lib/symbiont/enclosers.rb in symbiont-0.1.0 vs lib/symbiont/enclosers.rb in symbiont-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -20,7 +20,24 @@
encloser = [] if encloser.nil?
encloser << locator
+ # Provides a context for an action that must succeed within a given time period.
+ # The logic here is simply that the result of the action will be true (meaning
+ # the action was carried out) or false, which means the action did not succeed
+ # in the time allotted.
+ #
+ # @param [Integer] timeout the amount of time in seconds to wait
+ # @param [String] message the text to return if the action did not occur in time
+ # @param [Proc] block the code that calls the desired action
+ #
+ # @example
+ # @page.wait_for(5, 'page with expected title not found') do
+ # @page.title.should == "Test App"
+ # end
+ def wait_for(timeout=10, message=nil, &block)
+ @platform.wait_for(timeout, message, &block)
+ end
end # module: Enclosers
end # module: Symbiont