lib/table_helper.rb in table_helper-0.1.0 vs lib/table_helper.rb in table_helper-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,178 +1,209 @@
require 'table_helper/collection_table'
-# Provides a set of methods for turning a collection into a table.
-# == Basic Example
-# This example shows the most basic usage of +collection_table+ which takes
-# information about a collection, the objects in them, the columns defined
-# for the class, and generates a table based on that.
-# Suppose you have a table generated by a migration like so:
-# class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Base
-# def self.up
-# create_table do |t|
-# t.string :first_name
-# t.string :last_name
-# t.integer :company_id
-# t.string :role
-# end
-# end
-# end
-# ...then invoking the helper within a view:
-# <%= collection_table Person.find(:all) %>
-# compiled to (formatted here for the sake of sanity):
-# <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-# <thead>
-# <tr>
-# <th class="first_name" scope="col">First Name</th>
-# <th class="last_name" scope="col">Last Name</th>
-# <th class="company_id" scope="col">Company</th>
-# <th class="role" scope="col">Role</th>
-# </tr>
-# </thead>
-# <tbody>
-# <tr class="row">
-# <td class="first_name">John</td>
-# <td class="last_name">Doe</td>
-# <td class="company_id">1</td>
-# <td class="role">President</td>
-# </tr>
-# <tr class="row">
-# <td class="first_name">Jane</td>
-# <td class="last_name">Doe</td>
-# <td class="company_id">1</td>
-# <td class="role">Vice-President</td>
-# </tr>
-# </tbody>
-# <table>
-# == Advanced Example
-# This example below shows how +collection_table+ can be customized to show
-# specific headers, content, and footers.
-# <%=
-# collection_table(@posts, {}, :id => 'posts', :class => 'summary') do |header, body|
-# header.column :title
-# header.column :category
-# header.column :author
-# header.column :publish_date, 'Date<br \>Published'
-# header.column :num_comments, '# Comments'
-# header.column :num_trackbacks, '# Trackbacks'
-# body.alternate = true
-# do |row, post, index|
-# row.category
-# row.publish_date time_ago_in_words(post.published_on)
-# row.num_comments post.comments.empty? ? '-' : post.comments.size
-# row.num_trackbacks post.trackbacks.empty? ? '-' : post.trackbacks.size
-# end
-# end
-# %>
-# compiled to (formatted here for the sake of sanity):
-# <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="summary" id="posts">
-# <thead>
-# <tr>
-# <th class="title" scope="col">Title</th>
-# <th class="category" scope="col">Category</th>
-# <th class="author" scope="col">Author</th>
-# <th class="publish_date" scope="col">Date<br \>Published</th>
-# <th class="num_comments" scope="col"># Comments</th>
-# <th class="num_trackbacks" scope="col"># Trackbacks</th>
-# </tr>
-# </thead>
-# <tbody class="alternate">
-# <tr class="row">
-# <td class="title">Open-source projects: The good, the bad, and the ugly</td>
-# <td class="category">General</td>
-# <td class="author">John Doe</td>
-# <td class="publish_date">23 days</td>
-# <td class="num_comments">-</td>
-# <td class="num_trackbacks">-</td>
-# </tr>
-# <tr class="row alternate">
-# <td class="title">5 reasons you should care about Rails</td>
-# <td class="category">Rails</td><td class="author">John Q. Public</td>
-# <td class="publish_date">21 days</td>
-# <td class="num_comments">-</td>
-# <td class="num_trackbacks">-</td>
-# </tr>
-# <tr class="row">
-# <td class="title">Deprecation: Stop digging yourself a hole</td>
-# <td class="category">Rails</td>
-# <td class="author">Jane Doe</td>
-# <td class="publish_date">17 days</td>
-# <td class="num_comments">-</td>
-# <td class="num_trackbacks">-</td>
-# </tr>
-# <tr class="row alternate">
-# <td class="title">Jumpstart your Rails career at RailsConf 2007</td>
