lib/symmetric_encryption/symmetric_encryption.rb in symmetric-encryption-3.6.0 vs lib/symmetric_encryption/symmetric_encryption.rb in symmetric-encryption-3.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -36,20 +36,20 @@
# key: '1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF',
# iv: '1234567890ABCDEF',
# cipher: 'aes-128-cbc'
# )
def self.cipher=(cipher)
- raise "Cipher must be similar to SymmetricEncryption::Ciphers" unless cipher.nil? || (cipher.respond_to?(:encrypt) && cipher.respond_to?(:decrypt))
+ raise(ArgumentError, 'Cipher must respond to :encrypt and :decrypt') unless cipher.nil? || (cipher.respond_to?(:encrypt) && cipher.respond_to?(:decrypt))
@@cipher = cipher
# Returns the Primary Symmetric Cipher being used
# If a version is supplied
# Returns the primary cipher if no match was found and version == 0
# Returns nil if no match was found and version != 0
def self.cipher(version = nil)
- raise "Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data" unless @@cipher
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data') unless @@cipher
return @@cipher if version.nil? || (@@cipher.version == version)
secondary_ciphers.find {|c| c.version == version} || (@@cipher if version == 0)
# Returns whether a primary cipher has been set
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
# Set the Secondary Symmetric Ciphers Array to be used
def self.secondary_ciphers=(secondary_ciphers)
- raise "secondary_ciphers must be a collection" unless secondary_ciphers.respond_to? :each
+ raise(ArgumentError, "secondary_ciphers must be a collection") unless secondary_ciphers.respond_to? :each
secondary_ciphers.each do |cipher|
- raise "secondary_ciphers can only consist of SymmetricEncryption::Ciphers" unless cipher.respond_to?(:encrypt) && cipher.respond_to?(:decrypt)
+ raise(ArgumentError, "secondary_ciphers can only consist of SymmetricEncryption::Ciphers") unless cipher.respond_to?(:encrypt) && cipher.respond_to?(:decrypt)
@@secondary_ciphers = secondary_ciphers
# Returns the Primary Symmetric Cipher being used
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
# to decrypt the current string. This is because in a very small
# yet significant number of cases it is possible to decrypt data using
# the incorrect key. Clearly the data returned is garbage, but it still
# successfully returns a string of data
def self.decrypt(encrypted_and_encoded_string, version=nil, type=:string)
- raise "Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data" unless @@cipher
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data') unless @@cipher
return encrypted_and_encoded_string if encrypted_and_encoded_string.nil? || (encrypted_and_encoded_string == '')
str = encrypted_and_encoded_string.to_s
# Decode before decrypting supplied string
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@
# non-string values to string values.
# Note: If type is set to something other than :string, it's expected that
# the coercible gem is available in the path.
# Default: :string
def self.encrypt(str, random_iv=false, compress=false, type=:string)
- raise "Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data" unless @@cipher
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data') unless @@cipher
# Encrypt and then encode the supplied string
@@cipher.encrypt(coerce_to_string(str, type), random_iv, compress)
@@ -192,14 +192,14 @@
# YAML config files that contain encrypted development and production passwords
# WARNING: It is possible to decrypt data using the wrong key, so the value
# returned should not be relied upon
def self.try_decrypt(str)
- raise "Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data" unless @@cipher
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data') unless @@cipher
- rescue OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError
+ rescue OpenSSL::Cipher::CipherError, SymmetricEncryption::CipherError
# Returns [true|false] as to whether the data could be decrypted
@@ -208,11 +208,11 @@
# WARNING: This method can only be relied upon if the encrypted data includes the
# symmetric encryption header. In some cases data decrypted using the
# wrong key will decrypt and return garbage
def self.encrypted?(encrypted_data)
- raise "Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data" unless @@cipher
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, 'Call SymmetricEncryption.load! or SymmetricEncryption.cipher= prior to encrypting or decrypting data') unless @@cipher
# For now have to decrypt it fully
result = try_decrypt(encrypted_data)
!(result.nil? || result == '')
@@ -274,11 +274,11 @@
config_filename = filename || File.join(Rails.root, "config", "symmetric-encryption.yml")
config = YAML.load([environment || Rails.env]
# RSA key to decrypt key files
private_rsa_key = config.delete('private_rsa_key')
- raise "The configuration file must contain a 'private_rsa_key' parameter to generate symmetric keys" unless private_rsa_key
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "The configuration file must contain a 'private_rsa_key' parameter to generate symmetric keys") unless private_rsa_key
rsa_key =
# Check if config file contains 1 or multiple ciphers
ciphers = config.delete('ciphers')
cfg = ciphers.nil? ? config : ciphers.first
@@ -409,11 +409,11 @@
# To decrypt encrypted key or iv files
rsa = if private_rsa_key
# Load Encrypted Symmetric keys
if key_filename = config.delete(:key_filename)
- raise "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :key_filename is supplied" unless rsa
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :key_filename is supplied") unless rsa
encrypted_key = begin, 'rb'){|f|}
rescue Errno::ENOENT
puts "\nSymmetric Encryption key file: '#{key_filename}' not found or readable."
puts "To generate the keys for the first time run: rails generate symmetric_encryption:new_keys\n\n"
@@ -421,11 +421,11 @@
config[:key] = rsa.private_decrypt(encrypted_key)
if iv_filename = config.delete(:iv_filename)
- raise "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :iv_filename is supplied" unless rsa
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :iv_filename is supplied") unless rsa
encrypted_iv = begin, 'rb'){|f|} if iv_filename
rescue Errno::ENOENT
puts "\nSymmetric Encryption initialization vector file: '#{iv_filename}' not found or readable."
puts "To generate the keys for the first time run: rails generate symmetric_encryption:new_keys\n\n"
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@
config[:iv] = rsa.private_decrypt(encrypted_iv)
if encrypted_key = config.delete(:encrypted_key)
- raise "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :encrypted_key is supplied" unless rsa
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :encrypted_key is supplied") unless rsa
# Decode value first using encoding specified
encrypted_key = ::Base64.decode64(encrypted_key)
if !encrypted_key || encrypted_key.empty?
puts "\nSymmetric Encryption encrypted_key not found."
puts "To generate the keys for the first time run: rails generate symmetric_encryption:new_keys\n\n"
@@ -445,10 +445,10 @@
config[:key] = rsa.private_decrypt(encrypted_key)
if encrypted_iv = config.delete(:encrypted_iv)
- raise "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :encrypted_iv is supplied" unless rsa
+ raise(SymmetricEncryption::ConfigError, "Missing mandatory config parameter :private_rsa_key when :encrypted_iv is supplied") unless rsa
# Decode value first using encoding specified
encrypted_iv = ::Base64.decode64(encrypted_iv)
if !encrypted_key || encrypted_key.empty?
puts "\nSymmetric Encryption encrypted_iv not found."
puts "To generate the keys for the first time run: rails generate symmetric_encryption:new_keys\n\n"