app/assets/javascripts/ansi_up.js in tailog-0.4.3 vs app/assets/javascripts/ansi_up.js in tailog-0.4.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,326 +1,6 @@
// ansi_up.js
// version : 1.3.0
// author : Dru Nelson
// license : MIT
-(function (Date, undefined) {
- var ansi_up,
- VERSION = "1.3.0",
- // check for nodeJS
- hasModule = (typeof module !== 'undefined'),
- // Normal and then Bright
- [
- { color: "27, 27, 27", 'class': "ansi-black" },
- { color: "182, 80, 47", 'class': "ansi-red" },
- { color: "141, 161, 88", 'class': "ansi-green" },
- { color: "220, 175, 95", 'class': "ansi-yellow" },
- { color: "126, 170, 199", 'class': "ansi-blue" },
- { color: "176, 101, 152", 'class': "ansi-magenta" },
- { color: "141, 220, 217", 'class': "ansi-cyan" },
- { color: "217, 217, 217", 'class': "ansi-white" }
- ], [
- { color: "27, 27, 27", 'class': "ansi-bright-black" },
- { color: "182, 80, 47", 'class': "ansi-bright-red" },
- { color: "141, 161, 88", 'class': "ansi-bright-green" },
- { color: "220, 175, 95", 'class': "ansi-bright-yellow" },
- { color: "126, 170, 199", 'class': "ansi-bright-blue" },
- { color: "176, 101, 152", 'class': "ansi-bright-magenta" },
- { color: "141, 220, 217", 'class': "ansi-bright-cyan" },
- { color: "217, 217, 217", 'class': "ansi-bright-white" }
- ]
- ],
- // 256 Colors Palette
- function Ansi_Up() {
- this.fg = = this.fg_truecolor = this.bg_truecolor = null;
- this.bright = 0;
- }
- Ansi_Up.prototype.setup_palette = function() {
- // Index 0..15 : System color
- (function() {
- var i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
- PALETTE_COLORS.push(ANSI_COLORS[i][j]['color']);
- }
- }
- })();
- // Index 16..231 : RGB 6x6x6
- //
- (function() {
- var levels = [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255];
- var format = function (r, g, b) { return levels[r] + ', ' + levels[g] + ', ' + levels[b] };
- var r, g, b;
- for (r = 0; r < 6; ++r) {
- for (g = 0; g < 6; ++g) {
- for (b = 0; b < 6; ++b) {
- PALETTE_COLORS.push(, r, g, b));
- }
- }
- }
- })();
- // Index 232..255 : Grayscale
- (function() {
- var level = 8;
- var format = function(level) { return level + ', ' + level + ', ' + level };
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < 24; ++i, level += 10) {
- PALETTE_COLORS.push(, level));
- }
- })();
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.escape_for_html = function (txt) {
- return txt.replace(/[&<>]/gm, function(str) {
- if (str == "&") return "&";
- if (str == "<") return "<";
- if (str == ">") return ">";
- });
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.linkify = function (txt) {
- return txt.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/gm, function(str) {
- return "<a href=\"" + str + "\">" + str + "</a>";
- });
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.ansi_to_html = function (txt, options) {
- return this.process(txt, options, true);
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.ansi_to_text = function (txt) {
- var options = {};
- return this.process(txt, options, false);
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.process = function (txt, options, markup) {
- var self = this;
- var raw_text_chunks = txt.split(/\033\[/);
- var first_chunk = raw_text_chunks.shift(); // the first chunk is not the result of the split
- var color_chunks = (chunk) {
- return self.process_chunk(chunk, options, markup);
- });
- color_chunks.unshift(first_chunk);
- return color_chunks.join('');
- };
- Ansi_Up.prototype.process_chunk = function (text, options, markup) {
- // Are we using classes or styles?
- options = typeof options == 'undefined' ? {} : options;
- var use_classes = typeof options.use_classes != 'undefined' && options.use_classes;
- var key = use_classes ? 'class' : 'color';
- // Each 'chunk' is the text after the CSI (ESC + '[') and before the next CSI/EOF.
- //
- // This regex matches four groups within a chunk.
- //
- // The first and third groups match code type.
- // We supported only SGR command. It has empty first group and 'm' in third.
- //
- // The second group matches all of the number+semicolon command sequences
- // before the 'm' (or other trailing) character.
- // These are the graphics or SGR commands.
- //
- // The last group is the text (including newlines) that is colored by
- // the other group's commands.
- var matches = text.match(/^([!\x3c-\x3f]*)([\d;]*)([\x20-\x2c]*[\x40-\x7e])([\s\S]*)/m);
- if (!matches) return text;
- var orig_txt = matches[4];
- var nums = matches[2].split(';');
- // We currently support only "SGR" (Select Graphic Rendition)
- // Simply ignore if not a SGR command.
