in symbolize-4.4.1 vs in symbolize-4.5.0

- old
+ new

@@ -141,21 +141,24 @@ xfce: XFCE4 gender: female: Girl male: Boy +In some cases, if automatic lookup failes, you may want to try to translate it manully + user.get_gender_text # here gender is symbolized field + You can skip i18n lookup with :i18n => false symbolize :style, :in => [:rock, :punk, :funk, :jazz], :i18n => false Scopes ------ With the ':scopes => true' option, you may filter/read/write easily: - ... # => User.where({ :gender => :female }) + User.gender(:female).each ... # => User.where({ :gender => :female }) Now, if you provide the ':scopes => :shallow' option, fancy named scopes will be added to the class directly. In our User example, gender has male/female options, so you can do: