dist/tao.js in tao_on_rails-0.6.0 vs dist/tao.js in tao_on_rails-0.6.1

- old
+ new

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t,e;return(e=this.getCachedSnapshot())?(t=this.shouldIssueRequest(),this.render(function(){var r;return this.cacheSnapshot(),this.controller.render({snapshot:e,isPreview:t},this.performScroll),"function"==typeof(r=this.adapter).visitRendered&&r.visitRendered(this),t?void 0:this.complete()})):void 0},r.prototype.loadResponse=function(){return null!=this.response?this.render(function(){var t,e;return this.cacheSnapshot(),this.request.failed?(this.controller.render({error:this.response},this.performScroll),"function"==typeof(t=this.adapter).visitRendered&&t.visitRendered(this),this.fail()):(this.controller.render({snapshot:this.response},this.performScroll),"function"==typeof(e=this.adapter).visitRendered&&e.visitRendered(this),this.complete())}):void 0},r.prototype.followRedirect=function(){return this.redirectedToLocation&&!this.followedRedirect?(this.location=this.redirectedToLocation,this.controller.replaceHistoryWithLocationAndRestorationIdentifier(this.redirectedToLocation,this.restorationIdentifier),this.followedRedirect=!0):void 0},r.prototype.requestStarted=function(){var t;return this.recordTimingMetric("requestStart"),"function"==typeof(t=this.adapter).visitRequestStarted?t.visitRequestStarted(this):void 0},r.prototype.requestProgressed=function(t){var e;return this.progress=t,"function"==typeof(e=this.adapter).visitRequestProgressed?e.visitRequestProgressed(this):void 0},r.prototype.requestCompletedWithResponse=function(e,r){return this.response=e,null!=r&&(this.redirectedToLocation=t.Location.wrap(r)),this.adapter.visitRequestCompleted(this)},r.prototype.requestFailedWithStatusCode=function(t,e){return this.response=e,this.adapter.visitRequestFailedWithStatusCode(this,t)},r.prototype.requestFinished=function(){var t;return this.recordTimingMetric("requestEnd"),"function"==typeof(t=this.adapter).visitRequestFinished?t.visitRequestFinished(this):void 0},r.prototype.performScroll=function(){return this.scrolled?void 0:("restore"===this.action?this.scrollToRestoredPosition()||this.scrollToTop():this.scrollToAnchor()||this.scrollToTop(),this.scrolled=!0)},r.prototype.scrollToRestoredPosition=function(){var t,e;return t=null!=(e=this.restorationData)?e.scrollPosition:void 0,null!=t?(this.controller.scrollToPosition(t),!0):void 0},r.prototype.scrollToAnchor=function(){return null!=this.location.anchor?(this.controller.scrollToAnchor(this.location.anchor),!0):void 0},r.prototype.scrollToTop=function(){return this.controller.scrollToPosition({x:0,y:0})},r.prototype.recordTimingMetric=function(t){var e;return null!=(e=this.timingMetrics)[t]?e[t]:e[t]=(new Date).getTime()},r.prototype.getTimingMetrics=function(){return t.copyObject(this.timingMetrics)},n=function(t){switch(t){case"replace":return"replaceHistoryWithLocationAndRestorationIdentifier";case"advance":case"restore":return"pushHistoryWithLocationAndRestorationIdentifier"}},r.prototype.shouldIssueRequest=function(){return"restore"===this.action?!this.hasCachedSnapshot():!0},r.prototype.cacheSnapshot=function(){return this.snapshotCached?void 0:(this.controller.cacheSnapshot(),this.snapshotCached=!0)},r.prototype.render=function(t){return this.cancelRender(),this.frame=requestAnimationFrame(function(e){return function(){return e.frame=null,t.call(e)}}(this))},r.prototype.cancelRender=function(){return this.frame?cancelAnimationFrame(this.frame):void 0},r}()}.call(this),function(){var e=function(t,e){return function(){return t.apply(e,arguments)}};t.Controller=function(){function r(){this.clickBubbled=e(this.clickBubbled,this),this.clickCaptured=e(this.clickCaptured,this),this.pageLoaded=e(this.pageLoaded,this),this.history=new t.History(this),this.view=new t.View(this),this.scrollManager=new t.ScrollManager(this),this.restorationData={},this.clearCache()}return r.prototype.start=function(){return t.supported&&!this.started?(addEventListener("click",this.clickCaptured,!0),addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",this.pageLoaded,!1),this.scrollManager.start(),this.startHistory(),this.started=!0,this.enabled=!0):void 0},r.prototype.disable=function(){return this.enabled=!1},r.prototype.stop=function(){return this.started?(removeEventListener("click",this.clickCaptured,!0),removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",this.pageLoaded,!1),this.scrollManager.stop(),this.stopHistory(),this.started=!1):void 0},r.prototype.clearCache=function(){return this.cache=new t.SnapshotCache(10)},r.prototype.visit=function(e,r){var n,o;return null==r&&(r={}),e=t.Location.wrap(e),this.applicationAllowsVisitingLocation(e)?this.locationIsVisitable(e)?(n=null!=(o=r.action)?o:"advance",this.adapter.visitProposedToLocationWithAction(e,n)):window.location=e:void 0},r.prototype.startVisitToLocationWithAction=function(e,r,n){var o;return t.supported?(o=this.getRestorationDataForIdentifier(n),this.startVisit(e,r,{restorationData:o})):window.location=e},r.prototype.startHistory=function(){return this.location=t.Location.wrap(window.location),this.restorationIdentifier=t.uuid(),this.history.start(),this.history.replace(this.location,this.restorationIdentifier)},r.prototype.stopHistory=function(){return this.history.stop()},r.prototype.pushHistoryWithLocationAndRestorationIdentifier=function(e,r){return this.restorationIdentifier=r,this.location=t.Location.wrap(e),this.history.push(this.location,this.restorationIdentifier)},r.prototype.replaceHistoryWithLocationAndRestorationIdentifier=function(e,r){return this.restorationIdentifier=r,this.location=t.Location.wrap(e),this.history.replace(this.location,this.restorationIdentifier)},r.prototype.historyPoppedToLocationWithRestorationIdentifier=function(e,r){var n;return this.restorationIdentifier=r,this.enabled?