- if (matches[1] !== '' || matches[3] !== 'm') {
- return orig_txt;
- }
- if (!markup) {
- return orig_txt;
- }
- var self = this;
- while (nums.length > 0) {
- var num_str = nums.shift();
- var num = parseInt(num_str);
- if (isNaN(num) || num === 0) {
- self.fg = = null;
- self.bright = 0;
- } else if (num === 1) {
- self.bright = 1;
- } else if (num == 39) {
- self.fg = null;
- } else if (num == 49) {
- = null;
- } else if ((num >= 30) && (num < 38)) {
- self.fg = ANSI_COLORS[self.bright][(num % 10)][key];
- } else if ((num >= 90) && (num < 98)) {
- self.fg = ANSI_COLORS[1][(num % 10)][key];
- } else if ((num >= 40) && (num < 48)) {
- = ANSI_COLORS[0][(num % 10)][key];
- } else if ((num >= 100) && (num < 108)) {
- = ANSI_COLORS[1][(num % 10)][key];
- } else if (num === 38 || num === 48) { // extend color (38=fg, 48=bg)
- (function() {
- var is_foreground = (num === 38);
- if (nums.length >= 1) {
- var mode = nums.shift();
- if (mode === '5' && nums.length >= 1) { // palette color
- var palette_index = parseInt(nums.shift());
- if (palette_index >= 0 && palette_index <= 255) {
- if (!use_classes) {
- }
- if (is_foreground) {
- self.fg = PALETTE_COLORS[palette_index];
- } else {
- = PALETTE_COLORS[palette_index];
- }
- } else {
- var klass = (palette_index >= 16)
- ? ('ansi-palette-' + palette_index)
- : ANSI_COLORS[palette_index > 7 ? 1 : 0][palette_index % 8]['class'];
- if (is_foreground) {
- self.fg = klass;
- } else {
- = klass;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if(mode === '2' && nums.length >= 3) { // true color
- var r = parseInt(nums.shift());
- var g = parseInt(nums.shift());
- var b = parseInt(nums.shift());
- if ((r >= 0 && r <= 255) && (g >= 0 && g <= 255) && (b >= 0 && b <= 255)) {
- var color = r + ', ' + g + ', ' + b;
- if (!use_classes) {
- if (is_foreground) {
- self.fg = color;
- } else {
- = color;
- }
- } else {
- if (is_foreground) {
- self.fg = 'ansi-truecolor';
- self.fg_truecolor = color;
- } else {
- = 'ansi-truecolor';
- self.bg_truecolor = color;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })();
- }
- }
- if ((self.fg === null) && ( === null)) {
- return orig_txt;
- } else {
- var styles = [];
- var classes = [];
- var data = {};
- var render_data = function (data) {
- var fragments = [];
- var key;
- for (key in data) {
- if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- fragments.push('data-' + key + '="' + this.escape_for_html(data[key]) + '"');
- }
- }
- return fragments.length > 0 ? ' ' + fragments.join(' ') : '';
- };
- if (self.fg) {
- if (use_classes) {
- classes.push(self.fg + "-fg");
- if (self.fg_truecolor !== null) {
- data['ansi-truecolor-fg'] = self.fg_truecolor;
- self.fg_truecolor = null;
- }
- } else {
- styles.push("color:rgb(" + self.fg + ")");
- }
- }
- if ( {
- if (use_classes) {
- classes.push( + "-bg");
- if (self.bg_truecolor !== null) {
- data['ansi-truecolor-bg'] = self.bg_truecolor;
- self.bg_truecolor = null;
- }
- } else {
- styles.push("background-color:rgb(" + + ")");
- }
- }
- if (use_classes) {
- return '<span class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"' +, data) + '>' + orig_txt + '</span>';
- } else {
- return '<span style="' + styles.join(';') + '"' +, data) + '>' + orig_txt + '</span>';
- }
- }
- };
- // Module exports
- ansi_up = {
- escape_for_html: function (txt) {
- var a2h = new Ansi_Up();
- return a2h.escape_for_html(txt);
- },
- linkify: function (txt) {
- var a2h = new Ansi_Up();
- return a2h.linkify(txt);
- },
- ansi_to_html: function (txt, options) {
- var a2h = new Ansi_Up();
- return a2h.ansi_to_html(txt, options);
- },
- ansi_to_text: function (txt) {
- var a2h = new Ansi_Up();
- return a2h.ansi_to_text(txt);
- },
- ansi_to_html_obj: function () {
- return new Ansi_Up();
- }
- };
- // CommonJS module is defined
- if (hasModule) {
- module.exports = ansi_up;
- }
- /*global ender:false */
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof ender === 'undefined') {
- window.ansi_up = ansi_up;
- }
- /*global define:false */
