort
- # check that the expected and output paths are the same
- translated_expected_files = expected_files.collect do |expected_file|
- Tap::Root::Utils.translate(expected_file, expected_dir, output_dir)
- end
- assert_equal translated_expected_files, output_files, "Missing, extra, or unexpected output files"
- # check that the expected and output file contents are equal
- errors = []
- each_pair(expected_files, output_files) do |expected_file, output_file|
- unless ( && || FileUtils.cmp(expected_file, output_file)
- begin
- yield(expected_file, output_file)
- rescue
- errors << $!
- end
- end
- end
- flunk "File compare failed:\n" + errors.join("\n") unless errors.empty?
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file