(n=this.getRestorationDataForIdentifier(this.restorationIdentifier),this.startVisit(e,"restore",{restorationIdentifier:this.restorationIdentifier,restorationData:n,historyChanged:!0}),this.location=t.Location.wrap(e)):this.adapter.pageInvalidated()},r.prototype.getCachedSnapshotForLocation=function(t){var e;return e=this.cache.get(t),e?e.clone():void 0},r.prototype.shouldCacheSnapshot=function(){return this.view.getSnapshot().isCacheable()},r.prototype.cacheSnapshot=function(){var t;return this.shouldCacheSnapshot()?(this.notifyApplicationBeforeCachingSnapshot(),t=this.view.getSnapshot(),this.cache.put(this.lastRenderedLocation,t.clone())):void 0},r.prototype.scrollToAnchor=function(t){var e;return(e=document.getElementById(t))?this.scrollToElement(e):this.scrollToPosition({x:0,y:0})},r.prototype.scrollToElement=function(t){return this.scrollManager.scrollToElement(t)},r.prototype.scrollToPosition=function(t){return this.scrollManager.scrollToPosition(t)},r.prototype.scrollPositionChanged=function(t){var e;return e=this.getCurrentRestorationData(),e.scrollPosition=t},r.prototype.render=function(t,e){return this.view.render(t,e)},r.prototype.viewInvalidated=function(){return this.adapter.pageInvalidated()},r.prototype.viewWillRender=function(t){return this.notifyApplicationBeforeRender(t)},r.prototype.viewRendered=function(){return this.lastRenderedLocation=this.currentVisit.location,this.notifyApplicationAfterRender()},r.prototype.pageLoaded=function(){return this.lastRenderedLocation=this.location,this.notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad()},r.prototype.clickCaptured=function(){return removeEventListener("click",this.clickBubbled,!1),addEventListener("click",this.clickBubbled,!1)},r.prototype.clickBubbled=function(t){var e,r,n;return this.enabled&&this.clickEventIsSignificant(t)&&(r=this.getVisitableLinkForNode(t.target))&&(n=this.getVisitableLocationForLink(r))&&this.applicationAllowsFollowingLinkToLocation(r,n)?(t.preventDefault(),e=this.getActionForLink(r),this.visit(n,{action:e})):void 0},r.prototype.applicationAllowsFollowingLinkToLocation=function(t,e){var r;return r=this.notifyApplicationAfterClickingLinkToLocation(t,e),!r.defaultPrevented},r.prototype.applicationAllowsVisitingLocation=function(t){var e;return e=this.notifyApplicationBeforeVisitingLocation(t),!e.defaultPrevented},r.prototype.notifyApplicationAfterClickingLinkToLocation=function(e,r){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:click",{target:e,data:{url:r.absoluteURL},cancelable:!0})},r.prototype.notifyApplicationBeforeVisitingLocation=function(e){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:before-visit",{data:{url:e.absoluteURL},cancelable:!0})},r.prototype.notifyApplicationAfterVisitingLocation=function(e){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:visit",{data:{url:e.absoluteURL}})},r.prototype.notifyApplicationBeforeCachingSnapshot=function(){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:before-cache")},r.prototype.notifyApplicationBeforeRender=function(e){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:before-render",{data:{newBody:e}})},r.prototype.notifyApplicationAfterRender=function(){return t.dispatch("turbolinks:render")},r.prototype.notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad=function(e){return null==e&&(e={}),t.dispatch("turbolinks:load",{data:{url:this.location.absoluteURL,timing:e}})},r.prototype.startVisit=function(t,e,r){var n;return null!=(n=this.currentVisit)&&n.cancel(),this.currentVisit=this.createVisit(t,e,r),this.currentVisit.start(),this.notifyApplicationAfterVisitingLocation(t)},r.prototype.createVisit=function(e,r,n){ var o,i,s,a,u;return i=null!=n?n:{},a=i.restorationIdentifier,s=i.restorationData,o=i.historyChanged,u=new t.Visit(this,e,r),u.restorationIdentifier=null!=a?a:t.uuid(),u.restorationData=t.copyObject(s),u.historyChanged=o,u.referrer=this.location,u},r.prototype.visitCompleted=function(t){return this.notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad(t.getTimingMetrics())},r.prototype.clickEventIsSignificant=function(t){return!(t.defaultPrevented||t.target.isContentEditable||t.which>1||t.altKey||t.ctrlKey||t.metaKey||t.shiftKey)},r.prototype.getVisitableLinkForNode=function(e){return this.nodeIsVisitable(e)?t.closest(e,"a[href]:not([target])"):void 0},r.prototype.getVisitableLocationForLink=function(e){var r;return r=new t.Location(e.getAttribute("href")),this.locationIsVisitable(r)?r:void 0},r.prototype.getActionForLink=function(t){var e;return null!=(e=t.getAttribute("data-turbolinks-action"))?e:"advance"},r.prototype.nodeIsVisitable=function(e){var r;return(r=t.closest(e,"[data-turbolinks]"))?"false"!==r.getAttribute("data-turbolinks"):!0},r.prototype.locationIsVisitable=function(t){return t.isPrefixedBy(this.view.getRootLocation())&&t.isHTML()},r.prototype.getCurrentRestorationData=function(){return this.getRestorationDataForIdentifier(this.restorationIdentifier)},r.prototype.getRestorationDataForIdentifier=function(t){var e;return null!=(e=this.restorationData)[t]?e[t]:e[t]={}},r}()}.call(this),function(){var e,r,n;t.start=function(){return r()?