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define("ansi_up", [], function () {
- return ansi_up;
- });
- }
+!function(r,t){function n(){,this.bright=0}var o,s,e="undefined"!=typeof module,i=[[{color:"27, 27, 27","class":"ansi-black"},{color:"182, 80, 47","class":"ansi-red"},{color:"141, 161, 88","class":"ansi-green"},{color:"220, 175, 95","class":"ansi-yellow"},{color:"126, 170, 199","class":"ansi-blue"},{color:"176, 101, 152","class":"ansi-magenta"},{color:"141, 220, 217","class":"ansi-cyan"},{color:"217, 217, 217","class":"ansi-white"}],[{color:"27, 27, 27","class":"ansi-bright-black"},{color:"182, 80, 47","class":"ansi-bright-red"},{color:"141, 161, 88","class":"ansi-bright-green"},{color:"220, 175, 95","class":"ansi-bright-yellow"},{color:"126, 170, 199","class":"ansi-bright-blue"},{color:"176, 101, 152","class":"ansi-bright-magenta"},{color:"141, 220, 217","class":"ansi-bright-cyan"},{color:"217, 217, 217","class":"ansi-bright-white"}]];n.prototype.setup_palette=function(){s=[],function(){var r,t;for(r=0;2>r;++r)for(t=0;8>t;++t)s.push(i[r][t].color)}(),function(){var r,t,n,o=[0,95,135,175,215,255],e=function(r,t,n){return o[r]+", "+o[t]+", "+o[n]};for(r=0;6>r;++r)for(t=0;6>t;++t)for(n=0;6>n;++n)s.push(,r,t,n))}(),function(){var r,t=8,n=function(r){return r+", "+r+", "+r};for(r=0;24>r;++r,t+=10)s.push(,t))}()},n.prototype.escape_for_html=function(r){return r.replace(/[&<>]/gm,function(r){return"&"==r?"&":"<"==r?"<":">"==r?">":t})},n.prototype.linkify=function(r){return r.replace(/(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/gm,function(r){return'<a href="'+r+'">'+r+"</a>"})},n.prototype.ansi_to_html=function(r,t){return this.process(r,t,!0)},n.prototype.ansi_to_text=function(r){var t={};return this.process(r,t,!1)},n.prototype.process=function(r,t,n){var o=this,s=r.split(/\033\[/),e=s.shift(),{return o.process_chunk(r,t,n)});return i.unshift(e),i.join("")},n.prototype.process_chunk=function(r,n,o){n=t===n?{}:n;var e=t!==n.use_classes&&n.use_classes,l=e?"class":"color",a=r.match(/^([!\x3c-\x3f]*)([\d;]*)([\x20-\x2c]*[\x40-\x7e])([\s\S]*)/m);if(!a)return r;var c=a[4],u=a[2].split(";");if(""!==a[1]||"m"!==a[3])return c;if(!o)return c;for(var f=this;u.length>0;){var g=u.shift(),h=parseInt(g);isNaN(h)||0===h?(,f.bright=0):1===h?f.bright=1:39==h?f.fg=null:49==h?>=30&&38>h?f.fg=i[f.bright][h%10][l]:h>=90&&98>h?f.fg=i[1][h%10][l]:h>=40&&48>h?[0][h%10][l]:h>=100&&108>h?[1][h%10][l]:(38===h||48===h)&&!function(){var r=38===h;if(u.length>=1){var t=u.shift();if("5"!==t||u.length<1){if("2"===t&&u.length>=3){var n=parseInt(u.shift()),o=parseInt(u.shift()),l=parseInt(u.shift());if(!(0>n||n>255||0>o||o>255||0>l||l>255)){var a=n+", "+o+", "+l;e?r?(f.fg="ansi-truecolor",f.fg_truecolor=a):("ansi-truecolor",f.bg_truecolor=a):r?}}}else{var c=parseInt(u.shift());if(c>=0&&255>=c)if(e){var g=16>c?i[c>7?1:0][c%8]["class"]:"ansi-palette-"+c;r?}else s||,r?f.fg=s[c][c]}}}()}if(null===f.fg&& c;var p=[],_=[],b={},v=function(r){var t,n=[];for(t in r)r.hasOwnProperty(t)&&n.push("data-"+t+'="'+this.escape_for_html(r[t])+'"');return n.length>0?" "+n.join(" "):""};return f.fg&&(e?(_.push(f.fg+"-fg"),null!==f.fg_truecolor&&(b["ansi-truecolor-fg"]=f.fg_truecolor,f.fg_truecolor=null)):p.push("color:rgb("+f.fg+")")),"-bg"),null!==f.bg_truecolor&&(b["ansi-truecolor-bg"]=f.bg_truecolor,f.bg_truecolor=null)):p.push("background-color:rgb("")")),e?'<span class="'+_.join(" ")+'"',b)+">"+c+"</span>":'<span style="'+p.join(";")+'"',b)+">"+c+"</span>"},o={escape_for_html:function(r){var t=new n;return t.escape_for_html(r)},linkify:function(r){var t=new n;return t.linkify(r)},ansi_to_html:function(r,t){var o=new n;return o.ansi_to_html(r,t)},ansi_to_text:function(r){var t=new n;return t.ansi_to_text(r)},ansi_to_html_obj:function(){return new n}},e&&(module.exports=o),"undefined"!=typeof window&&"undefined"==typeof ender&&(window.ansi_up=o),"function"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define("ansi_up",[],function(){return o})}(Date);