bin/sym.completion in sym-2.7.0 vs bin/sym.completion in sym-2.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Sym command line completion
+# Sym Command Line completion and other utilities
+# © 2015-2018, Konstantin Gredeskoul,
-# © 2015-2016, Konstantin Gredeskoul,
+( [[ -n $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT && $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT =~ :file$ ]] || \
+ [[ -n $BASH_VERSION && $0 != "$BASH_SOURCE" ]]) && _s_=1 || _s_=0
+bash_version=$(/usr/bin/env bash --version | awk '{FS="version"}{print $4}')
+if [[ "${bash_version}" -lt 4 ]]; then
+ echo "Sym BASH helpers are incompatible with BASH version 3 or older."
+ echo "Please upgrade your BASH to version 4+ released in 2009. Srsly."
+ (( $_s_ )) && return 1
+ (( $_s_ )) || exit 1
declare -a bash_completion_locations=(/usr/local/etc/bash_completion /usr/etc/bash_completion /etc/bash_completion)
for file in ${bash_completion_locations[@]}; do
[[ -s $file ]] && {
source $file
@@ -61,9 +76,56 @@
return 0
} && complete -F _sym $nospace $filenames sym
+sym-encrypt() {
+ local key=$1
+ local from=$2
+ local to=$3
+ local args=
+ [[ -n $key ]] && args="${args} -ck ${key}"
+ if [[ -n $to ]]; then
+ args="${args} -o ${to}"
+ [[ -n $from ]] && args="${args} -f ${from}"
+ else
+ [[ -n $from ]] && args="${args} -n ${from}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $args ]]; then
+ echo "usage: sym-encrypt key file [ outfile ]"
+ else
+ sym -e ${args}
+ fi
+sym-decrypt() {
+ local key=$1
+ local from=$2
+ local to=$3
+ local args=
+ [[ -n $key ]] && args="${args} -ck ${key}"
+ if [[ -n $to ]]; then
+ args="${args} -o ${to}"
+ [[ -n $from ]] && args="${args} -f ${from}"
+ else
+ [[ -n $from ]] && args="${args} -n ${from}"
+ fi
+ if [[ -z $args ]]; then
+ echo "usage: sym-decrypt key file [ outfile ]"
+ else
+ sym -d ${args}
+ fi
+alias syme="sym-encrypt"
+alias symd="sym-decrypt"
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# sh-basic-offset: 4
# sh-indent-comment: t