(null==t.controller&&(t.controller=e()),t.controller.start()):void 0},r=function(){return null==window.Turbolinks&&(window.Turbolinks=t),n()},e=function(){var e;return e=new t.Controller,e.adapter=new t.BrowserAdapter(e),e},n=function(){return window.Turbolinks===t},n()&&t.start()}.call(this)}).call(this),"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=t:"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define(t)}).call(this); -/*eslint-disable no-unused-vars*/ /*! - * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.1.0 + * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.1.1 * https://jquery.com/ * * Includes Sizzle.js * https://sizzlejs.com/ * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * https://jquery.org/license * - * Date: 2016-07-07T21:44Z + * Date: 2016-09-22T22:30Z */ ( function( global, factory ) { "use strict"; @@ -89,17 +88,17 @@ script.text = code; doc.head.appendChild( script ).parentNode.removeChild( script ); } /* global Symbol */ -// Defining this global in .eslintrc would create a danger of using the global +// Defining this global in .eslintrc.json would create a danger of using the global // unguarded in another place, it seems safer to define global only for this module var - version = "3.1.0", + version = "3.1.1", // Define a local copy of jQuery jQuery = function( selector, context ) { // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced' @@ -135,17 +134,18 @@ }, // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array get: function( num ) { - return num != null ? - // Return just the one element from the set - ( num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ] ) : + // Return all the elements in a clean array + if ( num == null ) { + return slice.call( this ); + } - // Return all the elements in a clean array - slice.call( this ); + // Return just the one element from the set + return num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ]; }, // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack // (returning the new matched element set) pushStack: function( elems ) { @@ -549,18 +549,18 @@ return type === "array" || length === 0 || typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj; } var Sizzle = /*! - * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.0 + * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.3 * https://sizzlejs.com/ * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://jquery.org/license * - * Date: 2016-01-04 + * Date: 2016-08-08 */ (function( window ) { var i, support, @@ -702,11 +702,11 @@ String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 ); }, // CSS string/identifier serialization // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#common-serializing-idioms - rcssescape = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\x80-\uFFFF\w-]/g, + rcssescape = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g, fcssescape = function( ch, asCodePoint ) { if ( asCodePoint ) { // U+0000 NULL becomes U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER if ( ch === "\0" ) { @@ -729,11 +729,11 @@ setDocument(); }, disabledAncestor = addCombinator( function( elem ) { - return elem.disabled === true; + return elem.disabled === true && ("form" in elem || "label" in elem); }, { dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" } ); // Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList ) @@ -1015,30 +1015,58 @@ /** * Returns a function to use in pseudos for :enabled/:disabled * @param {Boolean} disabled true for :disabled; false for :enabled */ function createDisabledPseudo( disabled ) { - // Known :disabled false positives: - // IE: *[disabled]:not(button, input, select, textarea, optgroup, option, menuitem, fieldset) - // not IE: fieldset[disabled] > legend:nth-of-type(n+2) :can-disable + + // Known :disabled false positives: fieldset[disabled] > legend:nth-of-type(n+2) :can-disable return function( elem ) { - // Check form elements and option elements for explicit disabling - return "label" in elem && elem.disabled === disabled || - "form" in elem && elem.disabled === disabled || + // Only certain elements can match :enabled or :disabled + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-enabled + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-disabled + if ( "form" in elem ) { - // Check non-disabled form elements for fieldset[disabled] ancestors - "form" in elem && elem.disabled === false && ( - // Support: IE6-11+ - // Ancestry is covered for us - elem.isDisabled === disabled || + // Check for inherited disabledness on relevant non-disabled elements: + // * listed form-associated elements in a disabled fieldset + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#category-listed + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-fe-disabled + // * option elements in a disabled optgroup + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-option-disabled + // All such elements have a "form" property. + if ( elem.parentNode && elem.disabled === false ) { - // Otherwise, assume any non-<option> under fieldset[disabled] is disabled - /* jshint -W018 */ - elem.isDisabled !== !disabled && - ("label" in elem || !disabledAncestor( elem )) !== disabled - ); + // Option elements defer to a parent optgroup if present + if ( "label" in elem ) { + if ( "label" in elem.parentNode ) { + return elem.parentNode.disabled === disabled; + } else { + return elem.disabled === disabled; + } + } + + // Support: IE 6 - 11 + // Use the isDisabled shortcut property to check for disabled fieldset ancestors + return elem.isDisabled === disabled || + + // Where there is no isDisabled, check manually + /* jshint -W018 */ + elem.isDisabled !== !disabled && + disabledAncestor( elem ) === disabled; + } + + return elem.disabled === disabled; + + // Try to winnow out elements that can't be disabled before trusting the disabled property. + // Some victims get caught in our net (label, legend, menu, track), but it shouldn't + // even exist on them, let alone have a boolean value. + } else if ( "label" in elem ) { + return elem.disabled === disabled; + } + + // Remaining elements are neither :enabled nor :disabled + return false; }; } /** * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals @@ -1150,37 +1178,63 @@ support.getById = assert(function( el ) { docElem.appendChild( el ).id = expando; return !document.getElementsByName || !document.getElementsByName( expando ).length; }); - // ID find and filter + // ID filter and find if ( support.getById ) { - Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { - if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) { - var m = context.getElementById( id ); - return m ? [ m ] : []; - } - }; Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); return function( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId; }; }; + Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) { + var elem = context.getElementById( id ); + return elem ? [ elem ] : []; + } + }; } else { - // Support: IE6/7 - // getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut - delete Expr.find["ID"]; - Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) { var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape ); return function( elem ) { var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id"); return node && node.value === attrId; }; }; + + // Support: IE 6 - 7 only + // getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut + Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) { + if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) { + var node, i, elems, + elem = context.getElementById( id ); + + if ( elem ) { + + // Verify the id attribute + node = elem.getAttributeNode("id"); + if ( node && node.value === id ) { + return [ elem ]; + } + + // Fall back on getElementsByName + elems = context.getElementsByName( id ); + i = 0; + while ( (elem = elems[i++]) ) { + node = elem.getAttributeNode("id"); + if ( node && node.value === id ) { + return [ elem ]; + } + } + } + + return []; + } + }; } // Tag Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ? function( tag, context ) { @@ -2217,10 +2271,11 @@ while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) { return matcher( elem, context, xml ); } } + return false; } : // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements function( elem, context, xml ) { var oldCache, uniqueCache, outerCache, @@ -2261,10 +2316,11 @@ } } } } } + return false; }; } function elementMatcher( matchers ) { return matchers.length > 1 ? @@ -2623,12 +2679,11 @@ if ( match.length === 1 ) { // Reduce context if the leading compound selector is an ID tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 ); if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" && - support.getById && context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && - Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) { + context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) { context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0]; if ( !context ) { return results; @@ -2806,28 +2861,33 @@ function winnow( elements, qualifier, not ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) { return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem, i ) { return !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ) !== not; } ); - } + // Single element if ( qualifier.nodeType ) { return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) { return ( elem === qualifier ) !== not; } ); + } + // Arraylike of elements (jQuery, arguments, Array) + if ( typeof qualifier !== "string" ) { + return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) { + return ( indexOf.call( qualifier, elem ) > -1 ) !== not; + } ); } - if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) { - if ( risSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { - return jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements, not ); - } - - qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements ); + // Simple selector that can be filtered directly, removing non-Elements + if ( risSimple.test( qualifier ) ) { + return jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements, not ); } + // Complex selector, compare the two sets, removing non-Elements + qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements ); return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) { return ( indexOf.call( qualifier, elem ) > -1 ) !== not && elem.nodeType === 1; } ); } @@ -2836,15 +2896,17 @@ if ( not ) { expr = ":not(" + expr + ")"; } - return elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ? - jQuery.find.matchesSelector( elem, expr ) ? [ elem ] : [] : - jQuery.find.matches( expr, jQuery.grep( elems, function( elem ) { - return elem.nodeType === 1; - } ) ); + if ( elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { + return jQuery.find.matchesSelector( elem, expr ) ? [ elem ] : []; + } + + return jQuery.find.matches( expr, jQuery.grep( elems, function( elem ) { + return elem.nodeType === 1; + } ) ); }; jQuery.fn.extend( { find: function( selector ) { var i, ret, @@ -3168,18 +3230,18 @@ } return this.pushStack( matched ); }; } ); -var rnotwhite = ( /\S+/g ); +var rnothtmlwhite = ( /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g ); // Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones function createOptions( options ) { var object = {}; - jQuery.each( options.match( rnotwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) { + jQuery.each( options.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) { object[ flag ] = true; } ); return object; } @@ -3940,17 +4002,20 @@ ); } } } - return chainable ? - elems : + if ( chainable ) { + return elems; + } - // Gets - bulk ? - fn.call( elems ) : - len ? fn( elems[ 0 ], key ) : emptyGet; + // Gets + if ( bulk ) { + return fn.call( elems ); + } + + return len ? fn( elems[ 0 ], key ) : emptyGet; }; var acceptData = function( owner ) { // Accepts only: // - Node @@ -4083,11 +4148,11 @@ // If a key with the spaces exists, use it. // Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace key = key in cache ? [ key ] : - ( key.match( rnotwhite ) || [] ); + ( key.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [] ); } i = key.length; while ( i-- ) { @@ -4131,10 +4196,35 @@ // 6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014 var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/, rmultiDash = /[A-Z]/g; +function getData( data ) { + if ( data === "true" ) { + return true; + } + + if ( data === "false" ) { + return false; + } + + if ( data === "null" ) { + return null; + } + + // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string + if ( data === +data + "" ) { + return +data; + } + + if ( rbrace.test( data ) ) { + return JSON.parse( data ); + } + + return data; +} + function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) { var name; // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute @@ -4142,18 +4232,11 @@ name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$&" ).toLowerCase(); data = elem.getAttribute( name ); if ( typeof data === "string" ) { try { - data = data === "true" ? true : - data === "false" ? false : - data === "null" ? null : - - // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string - +data + "" === data ? +data : - rbrace.test( data ) ? JSON.parse( data ) : - data; + data = getData( data ); } catch ( e ) {} // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later dataUser.set( elem, key, data ); } else { @@ -4526,11 +4609,11 @@ if ( display ) { return display; } - temp = doc.body.appendChild( doc.createElement( nodeName ) ), + temp = doc.body.appendChild( doc.createElement( nodeName ) ); display = jQuery.css( temp, "display" ); temp.parentNode.removeChild( temp ); if ( display === "none" ) { @@ -4644,19 +4727,27 @@ function getAll( context, tag ) { // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only // Use typeof to avoid zero-argument method invocation on host objects (#15151) - var ret = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ? - context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" ) : - typeof context.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ? - context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" ) : - []; + var ret; - return tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName( context, tag ) ? - jQuery.merge( [ context ], ret ) : - ret; + if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) { + ret = context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" ); + + } else if ( typeof context.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ) { + ret = context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" ); + + } else { + ret = []; + } + + if ( tag === undefined || tag && jQuery.nodeName( context, tag ) ) { + return jQuery.merge( [ context ], ret ); + } + + return ret; } // Mark scripts as having already been evaluated function setGlobalEval( elems, refElements ) { @@ -4926,11 +5017,11 @@ jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( elem, arguments ) : undefined; }; } // Handle multiple events separated by a space - types = ( types || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ]; + types = ( types || "" ).match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [ "" ]; t = types.length; while ( t-- ) { tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[ t ] ) || []; type = origType = tmp[ 1 ]; namespaces = ( tmp[ 2 ] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); @@ -5008,11 +5099,11 @@ if ( !elemData || !( events = elemData.events ) ) { return; } // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted - types = ( types || "" ).match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ]; + types = ( types || "" ).match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [ "" ]; t = types.length; while ( t-- ) { tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[ t ] ) || []; type = origType = tmp[ 1 ]; namespaces = ( tmp[ 2 ] || "" ).split( "." ).sort(); @@ -5134,55 +5225,62 @@ return event.result; }, handlers: function( event, handlers ) { - var i, matches, sel, handleObj, + var i, handleObj, sel, matchedHandlers, matchedSelectors, handlerQueue = [], delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount, cur = event.target; - // Support: IE <=9 // Find delegate handlers - // Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (#13180) - // - // Support: Firefox <=42 - // Avoid non-left-click in FF but don't block IE radio events (#3861, gh-2343) - if ( delegateCount && cur.nodeType && - ( event.type !== "click" || isNaN( event.button ) || event.button < 1 ) ) { + if ( delegateCount && + // Support: IE <=9 + // Black-hole SVG <use> instance trees (trac-13180) + cur.nodeType && + + // Support: Firefox <=42 + // Suppress spec-violating clicks indicating a non-primary pointer button (trac-3861) + // https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-click + // Support: IE 11 only + // ...but not arrow key "clicks" of radio inputs, which can have `button` -1 (gh-2343) + !( event.type === "click" && event.button >= 1 ) ) { + for ( ; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) { // Don't check non-elements (#13208) // Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764) - if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ( cur.disabled !== true || event.type !== "click" ) ) { - matches = []; + if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && !( event.type === "click" && cur.disabled === true ) ) { + matchedHandlers = []; + matchedSelectors = {}; for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) { handleObj = handlers[ i ]; // Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203) sel = handleObj.selector + " "; - if ( matches[ sel ] === undefined ) { - matches[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ? + if ( matchedSelectors[ sel ] === undefined ) { + matchedSelectors[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ? jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) > -1 : jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length; } - if ( matches[ sel ] ) { - matches.push( handleObj ); + if ( matchedSelectors[ sel ] ) { + matchedHandlers.push( handleObj ); } } - if ( matches.length ) { - handlerQueue.push( { elem: cur, handlers: matches } ); + if ( matchedHandlers.length ) { + handlerQueue.push( { elem: cur, handlers: matchedHandlers } ); } } } } // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers + cur = this; if ( delegateCount < handlers.length ) { - handlerQueue.push( { elem: this, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) } ); + handlerQueue.push( { elem: cur, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) } ); } return handlerQueue; }, @@ -5412,11 +5510,23 @@ return event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; } // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right if ( !event.which && button !