-# <td class="category">Conferences</td>
-# <td class="author">Jane Doe</td>
-# <td class="publish_date">4 days</td>
-# <td class="num_comments">-</td>
-# <td class="num_trackbacks">-</td>
-# </tr>
-# <tr class="row">
-# <td class="title">Getting some REST</td>
-# <td class="category">Rails</td>
-# <td class="author">John Doe</td>
-# <td class="publish_date">about 18 hours</td>
-# <td class="num_comments">-</td>
-# <td class="num_trackbacks">-</td>
-# </tr>
-# </tbody>
-# </table>
-# == Creating footers
-# Footers allow you to show some sort of summary information based on the
-# data displayed in the body of the table. Below is an example:
-# <%
-# collection_table(@posts, :footer => true) do |header, body, footer|
-# header.column :title
-# header.column :category
-# header.column :author
-# header.column :publish_date, 'Date<br \>Published'
-# header.column :num_comments, '# Comments'
-# header.column :num_trackbacks, '# Trackbacks'
-# body.alternate = true
-# do |row, post, index|
-# row.category
-# row.publish_date time_ago_in_words(post.published_on)
-# row.num_comments post.comments.empty? ? '-' : post.comments.size
-# row.num_trackbacks post.trackbacks.empty? ? '-' : post.trackbacks.size
-# end
-# footer.cell :num_comments, @posts.inject(0) {|sum, post| sum += post.comments.size}
-# footer.cell :num_trackbacks, @posts.inject(0) {|sum, post| sum += post.trackbacks.size}
-# end
-# %>
+# Provides a set of methods for turning a collection into a table
module TableHelper
- # Creates a new table based on the objects in the given collection
+ # Generates a new table for the given collection.
- # Configuration options:
+ # == Basic Example
- # * +class+ - Specify the type of objects expected in the collection if it can't be guessed from its contents.
- # * +header+ - Specify if a header (thead) should be built into the table. Default is true.
- # * +footer+ - Specify if a footer (tfoot) should be built into the table. Default is false.
- def collection_table(collection, options = {}, html_options = {}, &block)
- table =, options, html_options)
- table.html
+ # This example shows the most basic usage of +collection_table+ which takes
+ # information about a collection, the objects in them, the columns defined
+ # for the class, and generates a table based on that.
+ #
+ # Suppose you have a table generated by a migration like so:
+ #
+ # class CreatePeople < ActiveRecord::Base
+ # def self.up
+ # create_table do |t|
+ # t.string :first_name
+ # t.string :last_name
+ # t.integer :company_id
+ # t.string :role
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # ...then invoking the helper within a view:
+ #
+ # <%= collection_table Person.find(:all) %>
+ #
+ # compiled to (formatted here for the sake of sanity):
+ #
+ # <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="posts ui-collection">
+ # <thead>
+ # <tr>
+ # <th class="person-first_name" scope="col">First Name</th>
+ # <th class="person-last_name" scope="col">Last Name</th>
+ # <th class="person-company_id" scope="col">Company</th>
+ # <th class="person-role" scope="col">Role</th>
+ # </tr>
+ # </thead>
+ # <tbody>
+ # <tr class="person ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="person-first_name">John</td>
+ # <td class="person-last_name">Doe</td>
+ # <td class="person-company_id">1</td>
+ # <td class="person-role">President</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="person ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="first_name">Jane</td>
+ # <td class="last_name">Doe</td>
+ # <td class="company_id">1</td>
+ # <td class="role">Vice-President</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # </tbody>
+ # <table>
+ #
+ # == Advanced Example
+ #
+ # This example below shows how +collection_table+ can be customized to show
+ # specific headers, content, and footers.
