lib/symmetric_encryption/mongoid.rb in symmetric-encryption-3.2 vs lib/symmetric_encryption/mongoid.rb in symmetric-encryption-3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -15,12 +15,19 @@
# class Person
# include Mongoid::Document
# field :name, :type => String
# field :encrypted_social_security_number, :type => String, :encrypted => true
-# field :age, :type => Integer
+# field :date_of_birth, :type => Date
# field :encrypted_life_history, :type => String, :encrypted => {:compress => true, :random_iv => true}
+# # Encrypted fields are _always_ stored in Mongo as a String
+# # To get the result back as an Integer, Symmetric Encryption can do the
+# # necessary conversions by specifying the internal type as an option
+# # to :encrypted
+# # #see SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES for full list of types
+# field :encrypted_age, :type => String, :encrypted => {:type => :integer, :random_iv => true}
# end
# The above document results in the following document in the Mongo collection 'persons':
# {
# "name" : "Joe",
@@ -65,14 +72,18 @@
# @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the field.
# @param [ Hash ] options The options to pass to the field.
# @option options [ Boolean | Hash ] :encrypted If the field contains encrypted data.
-# @option options [ Symbol ] :decrypt_as Name of the getters and setters to generate to access the decrypted value of this field.
-# @option options [ Boolean ] :compress Whether to compress this encrypted field
-# @option options [ Boolean ] :random_iv Whether the encrypted value should use a random IV every time the field is encrypted.
+# When :encrypted is a Hash it consists of:
+# @option options [ Symbol ] :type The type for this field, #see SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES
+# @option options [ Boolean ] :random_iv Whether the encrypted value should use a random IV every time the field is encrypted.
+# @option options [ Boolean ] :compress Whether to compress this encrypted field
+# @option options [ Symbol ] :decrypt_as Name of the getters and setters to generate to access the decrypted value of this field.
+# Some of the other regular Mongoid options:
# @option options [ Class ] :type The type of the field.
# @option options [ String ] :label The label for the field.
# @option options [ Object, Proc ] :default The fields default
# @return [ Field ] The generated field
@@ -88,26 +99,37 @@
raise "SymmetricEncryption for Mongoid. Encryption enabled for field #{encrypted_field_name}. It must either start with 'encrypted_' or the option :decrypt_as must be supplied"
random_iv = options.delete(:random_iv) || false
compress = options.delete(:compress) || false
+ type = options.delete(:type) || :string
+ raise "Invalid type: #{type.inspect}. Valid types: #{SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES.inspect}" unless SymmetricEncryption::COERCION_TYPES.include?(type)
+ options.each {|option| warn "Ignoring unknown option #{option.inspect} supplied to Mongoid :encrypted for #{model}##{field}"}
+ if model.const_defined?(:EncryptedAttributes, _search_ancestors = false)
+ mod = model.const_get(:EncryptedAttributes)
+ else
+ mod = model.const_set(:EncryptedAttributes,
+ model.send(:include, mod)
+ end
# Generate getter and setter methods
- model.class_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
+ mod.module_eval(<<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
# Set the un-encrypted field
# Also updates the encrypted field with the encrypted value
# Freeze the decrypted field value so that it is not modified directly
def #{decrypted_field_name}=(value)
- self.#{encrypted_field_name} = @stored_#{encrypted_field_name} = ::SymmetricEncryption.encrypt(value,#{random_iv},#{compress})
+ self.#{encrypted_field_name} = @stored_#{encrypted_field_name} = ::SymmetricEncryption.encrypt(value,#{random_iv},#{compress},:#{type})
@#{decrypted_field_name} = value.freeze
# Returns the decrypted value for the encrypted field
# The decrypted value is cached and is only decrypted if the encrypted value has changed
# If this method is not called, then the encrypted value is never decrypted
def #{decrypted_field_name}
if @stored_#{encrypted_field_name} != self.#{encrypted_field_name}
- @#{decrypted_field_name} = ::SymmetricEncryption.decrypt(self.#{encrypted_field_name}).freeze
+ @#{decrypted_field_name} = ::SymmetricEncryption.decrypt(self.#{encrypted_field_name},version=nil,:#{type}).freeze
@stored_#{encrypted_field_name} = self.#{encrypted_field_name}