== undefined && rmouseEvent.test( event.type ) ) { - return ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) ); + if ( button & 1 ) { + return 1; + } + + if ( button & 2 ) { + return 3; + } + + if ( button & 4 ) { + return 2; + } + + return 0; } return event.which; } }, jQuery.event.addProp ); @@ -6168,20 +6278,22 @@ Math.max( 0, matches[ 2 ] - ( subtract || 0 ) ) + ( matches[ 3 ] || "px" ) : value; } function augmentWidthOrHeight( elem, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles ) { - var i = extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ? + var i, + val = 0; - // If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation - 4 : + // If we already have the right measurement, avoid augmentation + if ( extra === ( isBorderBox ? "border" : "content" ) ) { + i = 4; - // Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties - name === "width" ? 1 : 0, + // Otherwise initialize for horizontal or vertical properties + } else { + i = name === "width" ? 1 : 0; + } - val = 0; - for ( ; i < 4; i += 2 ) { // Both box models exclude margin, so add it if we want it if ( extra === "margin" ) { val += jQuery.css( elem, extra + cssExpand[ i ], true, styles ); @@ -7030,11 +7142,11 @@ tweener: function( props, callback ) { if ( jQuery.isFunction( props ) ) { callback = props; props = [ "*" ]; } else { - props = props.match( rnotwhite ); + props = props.match( rnothtmlwhite ); } var prop, index = 0, length = props.length; @@ -7068,13 +7180,18 @@ // Go to the end state if fx are off or if document is hidden if ( jQuery.fx.off || document.hidden ) { opt.duration = 0; } else { - opt.duration = typeof opt.duration === "number" ? - opt.duration : opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ? - jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ] : jQuery.fx.speeds._default; + if ( typeof opt.duration !== "number" ) { + if ( opt.duration in jQuery.fx.speeds ) { + opt.duration = jQuery.fx.speeds[ opt.duration ]; + + } else { + opt.duration = jQuery.fx.speeds._default; + } + } } // Normalize opt.queue - true/undefined/null -> "fx" if ( opt.queue == null || opt.queue === true ) { opt.queue = "fx"; @@ -7420,12 +7537,15 @@ }, removeAttr: function( elem, value ) { var name, i = 0, - attrNames = value && value.match( rnotwhite ); + // Attribute names can contain non-HTML whitespace characters + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#attributes-2 + attrNames = value && value.match( rnothtmlwhite ); + if ( attrNames && elem.nodeType === 1 ) { while ( ( name = attrNames[ i++ ] ) ) { elem.removeAttribute( name ); } } @@ -7527,16 +7647,23 @@ // correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set // https://web.archive.org/web/20141116233347/http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/ // Use proper attribute retrieval(#12072) var tabindex = jQuery.find.attr( elem, "tabindex" ); - return tabindex ? - parseInt( tabindex, 10 ) : + if ( tabindex ) { + return parseInt( tabindex, 10 ); + } + + if ( rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || - rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ? - 0 : - -1; + rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && + elem.href + ) { + return 0; + } + + return -1; } } }, propFix: { @@ -7549,20 +7676,28 @@ // Accessing the selectedIndex property // forces the browser to respect setting selected // on the option // The getter ensures a default option is selected // when in an optgroup +// eslint rule "no-unused-expressions" is disabled for this code +// since it considers such accessions noop if ( !support.optSelected ) { jQuery.propHooks.selected = { get: function( elem ) { + + /* eslint no-unused-expressions: "off" */ + var parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent && parent.parentNode ) { parent.parentNode.selectedIndex; } return null; }, set: function( elem ) { + + /* eslint no-unused-expressions: "off" */ + var parent = elem.parentNode; if ( parent ) { parent.selectedIndex; if ( parent.parentNode ) { @@ -7589,12 +7724,18 @@ } ); -var rclass = /[\t\r\n\f]/g; + // Strip and collapse whitespace according to HTML spec + // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/infrastructure.html#strip-and-collapse-whitespace + function stripAndCollapse( value ) { + var tokens = value.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || []; + return tokens.join( " " ); + } + function getClass( elem ) { return elem.getAttribute && elem.getAttribute( "class" ) || ""; } jQuery.fn.extend( { @@ -7607,27 +7748,26 @@ jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call( this, j, getClass( this ) ) ); } ); } if ( typeof value === "string" && value ) { - classes = value.match( rnotwhite ) || []; + classes = value.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || []; while ( ( elem = this[ i++ ] ) ) { curValue = getClass( elem ); - cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && - ( " " + curValue + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ); + cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( " " + stripAndCollapse( curValue ) + " " ); if ( cur ) { j = 0; while ( ( clazz = classes[ j++ ] ) ) { if ( cur.indexOf( " " + clazz + " " ) < 0 ) { cur += clazz + " "; } } // Only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering. - finalValue = jQuery.trim( cur ); + finalValue = stripAndCollapse( cur ); if ( curValue !== finalValue ) { elem.setAttribute( "class", finalValue ); } } } @@ -7649,18 +7789,17 @@ if ( !arguments.length ) { return this.attr( "class", "" ); } if ( typeof value === "string" && value ) { - classes = value.match( rnotwhite ) || []; + classes = value.