+ #
+ # <%=
+ # collection_table(@posts, :id => 'posts', :class => 'summary') do |t|
+ # t.header :title
+ # t.header :category
+ # t.header :author
+ # t.header :publish_date, 'Date<br \>Published'
+ # t.header :num_comments, '# Comments'
+ # t.header :num_trackbacks, '# Trackbacks'
+ #
+ # t.rows.alternate = :odd
+ # t.rows.each do |row, post, index|
+ # row.category
+ #
+ # row.publish_date time_ago_in_words(post.published_at)
+ # row.num_comments post.comments.empty? ? '-' : post.comments.size
+ # row.num_trackbacks post.trackbacks.empty? ? '-' : post.trackbacks.size
+ # end
+ # end
+ # %>
+ #
+ # compiled to (formatted here for the sake of sanity):
+ #
+ # <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="summary posts ui-collection" id="posts">
+ # <thead>
+ # <tr>
+ # <th class="post-title" scope="col">Title</th>
+ # <th class="post-category" scope="col">Category</th>
+ # <th class="post-author" scope="col">Author</th>
+ # <th class="post-publish_date" scope="col">Date<br \>Published</th>
+ # <th class="post-num_comments" scope="col"># Comments</th>
+ # <th class="post-num_trackbacks" scope="col"># Trackbacks</th>
+ # </tr>
+ # </thead>
+ # <tbody>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="post-title">Open-source projects: The good, the bad, and the ugly</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">General</td>
+ # <td class="post-author">John Doe</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">23 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result ui-state-alternate">
+ # <td class="post-title">5 reasons you should care about Rails</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">Rails</td>
+ # <td class="author">John Q. Public</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">21 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="post-title">Deprecation: Stop digging yourself a hole</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">Rails</td>
+ # <td class="post-author">Jane Doe</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">17 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result ui-state-alternate">
+ # <td class="post-title">Jumpstart your Rails career at RailsConf 2007</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">Conferences</td>
+ # <td class="post-author">Jane Doe</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">4 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="post-title">Getting some REST</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">Rails</td>
+ # <td class="post-author">John Doe</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">about 18 hours</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # </tbody>
+ # </table>
+ #
+ # == Creating footers
+ #
+ # Footers allow you to show some sort of summary information based on the
+ # data displayed in the body of the table. Below is an example:
+ #
+ # <%
+ # collection_table(@posts) do |t|
+ # t.header :title
+ # t.header :category
+ # t.header :author
+ # t.header :publish_date, 'Date<br \>Published'
+ # t.header :num_comments, '# Comments'
+ # t.header :num_trackbacks, '# Trackbacks'
+ #
+ # t.rows.alternate = :odd
+ # t.rows.each do |row, post, index|
+ # row.category
+ #
+ # row.publish_date time_ago_in_words(post.published_at)
+ # row.num_comments post.comments.empty? ? '-' : post.comments.size
+ # row.num_trackbacks post.trackbacks.empty? ? '-' : post.trackbacks.size
+ # end
+ #
+ # t.footer :num_comments, @posts.inject(0) {|sum, post| sum += post.comments.size}
+ # t.footer :num_trackbacks, @posts.inject(0) {|sum, post| sum += post.trackbacks.size}
+ # end
+ # %>
+ #
+ # compiled to:
+ #
+ # <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="posts ui-collection">
+ # <thead>
+ # <tr>
+ # <th class="post-title" scope="col">Title</th>
+ # <th class="post-category" scope="col">Category</th>
+ # <th class="post-author" scope="col">Author</th>
+ # <th class="post-publish_date" scope="col">Date<br \>Published</th>
+ # <th class="post-num_comments" scope="col"># Comments</th>
+ # <th class="post-num_trackbacks" scope="col"># Trackbacks</th>
+ # </tr>
+ # </thead>
+ # <tbody>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result">
+ # <td class="post-title">Open-source projects: The good, the bad, and the ugly</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">General</td>
+ # <td class="post-author">John Doe</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">23 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # <tr class="post ui-collection-result ui-state-alternate">
+ # <td class="post-title">5 reasons you should care about Rails</td>
+ # <td class="post-category">Rails</td><td class="author">John Q. Public</td>
+ # <td class="post-publish_date">21 days</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">-</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">-</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # </tbody>
+ # <tfoot>
+ # <tr>
+ # <td class="post-num_comments">0</td>
+ # <td class="post-num_trackbacks">0</td>
+ # </tr>
+ # </tfoot>
+ # <table>
+ def collection_table(collection, klass = nil, html_options = {}, &block)
+, klass, html_options, &block).html
ActionController::Base.class_eval do
helper TableHelper