lib/sxmrb.rb in sxmrb-0.1.0 vs lib/sxmrb.rb in sxmrb-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -3,38 +3,114 @@
require_relative 'sxmrb/version'
require 'shell'
require 'shellwords'
+require 'singleton'
+require 'forwardable'
# SXMO user scripts in ruby.
-module Sxmrb
- class <<self
- class Error < StandardError; end
+class Sxmrb
+ include Singleton
- def sh(...)
- (@_sh ||=
- rescue StandardError => e
- raise Error, e
- end
+ # Normally when using Singleton there is no way to pass arguments
+ # when instantiating. The renew hack below allows the singleton
+ # instance to be re-instantiated and can pass arguments at that time;
+ # this was added as an experiment to assist with testing.
+ def initialize(shell: # :nodoc:
+ @_sh = shell
+ end
- def menu(prompt: nil)
- sh { |cmd|
- cmd << 'vis-menu -i -l 18'
- else
- cmd << 'dmenu -c -i -l 18'
- sh ' open'
- end
+ # Run a system shell command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # sh('ls -tr').to_s.lines.last
+ def sh(...)
+ @_sh.system(...)
+ rescue ::StandardError => e
+ raise Error, e
+ end
- cmd << " -p #{prompt.inspect}" if prompt
- }
- end
+ # Display a menu using dmenu [X11] or vis-menu [ssh].
+ # A newline-separated list of items is read from standard input.
+ # The selected item is printed to standard output.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # file = (sh('ls') | menu(prompt: 'File?')).to_s.chomp
+ def menu(prompt: nil)
+ sh { |cmd|
+ cmd << 'vis-menu -i -l 18'
+ else
+ cmd << 'dmenu -c -i -l 18'
+ sh ' open'
+ end
- def echo(arg = '')
- sh("echo #{Shellwords.escape arg.chomp}")
- end
+ cmd << " -p #{prompt.inspect}" if prompt
+ }
+ end
- def input(prompt:)
- (echo | menu(prompt: prompt)).to_s.chomp
+ # Run the awk command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # print(sh('ls -l') | awk('{print $1}').to_s)
+ def awk(arg = '')
+ sh("awk -e #{Shellwords.escape arg.chomp}")
+ end
+ # Run the cat command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # print cat('/etc/passwd').to_s
+ def cat(arg = '')
+ sh("cat #{arg.chomp}")
+ end
+ # Run the column command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # print(sh('ls -l') | column('-t').to_s)
+ def column(arg = '')
+ sh("column #{arg.chomp}")
+ end
+ # Run the shell echo command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # print echo('Hello World').to_s
+ def echo(arg = '')
+ sh("echo #{Shellwords.escape arg.chomp}")
+ end
+ # Run the tac command.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # print tac('/etc/passwd').to_s
+ def tac(arg = '')
+ sh("tac #{arg.chomp}")
+ end
+ # Use a blank #menu to prompt for a value.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # value = input(prompt: 'Amount?').to_i
+ def input(prompt:)
+ (echo | menu(prompt: prompt)).to_s.chomp
+ end
+ class <<self
+ # This evil hack experiment is intended to allow swapping out the
+ # Shell instance when testing.
+ def renew_instance(...) # :nodoc:
+ @singleton__mutex__.synchronize {
+ @singleton__instance__ = new(...)
+ }
+ # Forward instance methods to the Singleton instance; false here
+ # excludes ancestor methods.
+ extend Forwardable
+ def_delegators :instance, *Sxmrb.instance_methods(false)
+ class Error < ::StandardError; end