spec/models/tang/charge_spec.rb in tang-0.0.9 vs spec/models/tang/charge_spec.rb in tang-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,53 @@
require 'rails_helper'
module Tang
RSpec.describe Charge, type: :model do
- pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}"
+ let(:stripe_helper) { StripeMock.create_test_helper }
+ before { StripeMock.start }
+ after { StripeMock.stop }
+ it "has a valid factory" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.create(:charge)).to be_valid
+ end
+ it "is invalid without an invoice" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.build(:charge, invoice: nil)).to be_invalid
+ end
+ it "is invalid without a stripe id" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.build(:charge, stripe_id: nil)).to be_invalid
+ end
+ it "is invalid without an amount greater than 50" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.build(:charge, amount: 0)).to be_invalid
+ end
+ it "is invalid without a currency" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.build(:charge, currency: nil)).to be_invalid
+ end
+ it "is invalid with a long statement descriptor" do
+ expect(FactoryBot.build(:charge, statement_descriptor: '123456789012345678901234567890')).to be_invalid
+ end
+ it "can be searched by stripe id" do
+ charge = FactoryBot.create(:charge)
+ expect(Charge.search(charge.stripe_id)).to include(charge)
+ end
+ it "can be searched by customer stripe id" do
+ stripe_customer = Stripe::Customer.create(id: 'test_customer_sub')
+ customer = FactoryBot.create(:customer, stripe_id: stripe_customer.id)
+ invoice = FactoryBot.create(:invoice, customer: customer)
+ charge = FactoryBot.create(:charge, invoice: invoice)
+ expect(Charge.search(customer.stripe_id)).to include(charge)
+ end
+ it "can set the card source from stripe" do
+ stripe_charge = Stripe::Charge.create(amount: 1, currency: 'usd', source: stripe_helper.generate_card_token)
+ invoice = FactoryBot.create(:invoice)
+ charge = Charge.from_stripe(stripe_charge, invoice)
+ expect(charge.card_stripe_id).to eq(stripe_charge.source.id)
+ end