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || []; while ( ( elem = this[ i++ ] ) ) { curValue = getClass( elem ); // This expression is here for better compressibility (see addClass) - cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && - ( " " + curValue + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ); + cur = elem.nodeType === 1 && ( " " + stripAndCollapse( curValue ) + " " ); if ( cur ) { j = 0; while ( ( clazz = classes[ j++ ] ) ) { @@ -7669,11 +7808,11 @@ cur = cur.replace( " " + clazz + " ", " " ); } } // Only assign if different to avoid unneeded rendering. - finalValue = jQuery.trim( cur ); + finalValue = stripAndCollapse( cur ); if ( curValue !== finalValue ) { elem.setAttribute( "class", finalValue ); } } } @@ -7704,11 +7843,11 @@ if ( type === "string" ) { // Toggle individual class names i = 0; self = jQuery( this ); - classNames = value.match( rnotwhite ) || []; + classNames = value.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || []; while ( ( className = classNames[ i++ ] ) ) { // Check each className given, space separated list if ( self.hasClass( className ) ) { @@ -7747,26 +7886,23 @@ i = 0; className = " " + selector + " "; while ( ( elem = this[ i++ ] ) ) { if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && - ( " " + getClass( elem ) + " " ).replace( rclass, " " ) - .indexOf( className ) > -1 - ) { - return true; + ( " " + stripAndCollapse( getClass( elem ) ) + " " ).indexOf( className ) > -1 ) { + return true; } } return false; } } ); -var rreturn = /\r/g, - rspaces = /[\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g; +var rreturn = /\r/g; jQuery.fn.extend( { val: function( value ) { var hooks, ret, isFunction, elem = this[ 0 ]; @@ -7783,17 +7919,17 @@ return ret; } ret = elem.value; - return typeof ret === "string" ? + // Handle most common string cases + if ( typeof ret === "string" ) { + return ret.replace( rreturn, "" ); + } - // Handle most common string cases - ret.replace( rreturn, "" ) : - - // Handle cases where value is null/undef or number - ret == null ? "" : ret; + // Handle cases where value is null/undef or number + return ret == null ? "" : ret; } return; } @@ -7846,25 +7982,29 @@ // Support: IE <=10 - 11 only // option.text throws exceptions (#14686, #14858) // Strip and collapse whitespace // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#strip-and-collapse-whitespace - jQuery.trim( jQuery.text( elem ) ).replace( rspaces, " " ); + stripAndCollapse( jQuery.text( elem ) ); } }, select: { get: function( elem ) { - var value, option, + var value, option, i, options = elem.options, index = elem.selectedIndex, one = elem.type === "select-one", values = one ? null : [], - max = one ? index + 1 : options.length, - i = index < 0 ? - max : - one ? index : 0; + max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; + if ( index < 0 ) { + i = max; + + } else { + i = one ? index : 0; + } + // Loop through all the selected options for ( ; i < max; i++ ) { option = options[ i ]; // Support: IE <=9 only @@ -8313,26 +8453,30 @@ ( this.checked || !rcheckableType.test( type ) ); } ) .map( function( i, elem ) { var val = jQuery( this ).val(); - return val == null ? - null : - jQuery.isArray( val ) ? - jQuery.map( val, function( val ) { - return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; - } ) : - { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; + if ( val == null ) { + return null; + } + + if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) { + return jQuery.map( val, function( val ) { + return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; + } ); + } + + return { name: elem.name, value: val.replace( rCRLF, "\r\n" ) }; } ).get(); } } ); var r20 = /%20/g, rhash = /#.*$/, - rts = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, + rantiCache = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, rheaders = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/mg, // #7653, #8125, #8152: local protocol detection rlocalProtocol = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/, rnoContent = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, @@ -8374,11 +8518,11 @@ dataTypeExpression = "*"; } var dataType, i = 0, - dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match( rnotwhite ) || []; + dataTypes = dataTypeExpression.toLowerCase().match( rnothtmlwhite ) || []; if ( jQuery.isFunction( func ) ) { // For each dataType in the dataTypeExpression while ( ( dataType = dataTypes[ i++ ] ) ) { @@ -8842,11 +8986,11 @@ // Alias method option to type as per ticket #12004 s.type = options.method || options.type || s.method || s.type; // Extract dataTypes list - s.dataTypes = ( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().match( rnotwhite ) || [ "" ]; + s.dataTypes = ( s.dataType || "*" ).toLowerCase().match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [ "" ]; // A cross-domain request is in order when the origin doesn't match the current origin. if ( s.crossDomain == null ) { urlAnchor = document.createElement( "a" ); @@ -8914,13 +9058,13 @@ // #9682: remove data so that it's not used in an eventual retry delete s.data; } - // Add anti-cache in uncached url if needed + // Add or update anti-cache param if needed if ( s.cache === false ) { - cacheURL = cacheURL.replace( rts, "" ); + cacheURL = cacheURL.replace( rantiCache, "$1" ); uncached = ( rquery.test( cacheURL ) ? "&" : "?" ) + "_=" + ( nonce++ ) + uncached; } // Put hash and anti-cache on the URL that will be requested (gh-1732) s.url = cacheURL + uncached; @@ -9655,11 +9799,11 @@ var selector, type, response, self = this, off = url.indexOf( " " ); if ( off > -1 ) { - selector = jQuery.trim( url.slice( off ) ); + selector = stripAndCollapse( url.slice( off ) ); url = url.slice( 0, off ); } // If it's a function if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) { @@ -10047,11 +10191,10 @@ } - var // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite _jQuery = window.jQuery, @@ -10076,10 +10219,13 @@ if ( !noGlobal ) { window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; } + + + return jQuery; } ); (function($, undefined) { /** @@ -30796,31 +30942,45 @@ }).call(this); (function() { var TaoComponentBasedOn, components, - extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, - hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, slice = [].slice; components = {}; - TaoComponentBasedOn = function(superClass) { - if (superClass == null) { - superClass = 'HTMLElement'; + TaoComponentBasedOn = function(superClassName) { + var ComponentClass; + if (superClassName == null) { + superClassName = 'HTMLElement'; } - if (components[superClass]) { - return components[superClass]; + if (components[superClassName]) { + return components[superClassName]; } - return components[superClass] = (function(superClass1) { - var count; + ComponentClass = (function() { + var count, superClass; - extend(_Class, superClass1); + superClass = window[superClassName]; + ComponentClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype, { + constructor: { + value: ComponentClass, + enumerable: false, + writable: true, + configurable: true + } + }); + + if (Object.setPrototypeOf != null) { + Object.setPrototypeOf(ComponentClass, superClass); + } else { + ComponentClass.__proto__ = superClass; + } + count = 0; - _Class.extend = function(obj) { + ComponentClass.extend = function(obj) { var key, ref, val; if (!(obj && typeof obj === 'object')) { throw new Error('TaoComponent.extend: param should be an object'); } for (key in obj) { @@ -30833,11 +30993,11 @@ ref.call(this); } return this; }; - _Class.include = function(obj) { + ComponentClass.include = function(obj) { var key, ref, val; if (!(obj && typeof obj === 'object')) { throw new Error('TaoComponent.include: param should be an object'); } for (key in obj) { @@ -30850,25 +31010,25 @@ ref.call(this); } return this; }; - _Class.get = function(attributeName, getMethod) { + ComponentClass.get = function(attributeName, getMethod) { return Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, attributeName, { get: getMethod, configurable: true }); }; - _Class.set = function(attributeName, setMethod) { + ComponentClass.set = function(attributeName, setMethod) { return Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, attributeName, { set: setMethod, configurable: true }); }; - _Class.attribute = function() { + ComponentClass.attribute = function() { var i, names, options; names = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0, i = arguments.length - 1) : (i = 0, []), options = arguments[i++]; if (options == null) { options = {}; } @@ -30911,35 +31071,33 @@ } }; })(this)); }; - _Class.tag = ''; + ComponentClass.tag = ''; - _Class.register = function(componentClass) { + ComponentClass.register = function(componentClass) { if (!componentClass.tag) { return; } return customElements.define(componentClass.tag, componentClass); }; - _Class.observedAttributes = []; + ComponentClass.observedAttributes = []; - _Class.get('jq', function() { + ComponentClass.get('jq', function() { return $(this); }); - _Class.attribute('taoId'); + ComponentClass.attribute('taoId'); - function _Class() { - var instance; - instance = window[superClass].apply(this, arguments); + function ComponentClass() { + superClass.apply(this, arguments); this._created(); - instance; } - _Class.prototype.connectedCallback = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.connectedCallback = function() { return $((function(_this) { return function() { if (!_this.initialized) { _this.taoId = ++count; _this._init(); @@ -30949,64 +31107,65 @@ return _this._connected(); }; })(this)); }; - _Class.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.disconnectedCallback = function() { return $((function(_this) { return function() { _this.connected = false; return _this._disconnected(); }; })(this)); }; - _Class.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function(name) { + ComponentClass.prototype.attributeChangedCallback = function(name) { return this._attributeChanged(name); }; - _Class.prototype._created = function() {}; + ComponentClass.prototype._created = function() {}; - _Class.prototype._init = function() {}; + ComponentClass.prototype._init = function() {}; - _Class.prototype._connected = function() {}; + ComponentClass.prototype._connected = function() {}; - _Class.prototype._disconnected = function() {}; + ComponentClass.prototype._disconnected = function() {}; - _Class.prototype._attributeChanged = function(name) { + ComponentClass.prototype._attributeChanged = function(name) { var name1; return typeof this[name1 = "_" + (_.camelCase(name)) + "Changed"] === "function" ? this[name1]() : void 0; }; - _Class.prototype.beforeCache = function() {}; + ComponentClass.prototype.beforeCache = function() {}; - _Class.prototype.on = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.on = function() { var args, ref; args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return (ref = this.jq).on.apply(ref, args); }; - _Class.prototype.off = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.off = function() { var args, ref; args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return (ref = this.jq).off.apply(ref, args); }; - _Class.prototype.trigger = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.trigger = function() { var args, ref; args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return (ref = this.jq).triggerHandler.apply(ref, args); }; - _Class.prototype.one = function() { + ComponentClass.prototype.one = function() { var args, ref; args = 1 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 0) : []; return (ref = this.jq).one.apply(ref, args); }; - return _Class; + return ComponentClass; - })(window[superClass]); + })(); + return components[superClassName] = ComponentClass; }; window.TaoComponentBasedOn = TaoComponentBasedOn; window.TaoComponent = TaoComponentBasedOn('HTMLElement');